• Renewable Energy Group, Inc. shares are currently trading off about 1.6% on the day.

    FORBES: Renewable Energy Group Stock Getting Very Oversold

  • The EOWDC project is a joint venture with engineering firm Technip and the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (Areg).

    BBC: Photomontage of planned turbines

  • Gaelectric, the Irish renewable energy group, has announced it has received planning approval for the 15 Megawatt (MW) farm at Inishative near Pomeroy.

    BBC: ?22m Tyrone wind farm 'to bring 20 jobs'

  • The European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC) project is a joint venture by utility company Vattenfall, engineering firm Technip and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (Areg).

    BBC: Photomontage of planned turbines

  • In the case of Renewable Energy Group, Inc.

    FORBES: Renewable Energy Group Stock Getting Very Oversold

  • Last year, a consortium of US and Chinese companies announced plans to build a manufacturing center in the Las Vegas area for building wind turbines that would employ about 1, 000 people, according to partner US Renewable Energy Group.

    FORBES: Nevada Might Receive Big China Investment, Sen. Reid Says

  • In another example, the Department of the Interior worked with the State of California to create a Renewable Energy Policy Group to align Federal and state permitting and review processes to expedite solar, wind, geothermal and transmission projects in California.

    WHITEHOUSE: Working with States to Cut Red Tape and Rebuild America��s Infrastructure | The White House

  • In July, a few months after the government announced a plan to construct the King Abdullah City for Nuclear and Renewable Energy, Shaw Group, Toshiba, and Exelon Corp joined forces to secure government contracts to develop the Kingdom's nuclear program.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "A large and growing number of Apple customers have challenged the company to be an environmental leader, whether that be by rejoining EPEAT, eliminating toxic chemicals from its products, or powering its iCloud with renewable energy, " the group said in a statement e-mailed to CNN.

    CNN: Apple: No wait, we're green again

  • The group Wadebridge Renewable Energy Network (WREN) has been investigating harnessing energy from the Camel river.

    BBC: Project aims to harness Camel river tidal energy

  • The International Renewable Energy Agency, an intergovernmental group that promotes green power, calls it a fata morgana until at least 2020.

    FORBES: Technology

  • During this period, power stations using gas, biomass, other renewable energy sources and nuclear energy would produce more to fill the void, the group said in a joint position paper presented to the European Commission on Friday.

    BBC: Coal-to-gas power shift 'to cut energy costs'

  • The system coped with the first influx of renewable energy, says Rainer Baake, who heads a lobby group called Agora Energiewende.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s energy transformation

  • Facebook on Thursday announced that it will work with environmental group Greenpeace to encourage major utilities to develop renewable energy generation while creating programs to help its users to save energy and engage their communities in clean energy decisions.

    FORBES: Facebook Commits to Green Energy -- But Can It Deliver?

  • It tried to force utilities to increase production of renewable energy in the face of fierce opposition by the utility industry group, and it included a tax package that the White House has long indicated it would not support.

    FORBES: Senate Passes Watered-Down Energy Bill

  • It included the Carbon Trust, National Renewable Energy Centre (Narec), and Ocean Energy Innovation - a group of major players in renewables including the University of Strathclyde.

    BBC: Glasgow to host ?50m renewables headquarters

  • The Persian Gulf visit by the First Minister is also to bang the drum for Scottish business and education, with McGrigors law firm opening an office, Heriot-Watt University opening a campus, Weir Group expected to announce new developments and exports of renewable energy technology to be promoted.

    BBC: Salmond scales up foreign loan application

  • Since June, Cape Wind has faced a legal challenge from a group that includes Californians who normally lobby in favour of renewable energy.

    ECONOMIST: Wind energy and politics

  • The nightmare lasted until 2002, when the Jains got a partner in Texas Pacific Group's Aqua Fund, which invests in water and renewable energy.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Gang of 16, a group of senators who support a controversial energy plan that promotes offshore drilling and renewable energy, is about to get larger.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The group's remit also includes an effort to encourage diversification, including the growth of renewable energy industry on the isles.

    BBC: Typhoon

  • This year two U.K. banks, HSBC and Barclays, followed telecoms giant BT Group 's lead last year in committing to increase its use of renewable or environmentally sound energy.


  • But environmental group Friends of the Earth said the scheme, which counts towards the government's 2020 renewable energy targets set by the EU, did not go far enough.

    BBC: Renewable heating systems: Household grants available

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