• Only by re-configuring the technological basics, they argue, can the airline industry square the circle of meeting increased demand for air travel while at the same time reducing the environmental damage caused by such travel.

    CNN: Green wing:?can technology make flying more environmentally friendly?

  • While we should all applaud big companies that are reducing the social and environmental damage of their practices and products, the article glosses over the two biggest questions and it simultaneously maligns one of the most innovative companies in the sustainable business space, Method home products.

    FORBES: No Sustainability Without Transparency!

  • This year, he got his crop into the ground by late April, but dry conditions are now causing damage and reducing the number bushels his fields will produce.

    WSJ: Midwest's Dry Spell Threatens to Intensify

  • The advent of new technologies like hit-to-kill missile seekers and advanced signal processors greatly increased the defensive potential of the system while reducing the danger of collateral damage.

    FORBES: Missile Defense Becomes A Navy Mission

  • Low doses appeared to offer some protection against stroke damage - reducing the area of the brain affected by 30%.

    BBC: Ginkgo could reduce stroke damage

  • Reducing either precipitiously would damage the world economy.

    FORBES: The Fiscal Cliff Could Last Forever

  • Yes, we reduce our resources now but we increase them by more in the future as a result of reducing climate change and thus avoiding some of the damage from it.

    FORBES: Why Wind Power Doesn't Work

  • Interfering with these elements does profound damage, so reducing interference to faith, fire and focus is probably the most effective, though least recognized, way you can improve performance in your business or personal life.

    FORBES: Leadership

  • By reducing the panic-induced part of widening credit-spreads, the new liquidity tools mitigate the damage that dysfunctional credit markets would otherwise wreak on the economy.

    ECONOMIST: Credit crunch

  • Now new computer-guided systems cut down on collateral damage by molding the radiation beam to the precise contours of the prostate, reducing side effects and boosting cure rates.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • However, it is cutting off your nose to spite your face, because refusing to raise the debt ceiling would be consigning the economy potentially to another recession, certainly to reducing growth and job creation -- to the kinds of eventualities that would precisely -- would do the most damage to the cause of creating jobs and growing the economy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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