• But this research also shows that other factors, such as government economic policies, local enterprise, the efficiency of public administration and the amount of foreign direct investment are just as important in raising economic performance.

    ECONOMIST: European regional aid

  • Rather than push ahead with Mr Cardoso's agenda of structural reforms of taxes and the political system, as well as further measures to reorganise pensions and the public administration his allies in Congress are turning their attention to more congenial tasks, such as squabbling for position and investigating alleged malpractice in other branches of government.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil: Democracy gets back to business | The

  • After the colourful antics, the five main parties are now starting to discuss various issues such as the review of public administration, the cohesion, sharing and integration strategy and education.

    BBC: First day of new assembly term

  • Mr. Obama will meet Mr. Netanyahu and other leaders across the region, but administration officials see public appeals as a way to build rapport and stoke public pressure for the peace process.

    WSJ: Obama to Appeal to Israelis in Trip

  • The next job as chair of the Commons public administration committee was hardly adequate consolation, even though he presided over one mammoth inquiry into the working's of Labour's proposed Freedom of Information Bill.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Morgan sets out a socialist stall

  • In the latest issue, Hersh reports there's a reason the White House seemed passive early last month as public calls mounted for the administration to mediate the conflict between the Israelis and Hezbollah.

    NPR: Advocate of Conflict or Cease-Fire?

  • By trying to beat the Soviets at their game using unsound arms control initiatives in a bidding war for public opinion the Administration was quickly portrayed as less imaginative, insufficiently willing to "take risks for peace" and determined, despite its rhetoric, to build the very weapons it says should be banned.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Banning Chemical Weapons: Negotiating Unilateral US Disarmament

  • In the face of such developments, to say nothing of what amount to acts of war as sustained PRC government-linked hacker attacks on public and private sector computer networks, the Obama administration has maintained what can only be described as a cordially accommodating, business-as-usual approach to Beijing.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's all-hat-no-cattle diplomacy

  • Around 55% is spent on the public services, such as health and education, and administration.

    ECONOMIST: Britain's emergency budget

  • Bloomberg's administration and public health advocates praise the initiatives as bold moves to help people live better.

    WSJ: NYC proposing raising age for tobacco purchase

  • Their stories were both powerful and authentic, inspiring us all to remember the important task and responsibility we carry as public servants and members of the Obama administration.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • They maintain that the FAA is making fliers political pawns, as the Obama administration looks to use public backlash over flight delays to force Republicans into a budget deal.

    FORBES: Sequester Scaremongers Caught Red Handed on Air Controller Cuts

  • Two airline officials, who wouldn't be named, said in interviews they think the FAA is making fliers political pawns, as the Obama administration looks to use public backlash over flight delays to force Republicans into a budget deal.

    WSJ: Airlines Dispute Planned Air-Controller Cuts

  • For Mr. Bloomberg and his former chancellor, Joel Klein, who spent years banging fists at rigid labor rules they said protected bad teachers, the statute offered a new chance to solidify their legacy as an administration that mastered control over public schools.

    WSJ: Teacher Evaluation Deal Reached

  • There are calls for greater improvement in areas such as independence of the judiciary, reform of public administration and freedom of expression in the media.

    BBC: Macedonia's EU accession

  • Erskine Bowles understands the importance of managing money responsibly in the public sector, where he ran the Small Business Administration and served as President Clinton's chief of staff.

    WHITEHOUSE: Encouraging Long-Term Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

  • Those comments, which were interpreted by most pundits and political observers as the administration backing away from support for a public option, sent the far left into cardiac arrest.

    CNN: Commentary: Obama team flip-flops are showing

  • With a compliant press, myriad distractions during a compressed lame-duck session and the short-attention span of both legislators and the public, the administration may be calculating that it can stonewall this inquiry as it has done with Fast-and-Furious, among other scandals.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Petraeus, Benghazi and passing the smell test

  • Goaded by public and political sentiment, as well as by Serb atrocities, the administration seemed at one point to be reconsidering its reluctance to use ground forces.

    ECONOMIST: Troops or no troops?

  • Serving in the Clinton administration as counselor to the president, he was a close adviser to Clinton and helped define and defend the administration's agenda, serving as a principal public spokesman.

    CNN: Anchors & Reporters

  • Bush, decrying what he has called "the soft bigotry of low expectations, " has promoted reform of the public education system as one of the most pressing priorities of his young administration.

    CNN: Bush impatient with Congress on education bill

  • You raise a very good point, because just as Mr. Bush talks of getting back to some type of business as usual, he and his administration tell the American public that threats still exist.

    CNN: Kelly Wallace is a CNN White House correspondent.

  • Their comments were interpreted in media reports as a softening of the administration's support for the public insurance option.

    CNN: White House may push through health care without Republicans

  • As the public furor over executive pay rises again, the Obama administration is imposing additional compensation limits for bosses at the firms that have received the most bailout cash.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But after Bush's re-election in 2004, a divide was growing between the president and Cheney as the administration faced a declining sense of patience among the public for the Iraq War and negative headlines over prisoner abuse.

    CNN: Cheney unapologetic in new documentary

  • The Sharon and Olmert governments and the Israeli public as a whole believed that Israel had an ally in the Bush administration and that when push came to shove, the massive risks Israel took supporting the US's policies on Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and the Palestinians would be rewarded.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Exploiting the crisis

  • And if the mortgage mess gets bad enough, a public bail-out say by using institutions such as the Federal Housing Administration may prove a less damaging palliative than heavy-handed government rewriting of mortgage contracts.

    ECONOMIST: America's economy

  • The meeting was organized by young leaders, for young leaders, and featured senior administration officials who discussed innovative White House public-private partnership initiatives such as Educate to Innovate, the Recovery Act, and the Let's Move Partnership for a Healthier America.

    WHITEHOUSE: Conference on Next Generation Leadership

  • As the days passed in Egypt, the Obama Administration went through a public agony of confused, contradictory, and inconsistent responses.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How to make Egypt safe for democracy

  • After leaving the Clinton administration, Begala joined Georgetown University as a research professor of government and public policy.

    CNN: Anchors & Reporters

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