• It's an investment that will take the long overdue step of computerizing America's medical records, to reduce the duplication and waste that costs billions of health care dollars and the medical errors that every year cost thousands of lives.

    CNN: Obama's remarks on signing the stimulus plan

  • There are four U.S. disaster medical assistance teams on the ground and 265 employees from the department of Health and Human Services assisting with medical care, the State Department said.

    CNN: Haiti aid efforts hindered in critical hours

  • The September issue of the noted health policy journal profiles medical care providers working with the Medicare program and health insurance companies like Wellpoint (WLP) and Aetna (AET) to provide doctors with payment incentives to get their patients more coordinated medical care.

    FORBES: Costly Fee-For-Service Medicine Dealt Blow In Health Affairs

  • Advocates note that the same advances in medical science and health care that have been lengthening the lives of the retired would also permit them to keep working for more years.

    CNN: A Debt-Threatened Dream

  • Ergo, according to the most basic law of economics, the cost of medical care will rise (how much being based on the relative elasticity of medical care) and the cost of health insurance will rise accordingly.

    FORBES: Beware The Great Health Insurance Scam Of 2014

  • When vets arrive -- through referral by the Veterans Administration, which largely funds the program -- they receive meals, housing, clothing, counseling and transportation to the VA hospital for additional medical and mental health care.

    CNN: Former addict gives homeless veterans a second chance

  • "After receiving a briefing from the medical team, the national officials are satisfied that President Mandela is in good health and is receiving the very best medical care, " the ANC said in a statement.

    BBC: Nelson Mandela 'in good spirits' say visiting ANC leaders

  • What can our government do to help limit the damage from this great and inevitable problem of health care expenditures and increasing need for medical care, given the almost unspeakable reality that if left unchanged, Medicare expenditures will soon crowd out all other federal government budget items in the decades to come?

    FORBES: Let's Be Honest - Medicare is Insolvent And Doctors Soon Won't Accept It

  • It incorporates the best ideas from Democrats and Republicans --- including some of the ideas that Republicans offered during the health care summit, like funding state grants on medical malpractice reform, and curbing waste and fraud and abuse in the health care system.

    WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward on Health Care Reform

  • The leaders of the health care industry and the medical profession, not to mention the political establishment, have a single, all-purpose response they fall back on whenever somebody suggests that the United States might usefully study foreign health care systems: "But it's socialized medicine!"

    NPR: Excerpt: 'The Healing Of America'

  • In particular, the tax was heavily criticized from the medical industry for potentially driving up the cost of health care and possibly sending even more jobs overseas.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • The American Medical Association and other physician groups arguing for the increase say health-care needs have changed markedly since 1997.

    WSJ: Squeeze Looms for Doctors

  • Nazif Chowdhury, another CMC official, said inmates are cared for just as any other medical patients would be, but the care can be complicated by untreated medical and mental health problems often brought to the facility.

    WSJ: Pa. service company probed over NY inmate deaths

  • If there is one overriding legacy of the Roe decision, it may be that it opened and expanded the debate on the rights of women, sexuality, health care, and medical decisions.

    CNN: Four decades after Roe: A legacy of law and morality

  • There would be subsidies for those who have financial difficulty getting private coverage--we could pay for it by redirecting regular tax expenditures, gaining administrative savings through one-stop enrollment for clients, electronic transfers of medical records and improvements in the health care information technology spectrum, and ending unneeded hospital emergency room visits.

    FORBES: Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.

  • One of the most commonly cited areas of nanotechnology improvements is medicine, a broad area that encompasses the development of new medical equipment and appliances as well as the delivery of more effective, targeted health care.

    FORBES: Blue Chips Stack Up On Nanotechnology

  • Other measures include changes to opening hours in the region's minor injuries units and the closure of some beds in community hospital and reviews of expensive medical treatments and mental health care.

    BBC: North Yorkshire and York NHS Trust faces ?10m budget cuts

  • Today, President Obama told the American Medical Association that the health care system costs too much, includes too few people and is unsustainable without major changes.

    NPR: Doctors Say Current System Impedes Medical Care

  • The only way to ensure adequate health care at reasonable prices is to allow medical care and health insurance to be provided by free markets, the same way other necessities of life have been provided cheap and in plenty since the beginning of the republic, be it food, shelter, clothing or transportation.

    FORBES: The Grand Old Party Is The Fixing-The-Unfixable Party

  • We have to start believing that patients should have access to their medical records and be full participants in the health care process.

    FORBES: Health, Technology and the Forgotten Stepchild of Innovation

  • In effect, this meant improving on an insurance company's actuaries guesses at what people might spend on health care by superimposing the medical professionals and protocols that could control it.

    ECONOMIST: American insurance

  • The good news is that the drug industry was right to bargain with Obama over the shape of health care reform (the medical device industry is suffering for not having done so) and that, in many ways, things are looking up, toward what could be one of the better runs of pharmaceutical innovation in years.

    FORBES: A Note to The Pharmaceutical Industry Upon The Re-Election Of Barack Obama

  • With an estimated 43 million Americans lacking health insurance and a medical care system that eats up ever-larger percentage of the gross domestic product, health care remains an intractable issue.

    CNN: AllPolitics - The Real State Of The Union - Health Care

  • The results are "disappointing, " said Emily Oken, a professor of population medicine at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, who wrote an editorial to accompany the paper but wasn't involved in the study.

    WSJ: Fish Oil Provides Little Benefit for Pregnant Women

  • That's the type of change in positive health outcomes that will benefit, greatly benefit, consumers of medical care, and make the system cheaper for everybody.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Recent actions taken by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have only exacerbated the concern that, in a world of tight budgets where the government pulls most of the strings in the health care system, patients will be denied access to the newest drugs, technology and medical therapies.

    FORBES: The Government Is Dragging Its Feet on New Vaccines

  • And the president should repeal Obamacare and support free-market solutions, like medical malpractice reform and allowing all Americans to buy any health care policy they like anywhere in the United States.

    CNN: Transcript: Bachmann's response to State of the Union

  • And it slows the growth of Medicare costs by strengthening an independent commission -- a commission not made up of bureaucrats from government or insurance companies, but doctors and nurses and medical experts and consumers, who will look at all the evidence and recommend the best way to reduce unnecessary health care spending while protecting access to the care that the seniors need.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon

  • But patients need objective information if they are to take charge of their medical destinies and, incidentally, improve the country's health care with it.

    ECONOMIST: Doctor, am I going to die? And other important questions

  • The health care reform law enacted in March was a boon for health insurers, pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers (they'll get 32 million new customers).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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