• It's not fair to penalize schools like MIT that put a heavy emphasis on basic science, Litan says, but the results still indicate universities "are highly suboptimal" at transforming ideas into businesses.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • What amuses (or enrages, to taste) about all of this is that schools like Summerhill, and that educational ethos has become a standard part of primary school teaching in England, are considered to be of the left.

    FORBES: Hippie Educationalists and Libertarians

  • So that's why we'll build on the efforts of places like Communities in Schools that make sure kids who are at risk of dropping out have one-on-one support.

    WHITEHOUSE: Helping America Become a ��Grad Nation��

  • "We've identified schools that would like to expand, " says Pete Robbins, Lambeth's cabinet member for children and young people.

    BBC: Lambeth 'running out of space' for primary children

  • We're talking about a huge school system, a centralized bureaucracy that is slow to respond to a lot of the problems that schools like Jefferson have.

    NPR: Big Urban Schools Grapple with Multiple Problems

  • Given the types of deep economic shifts we're going through now, even if we were somehow to train the next generation of scientists at schools like Baltimore city, that wouldn't cut it.

    NPR: America's Troubled Schools Need Reform Now

  • Or should we play it safe and have our students attend schools that look like the schools I attended 30 years ago and my parents attended 60 years ago and grandparents, 90 years ago?

    FORBES: Educators and Innovation

  • Naturally, the fact that schools like KIPP receive so much private funding makes it a bit more difficult to get a clear picture of what the effects of imitating KIPP would be within a public school context.

    FORBES: Should Public Schools Replicate KIPP��s Long Hours?

  • "We have to find these spending reductions and if we want to avoid cuts in things like hospitals and schools - services that we all rely on - we have to look at things like the welfare budget, " he said.

    BBC: Conservative conference: Cameron rules out 'mansion tax'

  • Kilson's shameless anti-intellectualism on this score is shared by other writers like Hugh Pearson, a Brown University graduate who is appalled by the fact that Ivy League schools like Harvard and Penn would dare offer hip hop courses.

    NPR: Author Comes to Hip-Hop Music's Defense

  • ' If that was the case, why is that schools in places like Hackney and Jarrow achieve impressive results?

    BBC: Clacton

  • This means we can argue that poverty really is the fundamental problem with schools but that other factors, like teacher quality, can make the effects of poverty on educational outcomes far worse or alleviate those problems to some degree.

    FORBES: Against Tribalism in the Education Reform Debate

  • Smith, the dean of the University of Illinois College of Law, conceded that the school, "like many other law schools, " had considered strategies to address the fact that the school's tuition is more than many desirable students are willing to pay.

    WSJ: More Law Schools Haggle on Scholarships

  • Voucher systems are hated by educational bureaucrats (and by some non-bureaucrats who fear that the use of vouchers leaves sink schools behind), but the evidence from places like Milwaukee suggests that a pilot scheme is worth a try in New York.

    ECONOMIST: New York��s schools

  • We can do this by designing, equipping, and staffing innovative, hands-on programs like VEX Robotics and Citizen Schools, that create a passion for STEM.

    FORBES: Do Americans Have 21st Century Job Skills?

  • Since the 1970s voters have tended to like initiatives that promise better schools, new hospitals or tougher prison terms, but they are oblivious to the costs involved.

    ECONOMIST: Direct democracy

  • Himself the product of one of Chile's few respected state schools, he argues that education, like health, cannot be left entirely to market forces, without damaging equal opportunities and social cohesion.

    ECONOMIST: Chile

  • Our Race to the Top program is something that has allowed states across the country to initiate reforms in a competitive way and make sure that ideas like charter schools get traction, despite previous resistance.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets With Newly Elected Governors

  • While online courses and degree programs are approaches that are being adopted by many schools, franchise-like affiliation with local and regional institutions offer the possibility of a blended approach that still incorporates a physical campus.

    FORBES: McHarvard: The Future of College Brands?

  • Instead, it's now a charter school, like more than half of the schools that have opened.

    NPR: Remaking the New Orleans School System

  • Everyone agrees that roads, schools and the like are dreadful, but not about whom to blame.

    ECONOMIST: India

  • Nothing in our opinion, he said, should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, nor should it cast doubt on laws banning guns in places like schools and government buildings, or laws that impose conditions and qualifications on the sale of guns.

    NPR: Supreme Court Strikes Down D.C. Handgun Ban

  • Like the centres that support similar charter schools in many American states, it will combine policy development, research and advocacy with help for would-be schools on everything from applying for permission to finding premises and hiring teachers.

    ECONOMIST: Tory plans for schools

  • "This launches the recovery of not only the city and its economics, but paves the way for people to begin to come home because it provides the funding that we need for things like schools and hospitals and police, " he said.

    CNN: Mardi Gras to fatten New Orleans tourism

  • Eventually she teamed up with Sanders-Park, and the two started WorkNet Solutions and WorkNet International, sister career-consulting firms that work with institutions like trade schools, federally funded workforce centers and prisons, to help people with challenges in their personal stories find and land good jobs.


  • As our family does not plan to use the City or County schools at any point, I would like to request an exemption from the portion of our property taxes that would go to fund schools we do not plan to use and a refund of back taxes that went to pay for schools we did not, do not, and will not use.

    FORBES: Should Governments Monopolize Education?

  • Only 9 schools have done that, and none of them smell like a Cinderella.

    FORBES: Cinderella Cannot Afford to Pay for National Championships in College Basketball. Michigan and Louisville Can.

  • It was very important for me to touch on things that haven't changed, like schools.

    NPR: Anthony Hamilton: 'Ain't Nobody Worryin'

  • The reason is this: Picture a school like many of the online schools in Colorado that enrolls a student in the fall who is classified as, say, a junior, based on his age.

    FORBES: Colorado's Crummy Policies Lead to Crummy Virtual Schools

  • My father-in-law and I had a conversation about this a year or so ago, regarding the point that schools could assign an iPad or some like-device to each student, and all text books and assignments etc could be directly fed onto it, saving money and time and resources.

    FORBES: South Korean Schools To Have Digital Textbooks by 2015

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