• As a member of the SEO faculty at MarketMotive.com, he teaches sustainable SEO strategy and implementation.

    FORBES: 7 Actionable SEO Rules for CMOs

  • The IBM annual, one of just a handful this year that made sense, focuses on strategy and implementation.

    FORBES: Market Trends: Forget the annuals, read proxies

  • Roberto Irineu oversees strategy and implementation, Joo Roberto handles governmental relations and editorial policy, and Jos Roberto takes charge of community relations.

    FORBES: Brazil's TV Titans

  • The responsibility lies with the IT administrator to not only take control of corporate IT security, but also spearhead strategy and implementation in collaboration with leadership and employees.

    FORBES: Securing Corporate Data In An Increasingly Mobile World

  • In order to push through public-service reforms against the resistance of Whitehall, he built Downing Street into something approaching a department of the prime minister, with teams devoted to policy, strategy and implementation, and increased the number of special advisers across government.

    ECONOMIST: The Conservatives and Tony Blair

  • Prior to this, I was Global Head of Digital for PepsiCo where I oversaw the company-wide digital strategy and the implementation of social media tools across their portfolio of food and beverage brands.

    FORBES: B. Bonin Bough - Rethink Media - Archive

  • All play crucial roles in developing an idea, pushing it up the corporate channels, developing a strategy and overseeing execution and implementation.

    FORBES: The Five Personalities of Innovators: Which One Are You?

  • This is in spite of the fact that now more than ever, the time is right for HR to play a key role in business strategy development and implementation.

    FORBES: Corporate Strategy: How HR Can Become a Player

  • Through such studies UNESCO is conceiving a dynamic role of its Islamabad office in not only policy formulation at state level but capacity building and strategy implementation at the local, to fulfill its principal role of facilitator and valuable partner in attaining country's prosperity.


  • Rakuten offers an additional layer of support by providing e-commerce consultants and experts to advise merchants on their online business strategy, implementation, sales and marketing as well as lead and revenue generation.

    FORBES: Asia's Rising E-Commerce Nation: A Q&A With Rakuten Malaysia CEO Masaya Ueno

  • Many committees choose to focus on asset allocation strategy and high level oversight and delegate the implementation and manager selection to an internal investment office or an outside advisor.

    FORBES: CIO Outsourcing: Questions Investment Committees Need to Ask

  • Over the years I have written more than a few articles advocating the loss harvesting strategy and providing recipes for its implementation.

    FORBES: Should You Take A Tax Loss In December?

  • The solution is a second operating system, devoted to the design and implementation of strategy, that uses an agile, networklike structure and a very different set of processes.

    FORBES: Change and Continuity: Mintzberg and Kotter Agree, You Must Manage Both

  • It highlighted the absence of a coherent skills strategy and the lack of preparedness for implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence.

    BBC: Decision time

  • It will also facilitate exchange between researchers and policy makers and collaborate with UNESCO in the implementation of its Gender Equality policy and strategy.

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Network

  • In addition to the aforementioned United Nations Human Rights Council resolution in 2012, the 2nd UN Inter-Agency Meeting in Vienna, Austria last year, adopted a concrete global, regional, and national level implementation strategy was adopted for the UN Plan of Action.

    UNESCO: World Press Freedom Day 2013

  • John Kotter is the chief innovation officer at Kotter International ( www.kotterinternational.com), a firm that helps leaders accelerate strategy implementation in their organizations, and is the Konosuke Matsushita Professor of Leadership, Emeritus, at Harvard Business School.

    FORBES: Leadership Tip: How to Move from Ideas to Action

  • Observation number one, on strategy: What we've seen in this trip is the implementation of a substantial and important reorientation in American global strategy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The sustainability of sports such as the NFL requires both a culture shift and the implementation of an appropriate strategy.

    CNN: Global touchdown: Why the NFL loves London

  • His strategy had three stages: indoctrination, empowerment and implementation.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The real Egyptian revolution

  • We earned their business and achieved what we set out to achieve: unit volume growth in our core crops, a successful implementation of our agricultural productivity strategy and sustained cost-discipline across our operations.

    FORBES: Amid Record-High Food Prices, Monsanto Grows Q3 Profits 77%

  • Scheduled for discussion were a wide range of topics relating to the current situation of the Organization, its financial status and questions concerning the implementation of the roadmap, ongoing preparations for the next Medium Term Strategy and Programme and Budget, the current moves to reorganize certain corporate services and matters relating to the scheduling of meetings during sessions of the Governing Bodies.

    UNESCO: Paris, 11.12.2012

  • It is important to conduct the annual review and report the implementation progress of the strategy.


  • The Minister called on UNESCO to participate in the implementation of the Interim Strategy for Education and Literacy, which should allow Chad to gain access to funds from the Global Partnership for Education.


  • UNESCO-IOC is pledging to coordinate a global and regional assessment of capacity development needs in the field of marine scientific research and ocean observation in developing nations and SIDS, leading to the formulation and implementation of a global capacity development strategy to fill identified gaps.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The Group's free cash flow is expected to decrease to around EUR 5 billion in 2013 (scheduled figure for 2012: around EUR 6 billion), primarily as a result of the increased capital expenditure and the systematic implementation of the Challenger strategy in the U.S. market, including the agreement with Apple.

    ENGADGET: T-Mobile and Apple sign agreement to launch products in 2013

  • Additionally, he tasked the Departments of Defense and State and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission with developing reports providing recommendations and action steps to support implementation of the Strategy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward to Implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy | The White House

  • Staff from the Environmental Health Department had been involved with the plant from the waste strategy stage, up to decisions on design and the final implementation of the project, Mr Cook said.

    BBC: It is hoped to get the waste plant finished by the end of 2006

  • There is established an Interagency Working Group (Working Group) to address gender-based violence, which shall coordinate implementation of the Strategy by the executive departments and agencies that are members of the Working Group (member agencies) in accordance with the priorities set forth in section 3 of this order.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The implementation strategy discussed at the meeting operates at global and national levels, and outlines more than 100 areas of work by different UN agencies and civil society groups to secure the safety of journalists.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

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