• Where the arsonists were more successful, such as Tottenham, in north London, scars remain.

    ECONOMIST: A year after the riots

  • In fact, all the conservative Republicans, from Newt Gingrich to Pete Wilson, who have sought political advantage by exploiting white resentment should come and stand in the charred ruins of the New Liberty Baptist Church in Tyler, a tiny hamlet 10 miles east of Selma, and wonder if their coded phrases encouraged the arsonists.

    CNN: Playing with Fire

  • I. considered the perpetrators eco-terrorists, and the film convincingly debates the use of that term, making a case for considering the group arsonists instead (which would spare them imprisonment in harsher facilities).

    NEWYORKER: If a Tree Falls

  • It is just metres from the Croydon furniture store which was burned to the ground by arsonists.

    BBC: London 2012: Beach volleyball plays on amid riots

  • In Leeds, arsonists targeted the carnival centre in Sheepscar at about 00:30 BST.

    BBC: Disorder in West Yorkshire: six people arrested

  • Not every young adult has the talent and discipline of Jessica Ennis or Mo Farah, but nor are they epitomised by the wild looters and arsonists who roamed city streets last summer.

    BBC: From Broken Britain to Team GB

  • As firefighting crews battled the blazes, authorities blamed arsonists for starting some, and even relighting others that had been brought under control.

    ECONOMIST: The worst wildfires on record give Australia a week in hell

  • Since I'm frankly at a loss to comprehend why anybody would defile the countryside I, perhaps unfairly, put the perpetrators in the same antisocial category as arsonists and murderers I decided to call Wesley Schultz, a professor of psychology at California State University at San Marcos, for added perspective.

    WSJ: Recycled Emotions

  • In addition, arsonists were caught on CCTV pouring petrol through the front door of his house in August 2009 before setting it alight.

    BBC: Alton arson attack 'part of vendetta'

  • Prosecutors have shied away from the army's offences and instead chased up red-shirted arsonists.

    ECONOMIST: Thailand��s new government

  • In the past week at least 20 grass and gorse fires have been tackled, with some being blamed on arsonists.

    BBC: Cumbria locator

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