• And the takeaway food has even been credited with promoting industrialisation and staving off revolution.

    BBC: Chipping away at the history of fish and chips

  • The Bush Administration had one major success: it succeeded in staving off another terrorist attack in America.

    NEWYORKER: Coming Apart

  • Northern beach resorts like Okumatsushima were all but destroyed by the March tsunami, staving off domestic tourism as well.

    BBC: Cherry blossom festivals amid tragedy

  • Kent still require another 300 and their only hope of staving off defeat appears more bad weather.

    BBC: In-form Somerset nearing Kent win

  • Broadly speaking, the genes less active in the lonely were those involved in staving off viral infections.

    ECONOMIST: The reason loneliness could be bad for your health

  • But woe betide the country if ever-more-draconian measures became Mr Putin's only way of staving off ever-growing public discontent.

    ECONOMIST: The Kremlin's control freak | The

  • The Reserve (central) Bank of India is credited with staving off most ill-effects of the Global Financial Crisis with its hyperconservative regulation.

    FORBES: Asian Banking and Short Memories

  • It was my way of minimizing the painful lump in my throat, staving off the embarrassing boo-hoos I thought were best left unexpressed.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The hope is that guidelines will make private equity more attractive to investors as well as staving off the possibility of external oversight.

    ECONOMIST: Private equity

  • By relinquishing the Jordan Valley Israel would effectively be committing national suicide by inviting an invasion it would be incapable of staving off.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: We are not for sale

  • The only thing that really counts for the EU on the finance front is staving off a bank-induced meltdown 2.0, and their upcoming funding windows for national deficit financing.

    FORBES: Lukewarm Reception For FTT At E.U. Meeting

  • The administration has tried to push forward on other fronts, notably free trade and the Doha development round, staving off congressional protectionism towards China and promoting Social Security reform.

    ECONOMIST: Paulson's progress

  • Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said in a press conference yesterday that the U.S. economy is facing a hurdle with a weak housing market and still-high unemployment staving off growth.

    FORBES: New Home Sales Fall Softer Than Expected, Home Stocks Up On Earnings

  • Yet it was only after the 1979 siege that the al-Saud began promoting radical Islam at home and abroad as a way of staving off challenges to their own legitimacy.

    WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Manal al-Sharif: The Woman Who Dared to Drive

  • Top Republicans on the House and Senate Armed Services committees released their own approach for temporarily staving off the brunt of those cuts by cutting some federal jobs through attrition.

    CNN: Military pay in play in game of political poker

  • By putting them on the defensive, Israel will force them to devote time to staving off Israeli attacks and so have less time available for initiating new assaults against Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's daunting task

  • But AOL is caught in a pincer movement: It must roll out broadband access rapidly (only 550, 000 Time Warner homes now have it) while staving off price erosion in its core narrowband business.

    FORBES: Free For All

  • He has rejected pressure to end the state of emergency he instituted last weekend that resulted in suspending the nation's constitution, shutting down media, placing Bhutto under house arrest, and staving off other opposition groups.

    NPR: Pakistan's Bhutto Wants Interim Unity Government

  • The three Senators spoke of the urgent need to address today's and tomorrow's national security shortfalls and threats by, among other things, staving off the devastating "sequestration" round of cuts to Pentagon budgets now in the offing.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • If anything, suppressing warranted alarms about the threat posed to Western civilization by shariah, and hampering legal activities aimed at staving off that menace, would simply play into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and their enablers.


  • Malone spent four years staving off foreclosure.

    FORBES: Taking Liberty

  • President Bush and the Act's many supporters on Capitol Hill deserve great credit for staying the course, for articulating forcefully the case for reauthorization and for staving off demands for changes that would have grievously weakened its protections.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Coalition salutes Congress for reenacting Patriot Act

  • The Bank of England left rates unchanged this month, but with fears growing that economic expansion will fall short of expectations, it may soon have to choose between fighting inflation and staving off Britain's first recession in over a decade.

    ECONOMIST: Reluctant party-poopers | The

  • There was one problem: the government kept putting off requests for bids, in part because the main Humvee manufacturer, a large corporation in Indiana called AM General, appeared to have enough clout in Congress to get the process delayed, staving off competition.

    NEWYORKER: Coming Apart

  • For eight years, the US's chosen methods for staving off the threats have effectively served as little more than holding actions because Pakistan's governments have been both unable and unwilling to wage successful military or political campaigns against the Taliban and al-Qaida.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Pakistani dilemma

  • They cite a flurry of intriguing, if preliminary, epidemiological and lab studies hinting that vitamin D may play a role in staving off a wide range of diseases, including colon cancer, infections, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune ailments and possibly even heart disease.

    FORBES: D Is for Debate

  • The studies warn that even if radical solutions are found to reduce emissions from this sector, governments will still need to tackle housing and transport if they are to make the cuts deemed necessary by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to have a good chance of staving off serious climate change.

    BBC: Savings needed to meet future demand for resources

  • After all, the best that can be hoped for is that the President will not get such approval since, if it were granted, Iraq would almost certainly agree to admit inspectors -- then proceed to diddle them as it had before, staving off U.S. action while buying further time for Baghdad's acquisition of atomic or nuclear weapons.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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