• The main purpose of the seminar was to give an general idea of current state of ground water in Uzbekistan, scientific-educational activities and the area of usage of underground water and determination of future trends relating to improvement of research methods and educational approaches with development of practical recommendations.


  • Throughout the years, a goal certainly achieved by the International Hydrological Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (IHP-LAC) has been the publication of a scientific magazine focused on water resources.


  • Coordinate IHP and water sciences activities in the UNESCO Cluster and National Offices of the LAC and enhance and expand the scientific programmes and activities of the water-related category II centers under the auspices of UNESCO and UNESCO chairs aimed at strengthening these institutions and permanently increase and improve their services to Member States.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • Its goal consist in presenting the scientific aspects directly related to water, through a holistic approach.


  • Mike was a pioneer in the study of groundwater as an archive of past climate change and his research provided seminal scientific advances on controls on water quality in regional aquifers, recharge over time and space.

    UNESCO: In Memoriam: Professor W. Mike Edmunds

  • Working experience in the international scientific cooperation, particularly with international water resources programmes and NGOs, preferably in several regions of the world including development countries.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Deputy Secretary, IHP; Senior Programme Specialist in Hydrological Sciences (26/6/2011) (SC 419 - (P5))

  • The UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education: Develop enhanced collaborative activities through an active and growing scientific and professional collaboration with UNESCO-IHE Institute and with the growing network of water-related centres under the auspices of the Organization for the benefit of the Member States and the international freshwater community at large.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • Recognized international scientific standing in the field of hydrology and water resources management, including major publications and teaching experience at the level of a university professor.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • UNESCO, and specifically the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC) and the International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP) bring their expertise and their scientific content to bear around issues related to water.

    UNESCO: Race for Water victim of ocean pollution

  • This book presents a current and global synthesis of scientific findings and policy recommendations for scientists, water managers and policy makers towards adaptive management of groundwater sustainability under future climate change and variability.

    UNESCO: Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources: A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Hiring people with the scientific training to regulate the preflight temperature and water purity and to control waste during transit is the only solution, say experts such as John Neo, who heads aquarium-gear supplier Ehaim Asia.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In the framework of the Water World Week celebrated in Stockholm, Sweden, on 16th August, 2008 the National Water Commission (CONAGUA), together with the International Hydrological Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the WET International Project (Water Education for Teachers) signed an agreement, aimed at fostering high-quality water education, particularly for formal and non-formal educators in Mexico.

    UNESCO: Activities 2008

  • The scientific and medical arguments against their replacement never held water.

    ECONOMIST: Going out all over Europe, and beyond

  • King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) with its partner, Springer, are launching five international scientific journals on the first five strategic technologies (Water, Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology).

    UNESCO: Global Open Access Portal

  • He talked about the extensive interdisciplinary studies, carried out by Cuban scientific institutions, on the impact of the rising sea water level.


  • There are sensors all around, in the nearby water and on the roof, that collect scientific data such as the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide in the bay.

    CNN: San Francisco's Exploratorium opens in sparkling new home

  • The note summarizes the broad scientific consensus on the potential impact of climate change on water resources and water users as well as helps us understand the environmental, social and economic implications.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • We already have the scientific knowledge to make immediate strides in the provision of clean water and sanitation, provided the funding is there.

    UNESCO: World Water Day 22 March 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World

  • Since Callum also loves everything to do with water, Sheila devised a project spanning geographical, scientific and environmental themes to last an entire year.

    BBC: Keeping son in school was 'abuse'

  • However, both economically as well as for the large scientific and public community, the processes and products of deep-water circulation remain poorly known.


  • The aim of IHP is also to improve the scientific and technological basis on which to build sound managing methods for water resources, respectful of the environment.

    UNESCO: General Conference | About - Elections - Subsidiary Bodies

  • Furthermore, the participants of seminar gave practical suggestions for improvement of scientific-research and educational potential of investigation and usage of underground water with an adoption of information and communication technologies, including geographical information system and present-day simulation methods and forecasting approach.


  • Last June, the scientific community was stunned by the announcement that there were signs of liquid water on modern Mars after all.

    ECONOMIST: Martian chronicles

  • Water co-operation has multiple dimensions including cultural, educational, scientific, religious, ethical, social, political, legal, institutional and economic aspects.

    UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • "In each case, the scientific analysis concluded that neither Rex Energy's operations nor natural gas development impacted water quality, " said Rex spokesman Derek Smith, who noted that the company provided access to records, shared data, and gave "its complete cooperation and support" to the reviews.

    NPR: Cause Of Off-Color, Fetid Water Eludes Pa. Town

  • Water cooperation is multi-dimensional in nature and encapsulates cultural, educational and scientific factors, as well as religious, ethical, social, political, legal, institutional and economic aspects.

    UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

  • Also there are handled matters of strengthening of partners interrelation between scientific-research and educational institutions and NGOs in the area of preservation of valuable underground water resources.


  • The list is to be used to decide which sites of special scientific interest (SSSI) should have money spent on them to prevent over-abstraction by water-companies, which is the process of removing water for domestic or industrial use.

    BBC: Campaigners claim beauty spots 'at risk'

  • Throughout the world, UNESCO is striving to increase scientific cooperation and strengthen national capacities, through the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and the World Water Development Report (WWDR).


  • Among the eclectic choices: a computer game that solves scientific problems, a nonprofit co-founded by actor Matt Damon that leverages donor funds to provide microloans to clean water projects and a venture by Japanese technology giant Mitsubishi that makes ships move more efficiently through the ocean, cutting down on CO2 emissions.

    FORBES: The World's Best Sustainability Ideas

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