• Aside from having a higher debt-to-equity ratio than Hyundai, it was particularly dependent on short-term debts.

    ECONOMIST: South Korea

  • According to reports from China Business News on Friday, Suntech has about 1 billion-yuan in short-term debts due by the end of the year.

    FORBES: China Solar Giant Suntech Power Gets Rescue Package

  • Asian countries' major short-term debts was one reason for the crisis.


  • The latter ignores short-term debts a reasonable thing to do when debt is readily available, but what about when lenders stop lending, as they did in 2008?

    FORBES: Five Stocks Killing the S&P 500: the Joys, and Profits, of Investing in Debt-Free Companies

  • Common requirements include: purpose of the loan, history of the business, financial statements for three years (existing businesses), schedule of term debts (existing businesses), aging of accounts receivable and payable (existing businesses), projected opening-day balance sheet (new businesses), lease details, amount of investment in the business by the owner(s), projections of income, expenses and cash flow, signed personal financial statements and personal resume(s).

    FORBES: Washington D.C. Needs More Entrepreneurs

  • The U.S. has swapped its relatively long-term expensive debts for short-term ones with a low interest rate.

    FORBES: The Question Warren Buffett Can't Answer

  • But that premium must fall further if Brazil is to be able to honour its debts in the medium term.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil's presidency

  • Yields fell to around 5.5%, lower than the 7% which is considered to be economically unsustainable for a country to repay its debts in the long term.

    BBC: Dow Jones closes above 15,000 as world shares gain

  • To the end of your question, the President of the United States, as you noted, throughout the summer was engaged directly and personally in extensive negotiations with Congress, with the Speaker of the House, on what would have been a broad and balanced and substantial proposal to reduce our deficit and debts over the long term.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • That will run up big debts without generating long-term growth.

    FORBES: The Triumph Of Good Economics: 'Austere' Baltic States Outgrow Their European Neighbors

  • If that fails, then obviously other steps might be looked at in order to address what the President -- again, what the President will discuss in terms of a -- the medium and long term problems that we have with our debts and our deficits.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The true cost to the country is not a few bad debts but a reduction in long-term investment plans as confidence wanes.

    ECONOMIST: Energy in India

  • Most officials barely acknowledge that supply-side reforms, such as an overhaul of training schemes to help combat long-term joblessness, or bigger efforts to reduce household debts, might even be necessary.

    ECONOMIST: A better way

  • If you are one of those who rails against the short-termism and excessive risk-taking of some banks and finance businesses, you might note that a public sector financial institution, the Debt Management Office, has taken a reassuringly long-term approach to managing the UK government's debts - and without its prudence, we might all be in Queer Street or Skid Row by now.

    BBC: Why investors love lending to the UK government

  • And in the short term, regional governments, companies and households are paying down debts.

    BBC: Growth versus austerity

  • But keeping these debts on their books, and so continuing to favour existing long-term but often poor-risk customers, is choking off bank credit to those firms which could actually make good use of it.

    ECONOMIST: Jump-starting Japan | The

  • Currency devaluation largely avoids dealing with the short-term negative consequences of debt deflation in favor of prolonging the period time that the bad debts remain embedded in the system.

    FORBES: The Deleveraging Conundrum

  • The stated intention of this policy is to introduce more inflation as a means to potentially stimulate economic activity, but it also provides a means to pay back the large amassed debts with less valuable paper currency without having to deal with the short-term pain of actual default.

    FORBES: The Deleveraging Conundrum

  • These giant debts triggered the crash of 2008 because creditors refused to roll over short-term loans to banks, and caused the simultaneous recession because banks stopped lending, and have brought about our current economic malaise because our ability to spend and invest is hobbled by the imperative of repaying what we owe.

    BBC: UK's debts 'biggest in the world'

  • It predicts that it would boost the economy in the short term but make America slightly poorer than it would otherwise have been by 2019, because the immense debts incurred would have to be honoured.

    ECONOMIST: The new president is storm-lashed, but still at the helm

  • Moreover, Moscow still finds it difficult to resist the temptation to recruit Third World countries into adopting radical policies which advance the USSR's short-term political objectives -- such as endorsing Cuba's efforts to catalyze the coordinated repudiation of Latin American debts owed the international financial community.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Two of its three main hospitals have PFI debts, and the administrator has said that if services are going to become sustainable in the long-term the government will have to cover some of those costs.

    BBC: Why the fuss when the NHS is in surplus?

  • The problem is Greece cannot compete or trade or produce its way out of this crisis during the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy: you get structural reform, but at the end a country that cannot borrow or pay its debts, only now its debts are bigger.

    BBC: Greece: How do you save an economy from going bust?

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