• The Odyssey orbiter first reported in 2001 that the region was rich in water ice, mostly in the form of permafrost.

    CNN: Lander grabs Mars water, will see if it's life-supporting

  • Hydroponics and aeroponics - a type of hydroponics, but rather than growing in nutrient-rich water, grows in the air and the plants get sprayed with nutrients - technology is increasingly being utilised by businesses themselves.

    BBC: The technology that's transforming gardening

  • That means building futuristic structures that use wastewater and solar power to produce hydroponic (grown in a nutrient-rich water, without soil) and aeroponic (grown in water-saturated air) crops.

    FORBES: Skyscraper Farms: A Name To Know In 2011

  • Although coconut water is rich in potassium, it is low in carbohydrates and sodium- two potential issues for those who do endurance training or prolonged aerobic workouts.

    FORBES: The Truth Behind The Coconut Water Craze

  • Already in the planning stages: a 37-km tunnel to channel water from the Benus river in water-rich Pahang state to drought-stricken Selangor state, and a pipe to link the Gombak river in KL to the Wangsa Maju water treatment plant.

    CNN: Special Report Drought

  • It's like combustion in reverse, and in essence it is what powers plants: CO2 and water in, energy-rich sugar molecules out.

    BBC: Petrol from air: Will it make a difference?

  • During breaks, Medeiros' mother, Beaters Diacopulos Rondon, combines powder from caffeine-rich guarana seeds with bottled water in a silver drinking cup.

    FORBES: Journey: Painful pleasure

  • During breaks, Medeiros' mother, Beatriz Diacopulos Rondon, combines powder from caffeine-rich guarana seeds with bottled water in a silver drinking cup.

    FORBES: Painful pleasure

  • But in most other rich countries the water business is still run either by the state or by private firms too small to compete internationally.

    ECONOMIST: Clean up��or risk many deaths

  • The scientists said the locale was almost certainly a primordial lake bed, rich in clay minerals, where the water many eons ago wasn't too salty or alkaline for life to thrive.

    WSJ: Scientists Say Microbial Life Was Possible on Mars

  • While coconut water is low in calories, rich in potassium, and fat and cholesterol free, the evidence that it is actually better than plain water for simple hydration is unfortunately lacking.

    FORBES: The Truth Behind The Coconut Water Craze

  • "The guess is that both the water and the dark material, which we think is organic-rich material, were delivered by the same objects impacting Mercury: some mixture of comets and the kinds of asteroids that are rich in organic and volatile material like water ice, " Prof Solomon said.

    BBC: Mercury's water ice at north pole finally proven

  • In the rich countries, the air that we breathe and the water we drink or swim in is cleaner now than in 1900 or 1950, and it is clear that, given the will, it can be made cleaner in poor (and now increasingly more polluted) countries as well.

    ECONOMIST: A Survey of the 20th Century

  • Diarrhoea kills millions of people every year in developing countries, but few in the rich ones because of clean water and the easy availability of elementary drugs.

    ECONOMIST: The Kashmir earthquake

  • Pollution, however, is not the reason that people in rich countries have taken to drinking bottled water.

    ECONOMIST: It must also be clean

  • It transpires that conflicts over water erupt in equal measure in rich and poor countries, democracies and autocracies, fortunately on rare occasions.

    UNESCO: Open Access to Scientific Information

  • The latter process occurs at low temperatures when rocks rich in the minerals olivine and pyroxene react chemically with water, releasing methane.

    BBC: Martian methane mystery deepens

  • "Out there" is Breezy Point, the westernmost part of the Rockaway peninsula in Queens, a fish-rich stretch of water that's the unofficial separation of the Atlantic from the harbor of New York.


  • Syria contends that the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin agreed during lower-level peace talks that stalled in 1996 to return the Golan, a water-rich region that overlooks the upper Jordan River valley.

    CNN: Albright: 'No done deal' as Israel, Syria prepare to meet

  • As I grew older, I learned that infusing this kelp in water makes an elemental stock with a round, rich taste, a mild sweetness and a touch of saltiness from the sea the basis for countless Japanese dishes, and the source of their profound depth of flavor.

    WSJ: Kelp Wanted

  • While rich in commodities like copper, gold, and silver, Chile lacks both water and energy.

    FORBES: Barrick's Reverse Midas Touch And Other Golden Rules

  • We see it every day and we witness it getting worse in our rivers too, where rich furrows of algae now bloom beneath the water.

    FORBES: Setting an Innovation Agenda for the Ocean: The Next Frontier for People Like Us

  • With fresh water, we are working hard to establish biodiversity priorities and to demonstrate how incredibly important biologically rich, intact natural systems like rain forests are in ensuring a continued supply of clean water to human societies.

    FORBES: Conservation International: Stemming the Tide of Environmental Crises, Part Two

  • In 1993 the city's water authority was broke and only the really rich had access to clean water.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It is thought that recent high rainfall had displaced the CO2-rich water at the bottom, releasing a massive bubble of carbon dioxide gas from the lake in a natural phenomenon now referred to as "lake overturn".

    BBC: 1986: Hundreds gassed in Cameroon lake disaster

  • Over a two-year experiment, we saw that there was a change in the soil structure as a result of a wetting and drying of the soil in clay-rich soils, and that can increase the amount of structure and hence storage of water.

    BBC: Hybrid grass 'could reduce flooding impact'

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