• This war between spam sites and the search engines has no end.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Bartow believes that some identical content on 90 of his site's property listing pages caused Google to mistake them for plagiarized spam sites.

    FORBES: Internet

  • He eventually plans to make money off his site from advertising, same as Google, but figures he can do it without the spam sites.

    FORBES: Names You Need To Know: Blekko

  • In December 2010, the websites Mastercard.com, Visa.com and PayPal.com were temporarily paralyzed after thousands of volunteers joined in Anonymous chat rooms and downloaded a simple program that allowed them to spam these sites with junk traffic.

    FORBES: U.K. Jails Anonymous Pair For Cyber Attacks

  • Botnets can send spam and flood Web sites with countless requests for information, a cyber attack also known as distributed denial of service.

    FORBES: Made For Hacking

  • The group hosted as many as 40 fake pages on each of those botnet-hosted sites, and lured users to the sites with spam emails.

    FORBES: "Avalanche" Gang Responsible For Two Thirds Of Phishing Attacks

  • By driving traffic to drug sales sites with spam e-mails, the more than 7, 000 online pharmacies tracked by the study drew millions of daily visitors and estimated sales in the billions of dollars annually.

    FORBES: Brandjacking Big Pharma

  • Until now, Storm's creators have been focused on growing its ranks: Infected computers have sent out spam, drawing users to compromised Web sites that hijack more PCs.

    FORBES: Storm For Rent

  • Analyzing more than 60 million spam messages linking to 7, 090 sites, MarkMonitor tracked the six most commonly advertised drug brands, a list that the company declines to reveal.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Stock-scam Web sites can reach millions instantly via spam E-mail and banner advertising at little or no cost.

    FORBES: Streetwalker: An optimist on the sidelines

  • They're robust sites that can stand up to spam and scammers--but cracks are starting to appear in the new technologies.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • These "zombies" are turned to a variety of malicious purposes, ranging from participating in denial of service attacks on Web sites to generating huge batches of spam e-mail.

    FORBES: Ten Must-Read Tech Stories

  • MarkMonitor's study shows that 44% of the sites advertised in drug-selling spam were hosted in the U.S. China hosted 18% of the pages, while the former Soviet states gave rise to another 12%.

    FORBES: Brandjacking Big Pharma

  • One part of Google is busy creating indexes of online information while at the same time filtering out "spam, " which in this context means Web sites whose only function is to make money off the fact you land on them, without providing any sort of "value-added" information in the process.

    FORBES: Digital Tools

  • Many of the users who complained are from Europe and at least some of the spam messages are scams masquerading as messages from European gambling sites.

    CNN: Dropbox investigating possible security breach

  • If their research is successful, it may well be implemented in large sites such as Amazon or other customer review driven sites to improve regulation of reviews and get the spam out.

    FORBES: Spotting Fake Online Reviews - With Science!

  • MarkMonitor's study analyzed 2, 986 sites hawking major pharmaceutical brands pulled from its pool of spam e-mails.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Many of the apparently fraudulent Web sites trying to tap into Katrina relief donations feature pop-ups, spam through provided links and other unsolicited e-mails.

    CNN: Dubious Katrina Web sites increasing

  • The software, originally spread through classic methods such as spam, has moved on to more sophisticated attacks by providing links to infected web sites through popular social media content such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, by feeding a corrupted advertisement into an ad network for web sites, and by poisoning search results called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) poisoning.

    FORBES: The Proliferation Of Scareware Hits Home

  • In fact, from a June 2010 web article, Making Money Online, Part 2: Microworking on the site The Quill, a number of other crowdsourcing sites ShortTask, microWorkers, and DeskLancer suffer to a more observable degree from spam crowdsourcing.

    FORBES: Spam Hurts Crowdsourcing But Can't Kill It

  • This classification is typically in the form of requesters asking you to sign up for services, register for events, click to sites, send email or notifications to others, and other actions to pad numbers of registrations or directly spam information.

    FORBES: Spam Hurts Crowdsourcing But Can't Kill It

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