• These are giant machines which employ powerful magnets to guide subatomic particles through long underground tunnels.

    ECONOMIST: Maglev trains

  • Cosmic rays are fast moving subatomic particles and nuclei originating from space that crash into the atmosphere.

    BBC: Black hole: A source of 'cosmic bullets'?

  • The universe also contains information coded with the direction, speed and positive or negative charges of subatomic particles.

    FORBES: Flatland?

  • Quarks are among the dozen subatomic particles that physicists recognise, at least at the moment, as being truly fundamental.

    ECONOMIST: What��s the matter?

  • CMB, and the number of subatomic particles in the universe, suggest that for every billion mutual annihilations, a solitary particle of matter survived.

    ECONOMIST: Particle physics makes sense, but it assumes too much

  • Collisions between the cosmic rays and the slower-moving protons that exist in the gas and the dust around a supernova should produce subatomic particles called neutral pions.

    BBC: Cosmic rays: Fermi telescope settles mystery of origin

  • Off the playing fields, Princeton professor Daniel Tsui Chye won the Nobel Prize in Physics, along with two colleagues, for a breakthrough in understanding how subatomic particles behave.


  • But first, it should be said that Thursday's news that physicists have seen subatomic particles called neutrinos exceed the Universe's speed limit is a picture of science still at work.

    BBC: Light speed: Flying into fantasy

  • However, the cat (or, rather, subatomic particles that behave like the cat) has proved hard to hunt down in practice because such superpositions of states are fragile and easily disrupted phenomena.

    ECONOMIST: The 2012 Nobel prizes

  • Directed energy (DE) is an umbrella term covering technologies that produce a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles as a direct means to damage or destroy adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel.

    FORBES: U.S. Navy Pioneers Next-Gen Electric Weaponry

  • The LHC accelerates two beams of subatomic particles to nearly the speed of light and then deliberately collides the beams into one another to re-create the conditions that existed just milliseconds after the Big Bang.

    BBC: Hadron Collider replica

  • Both indicate that, if what they have seen really are Higgses, then the boson has a mass of about 125 giga-electron-volts (GeV), in the esoteric units which are used to measure how heavy subatomic particles are.

    ECONOMIST: The Higgs boson: Fantasy turned reality | The

  • After all, he could not possibly have imagined that the power to inspect a mite would one day lead to the power to inspect, and even manipulate, the subatomic particles that are the very essence of life itself.

    ECONOMIST: Small things often hold big secrets

  • Because nobody knows what the mass of a Higgs boson might be, the particle must be hunted indirectly, typically in giant machines that propel particles to near-light speed, then smash them together and generate an array of other subatomic particles.

    WSJ: Physicists Find Signs of Higgs Boson, or 'God Particle'

  • "There's a huge synergy there, in astronomers trying to find the influence of dark matter by mapping stars and galaxies and large structures in the universe, and particle physicists trying to discover the source of that influence of dark matter through subatomic particles here on Earth, " said Jason Kalirai, deputy project scientist for the telescope at the Space Telescope Science Institute.

    CNN: How particle smasher and telescopes relate

  • When you consider quantum physics you recognize the fact that all particles (even the subatomic ones) have a split-personality, of sorts.

    FORBES: Post-Singularity Roundup

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