• But surely a more detailed congeries of rules at the Supreme Court level will not assure greater clarity, nor would public confidence be improved by making justices review one another's recusal decisions deciding, in effect, whether to vote one another off the island.

    WSJ: Michael B. Mukasey: The ObamaCare Recusal Nonsense

  • After nearly two weeks of debate, 57 senators (44 Democrats and 13 Republicans) voted in favour of preserving the soft money ban if the Supreme Court rules other parts of the bill unconstitutional.

    BBC: US campaign finance 'set for overhaul'

  • Hicks is the first al-Qaida suspect to be tried since the Bush administration drew up the rules in the wake of a Supreme Court decision on the handling of Guantanamo prisoners.

    NPR: Plea Agreement Gives Detainee Seven Years

  • The activists, along with members of the media and curious bystanders, thronged the area in front of the Supreme Court building while police officers enforced traffic rules and discouraged people from blocking the sidewalk or the steps of the court.

    WSJ: Outside the Court, Activists Argue Their Cases

  • But as different judges reach different answers -- and as some of those answers, I fear, create risks for our national security -- there remains a pressing need for Congress, working with the administration, to establish one set of rules that is both consistent with the Supreme Court's decision and recognizes the important national security and intelligence interests of the United States.

    WSJ: Al Qaeda Detainees and Congress's Duty

  • Indeed, the question presented in a majority of recent Supreme Court Takings Clause cases has involved the scope of those rules.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Observations: Takings Ruling a Lump of Coal, Not a Gift, for Landowners

  • The U.S. Supreme Court in 2006 modified the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to insure the ability to gain electronic discovery of messages.

    FORBES: All Phone Calls With Brokers In The UK Now Recorded; Coming Soon To Europe and America

  • If the Supreme Court rules against Kirtsaeng and in favor of Wiley, consumers who sell goods on eBay or any secondary marketplace could face copyright infringement charges for any products made overseas.

    FORBES: Legality Of Selling Used Items

  • Democrats, raising an issue they have pressed for years, asked if part of the problem was because groups organizing under section 501(c)(4) of the tax code have operated under unclear rules since the Supreme Court in 2010 opened the door for corporations and other groups to spend unlimited amounts to influence campaigns.

    WSJ: Treasury Officials Knew of IRS Probe Last June

  • In brief, the Russian constitution creates an all-powerful Presidency, and the existence of a parliament and constitutional court matters little when the Kremlin rules supreme.

    FORBES: Vladimir Putin: A Symptom of Russia's Greater Problems

  • The Supreme Court, for example, rules on 15, 000 cases a year, of which 6, 000 concern individual pension appeals.

    ECONOMIST: Crimes past, crimes present

  • Yitzhak Zamir, a retired Supreme Court judge who recently headed a commission to draft tougher ethical rules for members of parliament, argues that as Israel has become less ideological, idealist and egalitarian than in its pioneering early days, politics has become more of a personal career and politicians abuse their positions more often.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • Employers and unions can and will contest many, if not all, these decisions until the United States Supreme Court whistles a timeout to call its own recess and definitively rules on the validity of the recess appointments.

    FORBES: No Timeout In Recess Appointment Battle Over NLRB's Authority

  • In one ruling Thursday, the Supreme Constitutional Court found that the rules governing January's parliamentary elections were invalid, triggering the dissolution of parliament.


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