• In January, the President put forward a series of common-sense proposals to reduce the epidemic of gun violence and keep our kids safe, and in his State of the Union address, the President called on Congress to give these proposals a vote.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Among partisans on both sides, there is still a sense that a piece of gun control can be passed (starting with background checks) and perhaps a larger piece of immigration (starting with H-1B visas and legal status for the undocumented).

    CNN: Obama's historic speech deepens divisions

  • He made the case for parents as the key to giving children a sense of self-esteem beyond the barrel of a gun.

    WSJ: Juan Williams: Race and the Gun Debate

  • Today in Colorado, President Obama asked the American people to continue calling on Congress to vote on a set of common-sense proposals to help reduce gun violence, including closing loopholes in the background check system to keep guns out of the hands criminals and others who should not have access to them.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • As far as people lining up and purchasing more guns, I think that we've seen for some time now that those who oppose any common-sense gun control or gun safety measures have a pretty effective way of ginning up fear on the part of gun owners that somehow the federal government is about to take all your guns away.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a News Conference

  • President Obama reiterates his commitment to do everything in his power to implement a series of common sense measures that would reduce gun violence in America.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • On Monday, the President will travel to the Minneapolis Police Department Special Operations Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he will deliver remarks and discuss with local leaders and law enforcement officials his comprehensive set of common-sense ideas to reduce gun violence.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • But we need to take action -- sensible action, common-sense action to try to reduce the scourge of gun violence in this country.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • "There are 80 million moms in this country, " said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, after the White House event.

    CNN: Obama: 'Shame on us' if Newtown doesn't bring new gun laws

  • In Nevada, a 55-acre community called Front Sight, featuring streets with names like Second Amendment Drive and Sense of Duty Way, is being built for gun enthusiasts (people who buy an acre plot get lifetime use of the 22 planned ranges, an Uzi machinegun and a safari in Africa).

    ECONOMIST: The growth of private communities

  • He is heartened, I should mention, by what we have all heard from some members of Congress who have been long-time opponents of gun control measures, common-sense gun control measures like the assault weapons ban and the like.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • There has long been, as you know, a variety of obstacles to passing common-sense legislation to reduce gun violence.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Given a sense of urgency by the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the gun control debate rages on across the nation.

    FORBES: Do We Really Need More Guns On Campus?

  • These are common-sense measures supported by Democrats, Republicans and independents, and many of them are responsible gun owners.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Gun Violence

  • His proposals made sense: a commission on voting rights, protection of military families gay and straight, gun control measures, equal pay for equal work, increased minimum wage, and immigration reform.

    FORBES: The President Turns a Corner

  • Again, a few simple changes requiring proof of real safety, such as shooting lessons before buying a weapon just makes common sense, not only to prevent irresponsible gun distribution, but to ensure that future generations of gun owners obey the traditions of the hundreds of years of millions of thoughtful, smart gun owners in America.

    CNN: On gun control, two places to start

  • Rather, more often than not, Armitage slings his gun - or, more accurately, wields his stiletto - in the other sense of a partisan: one who wages war from behind enemy lines.


  • I've seen gun-owning Obama voters in the hip hop industry who agree with prominent Romney supporters in the financial industry who would never bring a gun into their home, with all in favor of a few common-sense guidelines.

    CNN: On gun control, two places to start

  • On gun control, Mr Obama said an "overwhelming" majority of Americans supported "common-sense reform" on firearms, including tighter background checks and restrictions on "weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines".

    BBC: State of the Union: Obama pledges to reignite economy

  • At the same time, those who view relatively unlimited gun ownership as an essential and non-assailable right granted to us all in the Bill of Rights must begin to better understand and appreciate why anti-gun advocates simply cannot see the sense and logic behind making combat style weapons and high capacity magazine clips available to civilian purchasers.

    FORBES: Guns: What Do We Do Now?

  • The families of Newtown victims have been in Washington speaking to lawmakers about the need to pass common-sense legislation to reduce gun violence.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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