• The grandiose Barack Obama was the personification of that attitude, if not a caricature of it.

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today

  • Forget the grandiose paper plans projecting long-run spending reductions from changes to entitlement programs.

    FORBES: In Passing The Most Recent Budget, Congress And The President Lied

  • According to founding partner Lyndon Neri, the South Bund provides a much-needed alternative to the grandiose environs of the old Bund.

    BBC: The regeneration of Shanghai��s Bund

  • Still, some students are upset they will miss out on the grandiose day.

    CNN: Students can't be part of main graduation because of Mexico trip

  • The grandiose experiment in the Gulf could be enough to flatten it entirely.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Left to himself, Mr Smith would have cancelled the grandiose Millennium Exhibition at Greenwich bequeathed him by the Tories.

    ECONOMIST: Chris Smith��s class act

  • Throughout his presidency, he lived an ascetic life in a modest villa, only visiting the grandiose presidential palace for official functions.

    ECONOMIST: Hafez Assad

  • They will continue issuing the grandiose National Policy Statements, but would subject each one to a review by Parliament: vital, they say, to protect democratic oversight.

    ECONOMIST: The planning takeover

  • For all the grandiose promises made in this campaign, has any candidate spoken honestly to the American people about the government's role and failings about individual responsibilities?

    CNN: McCain's October 11, 2007, speech on health care

  • Mr Nourbakhsh claims that the money will be spent neither on pre-election handouts nor on the grandiose industrial projects that have been a weakness of some previous governments.

    ECONOMIST: Iran��s oil revenue

  • The grandiose property features a Champagne and caviar lounge with live entertainment, a spa and marble hammam and restored ballrooms once frequented by Elizabeth Taylor, the Beatles and Oscar Wilde.

    CNN: 7 hot new London hotels

  • There is a propensity within officials toward the grandiose.

    FORBES: Everything Economics Turns On A Trifle

  • Meaning: Keep the cash machine going and rein in the grandiose visions of the investment banking side that seem to get Merrill into peril every seven years or so (see time line below).

    FORBES: No Thain, No Gain

  • He is stuck, however, with the grandiose requirements of the Potter franchise, which deems that every installment should rise to a final joust between good and evil, whether we like it or not.

    NEWYORKER: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  • Sandwiched on the Strip between two Steve Wynn-built casinos, the Mirage and Bellagio, Caesars Palace somehow lacks the grandiose aura it deserves for having singlehandedly invented the high-roller market in Las Vegas when it opened 36 years ago.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As the state sunk into an ever deeper fiscal crisis, he continued to expend his energy on the grandiose and beyond the point: establishing a Californian policy for combating climate change, boosting an unaffordable High-Speed Rail system, and even eliminating plastic bags.

    FORBES: Hasta La Vista, Failure

  • At other times, it reads as the grandiose doctrine of a man who believes he is a revolutionary and the last hope to save what he deems to be a police department so corrupt that murder was the sole way to stop the rot.


  • There also are outposts in Russia, Turkey, and Israel, where Tel Aviv was dubbed the White City for its 4, 000 Bauhaus buildings. (One owned by Ronald Lauder opened as a Bauhaus museum in 2008.) The vast gulf between Tel Aviv's modest white homes and the grandiose glass Seagram tower bears witness to the staggering mix of Bauhaus influences.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • So, while I would certainly acknowledge that it is still very early in the story and we will, no doubt, learn more in the coming days as to precisely what happened over at the IRS, would it really be such a terrible idea to hold back a bit on the grandiose accusations of White House impropriety until we have the complete story?

    FORBES: No, Virginia, We Are Not Having A Watergate Style Impeachment Moment

  • When Nicholas Negroponte, a tech guru at the celebrated Media Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, launched the initiative in 2005, the vision was grandiose, but the implementation seemed beguilingly simple.

    ECONOMIST: Great idea. Shame about the mediocre computer

  • It merely increases confidence and induces the more grandiose errors that overconfidence can feed.

    FORBES: George Gilder Is On A Ken Fisher Kick

  • The result sounds as grandiose and delicate as the world it describes.

    NPR: Shearwater: Grandiose And Delicate

  • As a glaciologist he was an author of the relevant chapter in the WG-I report, a much more thorough take on the subject which makes no grandiose claims about the Himalaya he found the passage absurd, and alerted the IPCC.

    ECONOMIST: Glaciers and the IPCC

  • He has spent most of his time trying to undo the damage caused by Nasser's grandiose strategy for turning the automaker into an Internet-oriented consumer company.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Farther down the mountain, at Barisakho, stands a warning to grandiose plans in the forbidding Caucasus terrain.

    ECONOMIST: On the Chechen road, to Georgia

  • What confers an extraordinary value on the Sierra Nevada, in addition to its grandiose landscapes, are the numerous unique and endemic species of flora found in this area.


  • Yet the previous Labour government was reluctant to increase the defence budget in line with its grandiose ambitions and now the coalition government is set to cut it.

    ECONOMIST: Britain's defence review

  • So it is with the citizens' initiative, an idea adopted in the final days of a grandiose convention drawing up what was then called an EU constitution (becoming the Lisbon treaty after many misadventures).

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Another dilemma looms: What to do with Hussein's markings throughout the camp, originally a complex of grandiose palaces and artificial lakes built for the glory of the ex-strongman.

    WSJ: Turf Battle Forms Over Hussein's Palaces

  • Indonesians have known about the empty stadiums and grandiose governors' mansions for a while.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

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