• Apart from that, we have these big bodies set up called the International Money Tree Fund and the World Bank out of Washington.

    NPR: Global Summit Takes On Economic Turmoil

  • President Cristina Fernandez's predecessor, her husband Nestor Kirchner, restructured most of the debt, and repaid money borrowed from the International Monetary Fund.

    BBC: Argentina achieves new debt swap

  • Within the hour it was announced that Italy, having refused money from the International Monetary Fund, had accepted IMF "surveillance" of its public finances.

    BBC: The Sarko smackdown!

  • Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus are all turning to the International Monetary Fund to raise money.

    NPR: Recession Fears Frighten Wall Street Investors

  • In the hope of restoring Asia's appetite, corn growers and other farmers are calling on Congress to provide more money for the International Monetary Fund.

    ECONOMIST: Farm prices

  • "Consumers who believe that buying counterfeits is socially acceptable should consider whether they condone the use of their hard earned money to fund child labor, the international sex trade, human trafficking and other heinous illegal activity, " he told CNN.

    CNN: Counterfeiters zoom in on fake Ferraris

  • The European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund have been pumping money into Greece to keep the country in the euro, but they have demanded that the Greek government slash spending to get the funds.

    CNN: Greece to hold new elections after stalemate

  • The European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund have been pumping money into Greece to keep the country in the euro and able to pay its debts, but they have demanded that the Greek government slash spending to get the funds.


  • One of the things we have to do is at least pay our dues to the institutions, like the International Monetary Fund, that can put money into these countries that are reforming.

    CNN: Transcript: Clinton's remarks at Orlando fund-raiser

  • And he said Congress could help international exports - and farmers - by authorizing money to pay U.S. dues to the International Monetary Fund.

    CNN: Clinton

  • The remainder of the money was to have come from a range of sources including the International Fund for Ireland, the Millennium Commission as well as private finance.

    BBC: Springvale campus under threat

  • But that money is being directed to the International Monetary Fund to help developing countries, not pumped into the large economies to stimulate growth as U.S. officials had hoped.

    CNN: Ed Henry: Obama in Europe -- Barack and a brandy

  • He also lost on money for the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund because of the opposition of anti-abortion lawmakers.

    CNN: By Craig Staats/AllPolitics

  • For what it's worth, eurozone finance ministers are also muttering about finding additional resources for bailouts, by having their respective national central banks lend to the International Monetary Fund, which would then lend the money back to any eurozone country that was unable to borrow in the conventional way.

    BBC: Cheer up: It could be much worse

  • In December, Kenya hosted a delegation from the International Monetary Fund in hopes of wooing back much-needed aid money.

    CNN: Kenyans, independent, still seek some freedoms

  • It is possible that the government will have to ask Parliament for more money for an International Monetary Fund (IMF) package to help euro-zone countries.

    ECONOMIST: The coalition and Europe

  • Expectations are that these countries will likely provide help through the International Monetary Fund, of which they are all members and have money to lend in the form of IMF Special Drawing Rights.

    FORBES: Don't Worry Europe, Help Is On The Way!

  • Passing more measures -- essential if Greece is to continue receiving money under a bailout deal from the European Union and International Monetary Fund -- is likely to be more difficult in a strongly fragmented parliament, especially as many of the smaller parties that are likely to enter the legislature oppose the bailout.

    CNN: Greek prime minister calls snap election

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has repeatedly denied that any of the money it lent to Moscow in 1998 was misappropriated by the Russians.

    CNN: Ex-Russian prime minister wants apology from Bush

  • Dr Cleaveland believes the disease can be brought under control if governments and international agencies make money available to fund vaccination programmes.

    BBC: Money 'would eradicate rabies'

  • In addition, Capitol Hill should deny the International Monetary Fund -- the Typhoid Mary of the modern economy -- more money.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The Irish government's plan to raise the money is part of its agreement with its funders in Europe and the International Monetary Fund.

    BBC: Irish government's 3bn euros sale

  • Amazingly, the International Monetary Fund, whose malpractice has devastated much of the world, got more money out of the U.S. Where are those trial lawyers when you really need them?

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

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