• If a rational person believes climate change is a certainty, he or she will also believe that climate policy is a rational response to manage that change.

    FORBES: Global Warming and the English Language

  • For how can there be a rational basis for a ban that has been proven ineffective?

    FORBES: Forget Market Failure, Our Crumbling Democracy Speaks To Political Failure

  • Promoting public health, for example, would obviously be a rational basis for a statute banning smoking in bars, but it might not suffice to justify a statute banning smoking only in gay bars.

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Maybe Scalia Was Wrong

  • There is thus never a situation in which an authoritarian regime would outperform a democratic one or a situation in which citizens of a given country would have a rational preference for a less democratic government.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Two centuries before Rand arrived on the scene, Adam Smith had already written The Wealth of Nations, a powerful treatise demonstrating why self-interest offers a more secure foundation for a rational society than a selfless dedication to the common good.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Black-Scholes equation, brainchild of economists Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, provided a rational way to price a financial contract when it still had time to run.

    FORBES: Black-Scholes Didn't Cause the Financial Crash

  • Yet speech codes persist in large part because university general counsels, often far more worried about the expense and bad press of a harassment lawsuit than the comparatively rare and inexpensive free speech lawsuit, have deemed it rational from a cost-benefit standpoint to censor.

    FORBES: Speech Codes: The Biggest Scandal On College Campuses Today

  • "This business is more rational than a lot of other retail sub-sectors, " says Stephanie Hoff, an analyst at Edward Jones.

    FORBES: Weathering The Housing Storm

  • The rational and worthy institutions of government require a rational underlying political philosophy, with an abiding respect for individual rights and the rule of law.

    FORBES: Credit Obama for Leaving Iraq, But the U.S. Remains Over-Committed Abroad

  • In a rational world there would be no such thing as a nondiversified money market account.

    FORBES: Trust Me

  • To be moved by rational argument, a person has to be open to rational discourse.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's losing streak and Israel

  • Looking at those yields, a rational person would conclude the entire world must be in a Depression.

    FORBES: Are Bonds The Next Facebook--Negatively Speaking?

  • Most businesses, even small ones, already collect such an enormous amount of data that, even if they could find a reasonably-priced and skilled data scientist to hire, that person would quickly be overwhelmed unless there was a rational approach to distilling and translating that data, and a usable set of tools with which to do it.

    FORBES: Will Data Science Become the New Bottleneck?

  • This is not the fight of a die-hard, it is the wholly rational fight of a relatively small insurgency which sees warfare as the only way their communal rights can be respected.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Myth of the Sunni Diehard

  • "If you approach it from a rational approach it's insane, " said Klaus Jacob, a Columbia University professor who specializes in disaster risk management.

    WSJ: Reshaping Shore Homes

  • The reason it is impossible to found a rational economic policy purely on consumer sovereignty is that one cannot be a consumer without also being a producer.

    FORBES: In response to Ian Fletcher

  • These toys carry a simple warning message: beware, my owner has suspended rational judgement for a moment.

    ECONOMIST: European politics

  • We don't, at the moment, have a rational reimbursement structure for health care--you may pay more for a procedure at one location and the quality of care may not be higher.

    FORBES: Leslie V. Norwalk

  • The goal of modern liberalism was the rational state, a state that completed the long-standing attempt at the rational control of nature and human life that began with Machiavelli and culminated with Hegel.

    ECONOMIST: Anatomy of defeat

  • Economists need to explain, therefore, why a rational consumer would be persuaded by an ad which offers nothing but an enticing image or a good laugh.

    ECONOMIST: The money in the message

  • Writing for a 6-3 majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy held that a Colorado constitutional amendment forbidding local gay rights legislation lacked a rational basis because it singled out gays, but he expressly declined to establish gays as a class that needs special antidiscrimination treatment.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Marriage and the Supreme Court

  • In a line of thought popular among German conservatives between the two World Wars, Kagan holds that liberals are dreamers who believe that nations will behave decently once they are part of a rational world order, where all are free to pursue their enlightened self-interests within a framework of internationally agreed-on rules, as promulgated by such institutions as the League of Nations and the United Nations.

    NEWYORKER: After America

  • Commercial property is a more rational affair, although hubris can play a part: there is nothing like a picture of a trophy property to adorn a fund manager's annual report.

    ECONOMIST: Bricks and slaughter

  • As a rational, liberal-minded sort of bloke, he considers the English class structure to be a piece of antiquated and retrogressive nonsense.

    ECONOMIST: English snobbery

  • That was at once a perfectly rational reading of British domestic politics, and a decision that pushed Germany into the arms of the French.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon which was a failure on every rational level was a strategy concocted and championed for the better part of a decade by Yediot and its media colleagues at Israel Radio.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hizbullah��s media champions

  • The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon -- which was a failure on every rational level -- was a strategy concocted and championed for the better part of a decade by Yediot and its media colleagues at Israel Radio.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hizbullah's media champions

  • "The utilisation of sex as a classification method is rational, since it is a straight forward way to ensure that birth records in the City of New York are uniform, " lawyers for the city wrote in a court filing.

    BBC: Transgender Americans take on New York

  • The mass re-election of Republicans in a year like 2012 can have no other rational interpretation than as a mandate for Republicans to oppose tax, regulatory, and government spending increases.

    FORBES: The Real Lessons For The Republicans From The 11/6 Elections

  • While they may behave in a predictably rational fashion when buying gasoline or airline tickets a lower price makes them more willing to buy they get turned around when they go to Wall Street.

    FORBES: Be Like Warren Buffett: Sell Put Options

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