• In July, the spotlight falls on Satyajit Ray, and in September on Erich von Stroheim.

    BBC: NFT marks 50 with Kurosawa season

  • "Indian cinema has been around in the United States since Satyajit Ray in the early 1940s, " Lovece said.

    CNN: Is Bollywood coming to Hollywood?

  • The last movie by the Bengali filmmaker Satyajit Ray is a modest picture, a graceful domestic comedy made in a serene, leisurely classical style.

    NEWYORKER: Stranger, The (Agantuk)

  • There the young Ismail, already spellbound by cinema and, in particular, by the films of Satyajit Ray, dreamed of producing movies that would mix the talents and the cultures of India and America.

    ECONOMIST: Obituary: Ismail Merchant | The

  • In fact, the manic pace of the film precludes sustained meditation on Jamal's urban surroundings--the kind of revelations that arise from the languorous long takes of a realist filmmaker like Satyajit Ray or, to a lesser extent, Mira Nair (for example, in 1988's Salaam Bombay).

    FORBES: Slumming It

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