• Indeed, the company's stock has been punished at times when investments in businesses that have become enormously important to Google -- like Android -- weren't showing results on the bottom line.

    CNN: LinkedIn's IPO is a watershed moment for social media

  • You'll be doing this a lot because the stylus annoyingly can't be used on the capacitive buttons at the bottom of the display.

    ENGADGET: AT&T Galaxy Note review Mobile

  • All things considered, the odd hump on the bottom right edge doesn't seem as dramatic in the reals as it does in press photos, which we'd say is a good thing -- particularly considering the latest talk that we'll see this sucker launch all over the world over the next few months.

    ENGADGET: Motorola MOTOROI demoed on video in very cozy quarters

  • On one end of the floor was a pile of the Huguenots, with Edney on the bottom, unaware the shot didn't count.


  • A. unit purchased Monterrey, Mexico-based Banca Confia, which issues Visa and MasterCard credit cards to Mexicans that can be used in Cuba. (Credit cards issued in the U.S. aren't allowed in Cuba.) The impact on Citigroup's bottom line may be minuscule, but it's a toe in the Cuban door.

    FORBES: Give 'em rope

  • A. unit purchased Monterrey, Mexico-based Banca Confia, which issues to Mexicans Visa and MasterCard credit cards that can be used in Cuba. (Credit cards issued in the U.S. aren't accepted in Cuba.) The impact on Citigroup's bottom line may be minuscule, but it's a toe in the Cuban door.

    FORBES: Castro's props

  • And because they don't intervene on the top side and just the bottom side, you can get an asymmetry and moral hazard.


  • As you might have gathered from the appearance, this one comes in at the bottom end of that range, but it really doesn't slack on the spec sheet -- it's still managing to pack AWS HSDPA, a 3 megapixel camera, WQVGA display, quadband EDGE for world travel, AGPS, and a full HTML browser.

    ENGADGET: Samsung Highlight comes to T-Mobile, we play with it Mobile

  • Speaking of which, the dual-speaker setup on the bottom edge (over by the micro-USB port) isn't nearly as user-friendly.

    ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 review

  • The unit comes with a docking station for connecting to your computer, but there's also a standard USB port on the bottom of the unit in addition to the docking connector, so presumably you don't need to lug the dock around with you to transfer files on the go.

    ENGADGET: Sony Reader details and pics

  • All of this suggests that even though we still haven't hit bottom on this current downturn--and some of the worst may be to come --investors, companies and employees--are already positioning themselves for the next upturn.

    FORBES: A Season For Surprises

  • An expert bridge player, he doesn't share his dad's passion for architecture--though he recognizes its effect on the bottom line.

    FORBES: Second Empire

  • An expert bridge player, he doesn't share his dad's passion for architecture--though he recognizes its impact on the bottom line.

    FORBES: Second Empire

  • That's what they should be focused on. (Applause.) We don't want a race to the bottom.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the Economy and Middle-Class Tax Cuts | The White House

  • "Unless we're prepared to accept that people might hit the bottom and sustain an injury, I don't see the Birdman contest ever being on in Bognor again, " said Mr Jones.

    BBC: Bognor Birdman contest cancelled

  • Since cesium binds to the sediment on the ocean floor, the radiation has likely had the biggest effect on bottom-dwelling fish and other animals though the consequences still aren't clear, said Tatsuo Aono, a specialist at Japan's National Institute of Radiological Sciences.

    WSJ: In Japan, Relief at Radiation's Low Toll

  • On the bottom side, the notebook is sealed in such a way that you can't easily get at the battery, SSD or RAM. (This is pretty typical for Ultrabooks.) That bottom surface is also where you'll find the speaker strip, which is somewhat unusual: laptop speakers are usually located in the keyboard area or around the sides.

    ENGADGET: Acer Aspire S7 review (13-inch): great Ultrabook, a shame about the battery life

  • She later called the remark a "misstatement, " but it was literally a million-dollar mistake: Her Democratic opponent saw his bottom line grow so fast after liberal blogs pounced on the comment that he didn't have time to spend it all before the race ended.

    CNN: Where is Michele Bachmann headed?

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