• Recent research shows that TNF, rather than destroying tumors as first thought, may actually spur their growth.

    FORBES: Chemical Chameleon

  • What is unusual about Physisporinus and Xylaria is that they gradually degrade the cell walls of the wood they infect thinning them rather than destroying them completely.

    ECONOMIST: Violin-making

  • The oil industry has been waiting patiently for Chavez to die with the hope that whoever came next would be more interested in building value rather than destroying it.

    FORBES: What Does Chavez's Death Mean For Venezuelan Oil Giant Pdvsa?

  • The idea that helping mosquitoes, rather than destroying them, may be the way to eradicate malaria is pleasingly counterintuitive, even if it would mean more mosquito bites at night.

    ECONOMIST: Recruiting mosquitoes to fight malaria

  • Indeed, people worried about potentially cheating spouses may find praying together a better safeguard against adultery than checking mobile-phone bills and scrutinising credit-card receipts and one that builds trust, rather than destroying it.

    ECONOMIST: Praying for your partner stops you straying

  • Rather than destroying sperm, as other contraceptive formulas do, VivaGel's dendrimers prevent the sperm from attaching to the egg much in the same way that they prevent, say, HIV viruses from attaching to the body's T-cells.

    FORBES: New Nano Protection Against HIV And Herpes

  • It might just be that health care reform happening in the late oughties rather than the early nineties is what will save the for profit health care insurance business rather than as Rick Unger has it, destroying it.

    FORBES: The Obamacare Bomb: Explosive or a Damp Squib?

  • One problem with eradication operations such as the one in Uruzgan is that they tend to set up confrontations between armed men and poor farmers: the only American a farmer ever meets might be the one who is destroying his harvest, rather than someone who is building a school or a clinic.

    NEWYORKER: The Taliban��s Opium War

  • Recently, however, the campaign has been all about destroying anti-Arroyo images, rather than building them up.

    ECONOMIST: Anyone but Arroyo

  • Particularly in light of Iran's nuclear weapons program and the Iranian regime's expressed goal of destroying Israel, the Bush administration preferred to scuttle the conference rather than give any credence to the view that Israel's purported nuclear arsenal is a greater threat to global security than Iran's nuclear program - which, as in today's draft, wasn't mentioned in Egypt's resolution five years ago.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu, Obama's newest prop

  • Rather than how to destroy Indonesia, the challenge for the outside world may be to prevent Indonesia from destroying itself.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

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