• States such as Arizona that voluntarily expanded their Medicaid programs in the past have faced much higher costs than expected.

    WSJ: Christina Corieri: States Can Save Taxpayers $609 Billion

  • There is no evidence that housing supply lagged population growth by any significant degree even in the fastest growing states such as Arizona and Nevada.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Even so, it took states such as Arizona 16 years before they were willing to take the federal bait and set up a Medicaid program.

    FORBES: Health Care Reform And The 47 Percent

  • And there are many other Republicans, such as Arizona's John McCain, who also opposed the measure, who don't want to alienate voters who support same-sex marriages.

    NPR: Gay Marriage Amendment Fails in U.S. Senate

  • MDC's subsidiary, Richmond American Homes, is one of the largest homebuilders in the U.S., and is in growing markets such as Arizona, California, Colorado and Virginia.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In states such as Arizona and Alabama, they have passed laws cracking down on illegal immigrants, on the grounds that the federal government has abdicated responsibility in that area.

    ECONOMIST: The Republicans are fretting about a disappearing problem

  • This jihad presence on our southern border turns an out-of-control immigration problem into an existential security threat beyond measure for individual border states, such as Arizona, and the nation at large.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Illegal immigrants are now increasingly bypassing their traditional destinations of California and Texas and moving instead to states such as Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina, which collectively had 10% of America's undocumented aliens in 2009, up from 4% in 1990.

    ECONOMIST: The Hispanicisation of America

  • It is a rare feat when even a midsized-market club, such as the Arizona Diamondbacks , wins the championship.

    FORBES: Play More Ball!

  • While Mr Reagan managed to keep both western libertarians and southern moralists happy, Mr Bush's southern-fried band of conservatism is anathema in California and increasingly unpopular in such places as Arizona.

    ECONOMIST: The Reagan legacy

  • In a political climate where Latino workers face what some call racial profiling or draconian immigration laws such as in Arizona and Alabama, Gomez seeks to restore dignity and prominence to the honest laborer.


  • Sometimes the destinations itself is hopelessly romantic, such as Sedona, Arizona or New Orleans.

    FORBES: 10 Most Romantic Hotels & Resorts In North America

  • Some also are facing a shortage of workers in markets where residential construction has picked up sharply, such as Texas and Arizona.

    NPR: US Housing Starts Dip But Remain At Solid Pace

  • Parkway has been steadily selling commercial properties in fairly strong markets and redeploying funds into more distressed markets such as Florida and Arizona.

    FORBES: 5 Value Stocks Insiders Are Snapping Up

  • California currently has America's worst budget problems, but other states with extensive direct democracy, such as its neighbours Arizona and Oregon (which has had more initiatives than even California), are close behind.

    ECONOMIST: Direct democracy

  • Regions experiencing the fastest senior -- age 65 and older -- growth are in the Sun Belt, which stretches from Western states such as California and Arizona east to Florida, according to the report.

    CNN: Are baby boomers to blame for debt crisis?

  • But given that Mexicans in states such as California, Arizona and Texas endured Jim Crow-style segregation, job discrimination, inferior public schools, lynchings and hate crimes and repression by racist law enforcement organizations, there are similarities.

    CNN: Stop using the 'w-word'

  • Many of these, such as Indiana, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arizona, have Republican governors, while others, such as Colorado, have Democratic governors but influential Republican education leaders.

    ECONOMIST: Conservative education reform

  • Indeed, a number of western and southwestern states (such as Washington, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas) are actively pursuing employers of all shapes and sizes and workers of all kinds through more favorable tax structures.

    FORBES: Despite A Record High Dow, Middle Income Californians Aren't Celebrating

  • Run by Ginny and John Lopis, spa industry veterans who helped establish such venerable properties as Canyon Ranch in Arizona, Bacara in Santa Barbara and the Doral Saturnia in Miami, it's been dubbed the first destination spa to open in the U.S. in more than a decade.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Elsewhere, some schools offer competency-based credits or associate degrees in areas such as nursing and business, while Northern Arizona University plans a similar program that would offer bachelor's degrees for a flat fee, said spokesman Eric Dieterle.

    WSJ: College Degree, No Class Time Required

  • Retired people account for a much smaller part of the population growth in Arizona than in other retirement havens, such as Florida.

    ECONOMIST: Urban sprawl

  • It appears to me that there are some markets where housing prices have not just stabilized but are growing again such as San Francisco, Seattle, Fort Worth, and Arizona.

    FORBES: Time To Buy The National Homebuilders

  • So even as outrage is sparked over shootings such as that of Trayvon Martin in Florida and former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, there is little appetite for gun-control legislation.

    ECONOMIST: Despite legislative victories, the NRA is under pressure

  • Opponents of Arizona's law see it as an attack on vulnerable voter groups such as minorities, immigrants and the elderly.

    NPR: Must Voters Have To Prove Citizenship To Register?

  • But we do expect some pain here in California, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, and then in some areas in the Midwest, such as Michigan, that are just facing tough economic times.

    NPR: IndyMac Collapse Prompts Warning On Other Banks

  • According to the report, foreclosures tend to be most common in "Rust Belt" states such as Michigan, Ohio and Indiana and in the "Sun Belt, " which includes California, Arizona and Florida--but for very different reasons.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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