• Ready-made software, service providers as well as in-house solutions are now providing business-grade security to a significant amount of business data.

    FORBES: 3 Reasons For A RIM Comeback That Have Nothing To Do With RIM

  • And, for those of us in the business of providing security and data protection, it raises even more questions: If corporations, such as Epsilon, are not stepping up to willingly adopt the readily available security technology that will prevent these thefts, what more can and should be done to give consumers some sense of protection?

    FORBES: The Epsilon Hack Attack: Time For "SOX For Consumers"?

  • One of the keys to controlling the business impact of security breaches is to manage risk.

    FORBES: Security In A World Of Instant-On Computing

  • Ms. DEEPA FERNANDES (Author, "Targeted: Homeland Security and the Business of Immigration"): That's an interesting question.

    NPR: Another Look at the Immigration Debate

  • But this seamless experience is making the security of mission- and business-critical data a complex issue for business and IT decision makers.

    FORBES: Security In A World Of Instant-On Computing

  • Behind the intense security the main business of the EU summit had been to revive a plan to open up European markets and strip away regulation in areas ranging from transport and energy to job security.

    CNN: Protesters, police clash after EU summit

  • Since then, WikiLeaks has produced little beyond what hackers reportedly connected to Anonymous have given it: The Stratfor e-mail archive, which has proven to be of fairly little real value beyond illuminating some of the sleazier business practices of the private security industry, and most recently e-mails from inside the Syrian government.

    CNN: Assange's stubborn grip hurt WikiLeaks

  • Many of the fundamental forces driving the business of gathering and distributing security price data and financial news and analysis have remained the same for decades.

    FORBES: Goldman Complains About Bloomberg's Electronic Snooping

  • Our goal, obviously, is to get us out of the private security business -- private security contracting business.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Devices at the edge of enterprise networks connected to integrated Microsoft software and services help enterprises identify and act on opportunities that otherwise would be out of reach by improving access to data, enhancing performance, extending security and powering flexible line-of-business applications.

    ENGADGET: Windows Embedded 8 Industry scheduled for release first week of April

  • In addition to the cynicism displayed by maintaining strong ties with the brutal Baghdad regime, there are also a variety of security-related risks that can damage business relationships when operating in a country that has consistently sought ways of circumventing U.N. sanctions in order to pursue the development of weapons of mass destruction programs.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • They fulfill real front-line business roles but, in dialogue with us, add that indispensable and invaluable perspective on where the real business value is that needs protecting, as well as what degree of security control imposes an acceptable burden on the business.

    FORBES: For Stronger IT Security, Build Relationships, Not Walls

  • The increasing success of hackers means that computer and internet security is one of the few bits of the IT business showing healthy growth rates at the moment.

    ECONOMIST: Target: Microsoft | The

  • While all of our businesses clearly want to be secure, there is an ongoing balancing of security against both risk and business requirements.

    FORBES: Teach Your Boss to Speak Security: Economy of Mechanism

  • Anyone who has contemplated forsaking the perceived, if not real, security of employment to start a small business has come face-to-face with the fear of failure.

    FORBES: Beware The Many Faces of Fear

  • The security of the device remains unparalleled for business use and the device will be sleek and impressive for those that have to be seen wearing the latest rolex.

    FORBES: RIM Stock Might Reach $43, Receives Upgrade

  • So even in the case that the device itself has no unlock passcode and no corresponding security policies, the secure container of business apps on the phone cannot be accessed unless the appropriate passcode is entered.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Agencies must incorporate security into the architecture of their information and systems to ensure that security supports agency business operations and that plans to fund and manage security are built into life-cycle budgets for information systems.


  • An ambitious plan, advanced by Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish council member, is to get the coalition's soldiers out of the business of day-to-day urban administration and security, and to turn it over to Iraqis, who can interact more smoothly with the locals.

    ECONOMIST: Life under the coalition

  • Current and upcoming recipients of Social Security are keeping this dying business alive.

    FORBES: Sex, Death ... and Reading

  • Thomas McInerney (USAF, Ret.), President of Business Executives for National Security, and Richard Burgess , a senior counsel for the Chemical Manufacturers' Association.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • And Page and Brin may be an exception: More and more frequently, large companies are accepting security expenditures as a necessary cost of doing business.

    FORBES: Executive Protection

  • The prospectus summary contains information that is elsewhere in the filing, but presented with just enough depth to get a very solid understanding of the business, the security offering, consolidated financial information and the important metrics.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Check back next week for step 5 on balancing your new business and your day job, which is especially challenging for those intrepid entrepreneurs, like me, who make the more adverse choice to start a new business before leaving the security of a regular paycheck.

    FORBES: Step 4 For A Successful Startup: Maximize Operational Efficiencies

  • The security services have a better record of engaging in business disputes and hassling Kremlin opponents than of infiltrating terrorist networks to stop attacks.

    ECONOMIST: Suicide bombs in Moscow

  • IBM's computers have authentication technology embedded on a chip installed in all its computers, said Clain Anderson, director of security solutions for personal computers at International Business Machines Corp.

    CNN: Mobile PCs can be risky on the road

  • But no one in the cyber security business, including Kaspersky, one of the early Stuxnet archaeologists, have been able to dig up evidence showing exactly what the latest malware can do.

    FORBES: Kaspersky Lab: Same Countries Behind Stuxnet And Flame Malware

  • Security professionals must see themselves as enablers of the business, be present from the beginning, and seek to protect the most important assets before and after breaches in ways that make sense.

    FORBES: Why Security Without Usability Leads To Failure

  • With this in mind, one of the most important missions of security managers and technical staff in a business is to ensure that management has the most current and accurate information available when necessary.

    FORBES: Teach Your Boss to Speak Security: Economy of Mechanism

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