• Since his party wants to leave Canada, not govern it, he had the luxury of having nothing to defend.

    ECONOMIST: The debates fail to land a knockout blow

  • Ever since his party lost an election last May, there have been fears that the momentum had been lost.

    ECONOMIST: India and Pakistan

  • He has now calmed down since his party animal days, he says, because he is "very settled and fairly secure".

    BBC: John Leslie's varied career

  • Since his party lost heavily in 2002, he has redefined it, even changing its name to the New Moderate Party.

    ECONOMIST: The Swedish model

  • Mr Kamei seems intent on providing a short-term fix for the banks, all the same especially since his party faces upper-house elections in July.

    ECONOMIST: Can’t get started | The

  • Performing well in the elections is all the more important to Kim, since his party has split up with its former coalition partner, the United Liberal Democrats (ULD).

    CNN: Evaluating Kim

  • But in his inaugural speech at a ceremonial palace in the old city centre, Mr Pena Nieto said the state had "lost ground" since his party left power.

    BBC: Mexico's Enrique Pena Nieto inaugurated as president

  • After winning numerous elections since his party first swept to power in 2002, Erdogan appears to have a popular mandate under Turkey's constitution, which was written by a military junta in the 1980s.


  • Since withdrawing his party's support for the government in December, Mr Berlusconi has repeatedly launched attacks against the former European commissioner.

    BBC: Mario Monti in Venice, 29 December 2012

  • Kerry, meanwhile, has visited the state at least a dozen times since becoming his party's presumptive presidential nominee in March, with running mate Sen.

    CNN: All eyes on Ohio

  • The outgoing government of President Rodrigo Avila offered on Friday to get parliament to renew the drug-interdiction agreement for another ten years, since his Arena party will remain in power for another two and a half months.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Ian Paisley's declaration since that his party "will not be found wanting" if republicans, in his words, "complete the transition to democracy and the rule of law", has been welcomed by pro-agreement politicians but it has rocked sections of his party and his traditional supporters.

    BBC: Profile: Ian Paisley

  • Mr Serra would perform a useful service if he used television debates over the next fortnight to force Mr da Silva to spell out his economic policies more clearly especially since Lula and his party opposed many of the economic reforms that they now promise to uphold.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil's presidential election

  • Mr Bush, 57, has been in power since his United Democratic Party (UDP) won general elections in 2009.

    BBC: Cayman Islands' leader McKeeva Bush

  • Last night's meeting was the first chance for the Democratic rivals to have an extended conversation since Obama clinched his party's nomination on Tuesday.

    NPR: Obama Meets with Clinton After Va. Campaign Stop

  • But he has since broken with his party and sided with Bush on such issues as tax cuts and his handling of the war against terror.

    CNN: Cheney, accepting party's nod, hails Bush's actions

  • Mr Dodik has a lot of clout: since October, his party has been dominant in the Bosnian parliament, giving him the right to nominate the country's next prime minister.

    ECONOMIST: The politics get messy, even for an old hand

  • An internal party watchdog that has been investigating him since he was dismissed from his party posts in April has yet to announce whether he, too, will face criminal charges.

    WSJ: China Says Gu Confesses to Murdering Briton

  • Briefing journalists ahead of his speech, the most senior Liberal Democrat councillor in Wales, Rodney Berman was clear that the white-hot anger which was felt on many doorsteps against his party since that deal between David Cameron and Nick Clegg in 2010 has begun to cool.

    BBC: How much anger on the doorstep?

  • This will be little comfort to Mr Mitchell or his party since it allows Labour and other critics to point out that either a senior minister used appalling and offensive language to a police officer or he is saying that one of those tasked with protecting the prime minister is lying.

    BBC: Andrew Mitchell: It doesn't look good

  • Speaking in his first public appearance since the vote, Mr Borisov said his party would ask the constitutional court to cancel the election results.

    BBC: Main party in Bulgaria seeks to void election result

  • "Our economic policy depends on Britain having its own currency and setting its own interest rates, " he told representatives who had queued to see Mr Portillo's first speech at a Party conference since his defeat in the General Election.

    BBC: Portillo aims for private health boost

  • That will not be easy, since Mr Aznar has successfully moved his party to the middle ground.

    ECONOMIST: Spain: A new leader for the Socialists | The

  • Mr Samaras has come a long way since his centre-right New Democracy party scraped a narrow election victory in June.

    ECONOMIST: Greece and Germany

  • But as antipathy to the Tories seems to have waned a bit since Mr Cameron sought to modernise his party, tactical voting may well hurt them less than in the past, says Mr Curtice.

    ECONOMIST: Why the campaign will count in a contest that matters

  • Disturbingly, rather than drawing distinctions between his party and its rivals, Netanyahu has spent the days since the primary drawing distinctions between himself and a minor player in his own party.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's grand coalition

  • The president, his clan and the ruling Baath party face a crisis as grave as any since his father, Hafez Assad, consolidated Syria's dictatorship 35 years ago.

    ECONOMIST: A rather convenient suicide | The

  • This modest paradox has been puzzling me since Mr Miliband's speech to his party conference.

    BBC: Has Miliband got his nations in a twist?

  • "The only thing that has changed since then is he has lost control of his party and is too weak to do what is right for the country, " Miliband said.

    CNN: Cameron promises referendum on Britain's place in Europe

  • The ANC may have been critical of the media in the past for not respecting Mandela's privacy since his withdrawal from public life, but the party rejected any criticism of Monday's house call.


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