• Programmatic science funding goes to universities in the form of grants and contracts funding research proposals generated by the faculty.

    FORBES: Big Science, Big Government

  • Just as important, it takes little time, paperwork or glad-handing to get approval and generous funding for research proposals, according to Dr Tam.

    ECONOMIST: Biotechnology in Singapore

  • The extra money will allow us to fund even more research proposals.

    BBC: Cash for autism research

  • The Clinton administration proposed to fund research proposals that adhered to this distinction, though no funding was granted before President Clinton left office.

    CNN: Looking for middle ground in a minefield

  • This is the case regardless of whether the peer review is performed by editors considering articles submitted for publication or performed by funding agencies to review the merits of competing research proposals.

    FORBES: Climate Sins and the High Priests of Peer Review

  • But at the moment, that process is still at the research stages, and they haven't made any proposals from their research as of yet, as far as I'm aware.

    NPR: South Africa Considers Legalizing Prostitution

  • They rarely have any extensive research or meaningful policy proposals.

    FORBES: Just Who Are Those Keynesians We're So Often Referring To?

  • From 1977-78 he submitted nine separate proposals for research grants--including work on the controlled release of cancer drugs and the inhibition of angiogenesis--but was rejected by the National Institutes of Health and various foundations.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Last month DARPA, the U.S. Defense Department's research agency, invited proposals from robotics experts to build a "chemical robot" made from soft, flexible materials and capable of squeezing through gaps smaller than its regular dimensions.

    CNN: Robotics discovers its soft side

  • The recent request for proposals by Microsoft Research to address challenges at the intersection of human trafficking and technology offers a promising example.

    FORBES: Disruption at the Intersection of Technology and Human Rights

  • In a new call for research, Darpa is asking for proposals to devise prototype implantable biosensors.

    FORBES: Will Body Monitoring Implants Be The Future of Healthcare?

  • There are also proposals for a permanent research and development tax credit, temporary expensing of business investment, and payroll tax holidays.

    FORBES: Understanding the Laffer Curve

  • So were recent Obama proposals to make the research and development tax credit permanent, and to accelerate business' ability to write off expenses.

    WSJ: Change in Tone Depends on Obama

  • Just prior to WCIT, European experts published research demonstrating that some countries were advancing proposals in that forum that were at odds with their WTO obligations.

    FORBES: WCIT, TPP, Russia PNTR: Growing Recognition of Internet Freedom As A Trade Issue

  • In the book, I sketch out a few of the early examples of anti-leaking technologies, including those described in a request for proposals launched by the Pentagon research arm known as the Defense Advanced Resource Projects Agency in 2010 that suggested methods of monitoring all employees in a firm or agency for leak-like behaviors.

    FORBES: My Take On Evgeny Morozov's Review Of My Book, 'This Machine Kills Secrets'

  • According to the Investor Responsibility Research Centre, this year a record 275 shareholder proposals are critical of bosses' pay.

    ECONOMIST: Pay for chief executives: Is that enough? | The

  • Institutional Review Boards, the local bodies that check research on humans and are the main overseers of such research, are swamped with work, sometimes examining hundreds of proposals a year.

    ECONOMIST: Don��t let it happen again

  • Dr Evetts says that researchers putting proposals to the European Space Agency are aware that microgravity research is a long haul.

    BBC: Chris Hadfield says Nasa's job is not to 'titillate'

  • However, he accepts that more modest proposals (such as a small carbon tax or investments in research) would have ranked higher on the list.

    ECONOMIST: The debate over global warming is getting rancorous

  • Kitts-Nevis National MAB Committee has a key role and functions including, Advocacy and support of sustainable development, promotion and monitoring of scientific research, planning and management of Biosphere reserves, approval of Biosphere Reserve Proposals, capacity development of the local communities in resource management and environmental protection, the conservation of biological diversity.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • The proposals are due April 1 of this year, and the Langley Research Center in partnership with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and with Lockheed Martin, with the Draper Lab and Aurora Flight Sciences, is proposing a robotic airplane to fly over the surface of Mars, about a mile above the surface.

    NPR: Revisiting the Viking Missions to Mars

  • During this meeting, policy-makers, researchers, and civil society actors shared their experiences and mutual practices in order to, notably, develop proposals to strengthen regional cooperation and promote the contribution of regional social science research institutes in the development of public development policies.

    UNESCO: Education

  • There are one or two aspects we want to talk about further - some of our changes on the research system, for example - but it is a white paper which sets out our proposals clearly.

    BBC: Breakfast with Frost

  • As yet, nobody is making the sort of radical proposals that would wholly remove the conflicts of interest for instance, by requiring research and investment banking to take place in separate firms.

    ECONOMIST: Recriminations against Wall Street

  • Worse, such proposals may severely damage the ability of companies such as ours to invest in cutting edge research and development, including investment in the many talented scientists who dedicate their lives to finding life changing medical advances.

    FORBES: Merck CEO: Health Care Beyond the Fiscal Cliff Requires Structural Changes

  • There are also proposals to explore and sample Lake Ellsworth in west Antarctica by a team involving 14 UK universities and research institutions, plus scientists from Chile, the US, Sweden, Belgium, Germany and New Zealand.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Secret rivers found in Antarctic

  • Baroness Finlay, a doctor and former president of the Royal Society of Medicine, highlighted the importance of research when treating patients, and asked how the government plans to preserve academic health partnerships in light of its proposals to reform the healthcare system in England.

    BBC: Academic health partnerships debate

  • These proposals include a more generous, permanent extension of the tax credit that goes to companies for all the research and innovation that they do here in America.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama News Conference

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