• Founded in 2003 and funded by angel investors, the company pioneered disc-based continuous data protection technology for the small and medium enterprise market.

    FORBES: Forget The Long Term: Building Your Startup For A Quick Exit

  • Look for advanced protection technology that proactively protects against zero day exploits or recognizes lateral movement within a network and blocks it.

    FORBES: Is Your IT Posture That Of A Protector, Detective, or Warrior?

  • Together they show that there is great scope for innovation by industrialists and politicians in harnessing science and technology for environmental protection.

    BBC: UK lags on riding 'green wave'

  • That is because the Environmental Protection Agency recently approved retrofit technology for big rigs that lets them burn LNG and diesel.

    WSJ: Will Truckers Ditch Diesel for Natural Gas?

  • The Safe Stoves project shows a virtuous circle in action, thanks to technology -- environmental protection, improved safety for women, access to clean energy for the poor, enhanced climate security.

    UN: Secretary-General

  • He said it would guarantee Royal Mail a "total future in the public sector", give pension protection for current and future pensioners, guarantee investment in new technology and improve relations between employers and staff.

    BBC: Labour MP quits government post

  • Nor does the advent of digital technology strengthen the case for extending the period of protection.

    ECONOMIST: Why the rules on copyright need to return to their roots

  • Concerned not only about colorizing but the whole cornucopia of changes to existing films that are now possible with computer technology, Hollywood directors have been lobbying Congress for protection of the integrity of their work.


  • Something is askew when the giants of technology with a vested interest in pursuing for protection to those with the most money and most patents are against such protection.

    FORBES: Google, Facebook, Dell And The Fiscal Cliff Of Patents

  • Digital technology slashes such costs, and thus reduces the argument for protection.

    ECONOMIST: Why the rules on copyright need to return to their roots

  • Meanwhile, on Wednesday Applied Materials and China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group announced they have agreed to explore projects for accelerating the development and deployment of solar photovoltaic technology.


  • More broadly, the fact that any company can demand protection for the basic shape of a device, years before it had invented the actual device or technology, should not entitle that company to claim that it had patented the design for a smartphone any more than Richard Branson can patent business class travel in outer space.

    FORBES: Apple v. Samsung: The Rights To Rectangles

  • Know our ocean: How can science and technology serve coastal nations for the sustainable management of ocean and coastal resources, the protection of their coastal populations, and to maintain ecosystem services?

    UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

  • Both Presidents reiterated their belief that a more efficient use of energy, and the use of cleaner and renewable sources and technology are fundamental elements for energy security, which contributes to sustainable economic growth and the protection of the environment.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the United States and Latin America

  • In line with the needs of advanced users for highest data integrity and confidentiality, the M5 Pro offers a unique enterprise-grade double-data protection technology.

    ENGADGET: Plextor M5 Pro bulges SSD envelope with 94K IOPS and 540MB/s

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