• In four years, with Ornstein negotiating deals and refinancings, Mesa bought six other airlines.

    FORBES: Second act

  • We are providing additional support from the government in order to facilitate those refinancings.

    WHITEHOUSE: Online Town Hall

  • In the face of more requests for waivers and refinancings, banks will react selectively.

    ECONOMIST: Corporate lending

  • On Wednesday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau outlined a set of options designed to encourage such refinancings.

    WSJ: New College Lenders Step Up

  • The new-deal calendar, in fact, is chock full of dividends and refinancings as well as cross-border transactions.

    FORBES: May 2012, US Leveraged Loan Market Trends and Analysis

  • And we've already seen a jump in refinancings of mortgages, and homeowners taking advantage of lower rates.

    WHITEHOUSE: Online Town Hall

  • By the fourth quarter of 2010, however, cash-outs dropped to 16% of refinancings and cash-ins jumped to 33%.

    FORBES: Don't Look For Housing To Help The Economy, Says Shilling

  • For these loans, borrowers will also need to maintain 75% loans-to-market value ratios, 75% for refinancings and 70% for cash-out refinancings.

    FORBES: Don't Look For Housing To Help The Economy, Says Shilling

  • When combined with record numbers of refinancings to take advantage of these low rates, house prices might firm up sooner than most think.

    FORBES: Depression Ditch Within A Mild Recession

  • Mortgage financing giant Freddie Mac says proceeds from cash-out refinancings are set to drop 40% this spring compared with the volume last spring.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But it turns out the vast majority of these subprime loans or refinancings that often put people who already own a home into a riskier position.

    NPR: Senate Panel Studies Subprime Loan Woes

  • By the time Arntzen stepped aboard osg in 2004, he had worked for a handful of years at American Marine Advisors, bailing out faltering companies and putting refinancings together.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It sounds like Obama will ask Congress to let the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) guarantee refinancings by underwater borrowers and charge big banks a fee to cover the costs.

    FORBES: By Jed Kolko ( @JedKolko), Trulia��s Chief Economist

  • There's a tendency for these borrowers, and their lenders, to live in a delusional world in which an inability to service the debt is papered over with refinancings and creative repayment schedules.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • However, we project FFO growth will be in the 8-10 percent range for the next 2 years thanks to positive same store growth, accretive portfolio additions (external and internal), and accretive refinancings.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • And I think if you look at -- I think the President talked about the amount of refinancings just last month were greater than I think at any time in almost the past decade.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Those refinancings put investors in a tight spot.

    WSJ: Are High-Yield Munis Headed for a Fall?

  • We're starting to see refinancings go up significantly.

    WHITEHOUSE: Online Town Hall

  • "The good news is that these refinancings could help some homeowners avoid expensive resets on adjustable rate mortgages, and in turn prevent some foreclosures, " said Spencer Rascoff, chief operating officer at Zillow.com, a real estate Web site based in Seattle.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "The Soviet Union is already in a piecemeal debt rescheduling with a series of 'quiet' Western government 'refinancings' likely this year -- all in the interest of avoiding a more formal and debilitating Paris Club process, " Center Board member Robinson said.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • What is already clear, and makes worse scenarios more likely, is that growth in corporate profits is certain to slow this year, recession or not, due to sluggish growth in demand, rising interest costs (caused by refinancings of debt secured when long-term interest rates were lower than today) and accelerating depreciation costs.

    ECONOMIST: To cut or not to cut

  • The Bush Administration will likely agree to do its part to secure a series of "quiet" debt refinancings for the USSR among G-7 nations on a bilateral basis an effort to help the Soviets find ways to avoid a formal Paris Club rescheduling which Treasury Secretary Brady in London strongly discouraged the USSR from undertaking.


  • The Bush Administration will likely agree to do its part to secure a series of "quiet" debt refinancings for the USSR among G-7 nations on a bilateral basis -- an effort to help the Soviets find ways to avoid a formal Paris Club rescheduling which Treasury Secretary Brady in London strongly discouraged the USSR from undertaking.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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