• This is true even though technologies such as virtualization, deduplication, intelligent storage tiering and more recently software defined storage allow more efficient utilization of storage hardware.

    FORBES: Nothing Comes for Free

  • However even with data center developments such as compression, virtualization and deduplication the costs of on-line storage exceed that of local storage and the performance of on-line storage is significantly less than local storage.

    FORBES: Is 64 GB Big Enough -- Why Tablet Computers May Need More Storage?

  • Reeves said VMware should make more inroads into other areas of virtualization, such as desktop PCs and software applications, and focus less on selling products that are similar to Microsoft's.

    FORBES: Why VMware Dumped Diane Greene

  • But with its new thin client offerings--the first products to come out of its acquisition of hardware firm Neoware last year--HP is hoping to tap into a growing trend sparked by software offerings from companies such as VMware and Microsoft: virtualization.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It is similar to what happened a few years ago when companies such as VMware Inc. began offering virtualization software that made it possible to run more than one program on a single server system.

    WSJ: An Upgrade Race for Data Centers

  • By November, rivals such as Oracle and Microsoft started rolling out virtualization products and publicizing their grand plans around the technology.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Besides big competitors like HP and Sun, smaller software firms such as VMWare and Opsware are pushing their own virtualization visions.

    FORBES: Hardware for Hard Times

  • What followed the virtualization of servers was virtualization of other parts of the infrastructure stack, such as storage and networking.

    FORBES: Why Storage Technology Is Disrupting The Enterprise

  • Up until recently, virtualization and container technology for mobile has been the purview of private companies such as Good Technology, OpenPeak and Enterproid.

    FORBES: When Virtualization Meets Mobile

  • By November, rivals such as Oracle (nasdaq: ORCL - news - people ) and Microsoft started rolling out virtualization products and publicizing their grand plans around the technology.

    FORBES: VMware's Future Challenge

  • For Microsoft customers, the great news is that we acknowledged this shift several years ago and began laying the foundation for it with our investments in public cloud offerings such as Windows Azure and by integrating private cloud technologies into our existing Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V virtualization and System Center IT management offerings.

    FORBES: IDC: Time to Embrace the Cloud is Now

  • On the software side, Lenovo is offering such things as the ability to disable ports and cameras, McAfee anti virus, VPN support for Cisco or Juniper, virtualization of remote desktop support from Citrix, remote wipe or disable from Computrace, and Active Directory password support.

    FORBES: Can Anyone But Apple Succeed In Tablets?

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