• The French solution was for the banking regulator to step in to try to broker a compromise.

    ECONOMIST: British banking

  • The banking regulator, the finance ministry, the central bank and bank shareholders are howling in protest, and the bankers' federation is even threatening legal action.

    ECONOMIST: Capital taxes | The

  • If the committee of wise men, whose judgment he has endorsed, recommends breaking up banks and the government rejects their conclusion, could he really remain the banking regulator?

    ECONOMIST: Britain's banking supremo

  • The banking regulator announced stricter capital-adequacy requirements in September.

    ECONOMIST: Mexican banks

  • The banking regulator has at last forced the country's banks to acknowledge the shocking extent of their dud loans and is now more independent of its charges than it used to be.

    ECONOMIST: Japan's economy

  • Lloyds has said that following discussions with the banking regulator, the Prudential Regulation Authority, it does not need to sell new shares to boost its capital resources and enhance its ability to absorb future losses.

    BBC: Lloyds and RBS 'won't be further nationalised'

  • The common banking regulator for the 27 EU states is currently the European Banking Authority (EBA).

    ECONOMIST: Plans for common supervision could easily turn messy

  • The Swiss banking regulator, Finma, has told the BBC it is in contact with Bank Sarasin about the claims - but it has not launched an investigation.

    BBC: Business

  • The Chinese banking regulator estimated that segment of public finance has grown at a clip of 25% year over year.

    FORBES: China Debt Manageable, Ex Fin Min Says

  • The single banking regulator might require a treaty change, which would be difficult when ten EU countries, including Britain, are not members of the euro.

    ECONOMIST: The future of the European Union

  • Before President Barack Obama nominated Mr. Curry as comptroller, he served two stints as the top Massachusetts banking regulator, and took pro-consumer positions as a director at the FDIC.

    WSJ: Comptroller Got Rude Introduction to Job

  • The January 1, 2013 deadline for implementation would coincide with the EU need for a single banking regulator per the tenets of the European Union (EU) fiscal compact.

    FORBES: Basel Barriers: How capital requirements would impede progress in the sovereign debt crisis

  • In 2010, the nation's banking regulator began pressing them to publicly disclose the information.

    WSJ: Foreign Banks in China Rev Profit Engines

  • This fear among investors has been increased as it has become clear in the last few days that European banks would be forced to raise significantly less than the 200bn euros in aggregate that the European Banking Authority, the overarching EU regulator, originally estimated that European banks need.

    BBC: Eurozone banks to raise more than 100bn euros

  • Its shunting of capital from the bank to the insurance company is not, both the bank and its regulator, the Federal Banking Commission, insist, designed to take advantage of a laxer insurance regime.

    ECONOMIST: Credit Suisse and Winterthur

  • Meanwhile, Asian markets slumped, highlighted by a 2.8% tumble in China's Shanghai Composite after the country's banking regulator unveiled new controls on popular wealth-management products.

    WSJ: S&P 500 Breaks Record

  • HSBC, the biggest banking group in the territory, whose main regulator is the monetary authority itself.

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong

  • Xiang Junbo, the former boss of the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), another government-run banking goliath, is the new insurance regulator.

    ECONOMIST: China��s financial regulators: All change | The

  • Just last week voters were reminded again just how brazenly his White House has mixed fund raising with policymaking: documents released by the Administration on Friday show that the party organized a coffee at the White House that brought together its own top fund raisers with banking CEOS and a senior banking regulator, Eugene Ludwig, the Comptroller of the Currency.

    CNN: AllPolitics - TIME This Week

  • The previous day Liu Mingkang, China's chief banking regulator, blasted Washington for its low interest rates and for the falling dollar, which, he claimed, was encouraging a dollar carry trade and global asset-price bubbles.

    ECONOMIST: Why China resists foreign demands to revalue its currency

  • This month a Shanghai banking regulator disclosed that the Ministry of Finance is drafting rules to control the financing subsidiaries of local governments.


  • This banking regulator allowed half the community banks in our country to lend too much money for Construction and Development loans and other commercial Real Estate loans.

    FORBES: What Caused The Financial Crisis?

  • Andrew Bailey, a director of the Bank of England who will soon become the City's top regulator, has said that free banking is dangerous and needs to be reformed by the government.

    BBC: Free banking 'a dangerous myth'

  • Meanwhile, his gambit may serve only to put more pressure on others named by the Banking Commission, and on the new regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, to respond to the calls for individuals to take responsibility.

    BBC: Dishonours system for entitled bankers

  • He identified it as a major problem for banking competition and innovation in the banking industry - and proposed a new independent regulator.

    BBC: UK banking reforms: What's new?

  • The China Banking Regulatory Commission, China's bank regulator known as CBRC, couldn't be reached to comment.

    WSJ: China's Lending Spills Over Limits

  • On top of Mr Flaherty's measures, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada's banking regulator, slapped a loan-to-value limit of 65% on borrowing against home equity.

    ECONOMIST: The latest attempt to prick a bubble

  • The obvious regulator in that case would be the European Banking Authority (EBA), which currently writes rules but does little actual supervision.

    ECONOMIST: The euro crisis

  • China's banking regulator has ordered banks to stick to the rules on mortgages and make sure lending goes into the real economy, not shares.

    ECONOMIST: Asia's economies: From slump to jump | The

  • Britain may find itself being ordered by a European banking regulator to inject yet more capital into the bank, despite its negligible exposure to Greece and other peripheral countries, because of stress tests designed to shore up the financial system in the euro-zone.

    ECONOMIST: Recapitalising Europe��s banks: Cushion calculations | The

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