• Please note that any particular securities mentioned do not represent all of the securities bought, sold or recommended for advisory clients and recommendations may change at any time.

    FORBES: Not All Bonds Are Created Equal - A Cautionary Tale for Retiree Investors

  • The first minister confirmed the government would be adopting the recommendations on ending the ban and also the safeguards recommended by the committee.

    BBC: First minister's questions

  • They further recommended that progress in, and opportunities for implementation of the meeting recommendations should be assessed by an International Congress on Information Literacy in the first half of 2005, and that the possibility of inclusion of Information Literacy within the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012) should be considered by the international community.


  • Physicians prescribe the recommended medication about 69 percent of the time, follow appropriate lab-testing recommendations about 62 percent of the time and follow appropriate surgical guidelines 57 percent of the time.

    FORBES: Are Medical Treatments Keeping Up With Science?

  • It will be important to ensure that the workup and interventions recommended are judicious, evidence-based, and not prohibitively expensive once these recommendations are introduced on a very broad scale, especially if practicing physicians and payers may feel wary about exercising their judgment and overriding them.

    FORBES: Is IBM's Watson in Jeopardy? This Oncologist Thinks So!

  • The guidance, once again, was that after careful analysis of data, radiation levels and damage assessments to all units at the plant, our independent experts at the NRC are in agreement with the response and measures taken by Japanese technicians, including their recommended 20-kilometer radius for evacuation and additional shelter-in-place recommendations out to 30 kilometers.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Canadian officials have recommended installing pop-out windows and quick-release doors on floatplanes, but those recommendations have never been enforced.


  • School-based counselling services, recommended in the Clywch report into abuse by teacher John Owen at a Pontypridd school, are among the recommendations.

    BBC: Suicide plan 'overdue' - charity

  • The report says it expects the financial impact of the recommendations to "be reasonably even-handed between the largest two parties" although it cannot be sure - and recommended further work before it was brought in.

    BBC: Political parties 'should get more taxpayer funding'

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