• The intention is to help homeowners re-finance mortgages at lower rates, allow consumers cheaper financing to buy cars, and give firms favorable borrowing rates.

    FORBES: 2013 Is Bernanke's Year: Unlimited QE And Total Control Of The Fed

  • Our bad behavior spending spree was gleefully enabled by a wallet full of credit cards and bankers ever so happy to endlessly re-finance your house for amounts exceeding its market value.

    FORBES: Cold Hard Reality: You Must Save For Retirement

  • The state has much to do, from improving education and welfare to re-regulating finance.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s Green party is flourishing

  • When the next recession reveals the next act of lunacy and the urge to re-regulate finance takes hold, remember that today's successes were founded partly on those freedoms.

    ECONOMIST: Financial markets

  • And then more time would be spent by your finance department re-keying this data into their company system.

    FORBES: 9 Smartphone Apps Every Salesperson Must Have

  • "President Obama says the problem with our health care is that we spend too much, and if you look at all the proposals, clearly they are going to spend trillions of dollars of additional money that we don't have -- that we're going to have to borrow -- in order to finance their scheme, " Boehner told reporters.

    CNN: GOP lawmakers offer 'practical' health care reform plan

  • Here's your chance to tell 20 of America's most powerful chief executives--including five in finance--how you think they're doing.

    FORBES: Wall Street Braces For Damning Evidence

  • The goal is to establish a pre-qualified pool of private sector partners positioned to finance development of large scale renewable energy projects and re-coup their capital investment through the sale of energy to the Army, and excess energy back to the grid.

    WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House

  • Instead they're talking to private-equity investors to help finance their expansion plans.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Instead of deciding it on narrow grounds, the court took the unusual step of asking for it to be re-argued, to examine the constitutionality of a large part of America's campaign-finance system.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • And by the way, I just want to warn you, even though we now have every committee in Congress having voted out a bill and we're closer than we've ever been, this is when the insurance companies are really going to start gearing up, because now they're -- their stock went down when the Senate Finance Committee voted out that bill.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall in New Orleans

  • Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), who headed last year's Senate investigation of alleged campaign finance violations in Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign.

    CNN: Congressional Reaction Split Along Party Lines

  • He has already re-arranged the board and put in place new marketing and finance directors.

    FORBES: Bargains And Dogs

  • And the housing market remains strong, with the lowest interest rates for 40 years encouraging many people to re-mortgage their homes and withdraw some of the equity to finance spending.

    ECONOMIST: Greenspan keeps his nerve | The

  • Mr Feingold, who opposed the Iraq war and sponsored campaign-finance reform, probably faces another close race for re-election, but most people think he will win.

    ECONOMIST: Swing states: Wisconsin

  • His comments came after Finance Minister Sammy Wilson conceded the Executive would have to re-examine the issue of charges.

    BBC: Water charges - a short history?

  • But we're very concerned about - about the job lottery that there is out there in the finance sector.

    BBC: Money Box - Saturday 30 December 2000

  • Robert Glauber, chairman of America's National Association of Securities Dealers, reminded the finance industry during a visit to London last month that bouts of punitive re-regulation by angry authorities can be long-lived.

    ECONOMIST: Investment banks

  • Second, while the challenger attacks Allen for being too liberal and too closely attached to the national Democratic party's agenda, Allen has made a name for himself championing campaign finance reform and will be able to use all the advantages of incumbency in his re-election bid.

    CNN: 'Carpetbagger' Label Could Hurt Maine Challenger

  • They're very worried in particular about hedge funds and indeed the Italian Finance Minister was talking about banning them all together, and they're worried about off-shore markets.

    NPR: Global Summit Takes On Economic Turmoil

  • To finance his illicit imports as well as buying influence, Saddam issued oil vouchers, which could be re-sold at a profit under the oil-for-food scheme, to those who were prepared, it seems, to take a slice of money that ought to have gone to malnourished Iraqis.

    ECONOMIST: Draw your own conclusions | The

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