• One complains that she prosecutes too many cases without adequate regard for the facts.

    CNN: Trayvon Martin case has a tough, controversial prosecutor

  • It prosecutes about 1% of all the incidents it is asked to investigate, with a success rate of approximately 98%.

    BBC: RSPCA animal cruelty convictions up by a third in 2012

  • Luckily for UBS' clients, the government prosecutes fewer than 2, 500 tax cheats a year and the IRS has a liberal "voluntary disclosure" policy.

    FORBES: End of an Era?

  • Here, contrary to the complainants, the problem is not that Yale investigates and prosecutes allegations ineffectively but that it does so at all.

    WSJ: Peter Berkowitz: Is Yale University Sexist?

  • The Serious Fraud Office, the UK body which investigates and prosecutes complex financial fraud cases, issued a statement suggesting it was moving towards criminal prosecutions.

    BBC: Barclays

  • The IRS often prosecutes payroll service company principals for failing to pay over to the IRS payroll tax funds which they have received from customers.

    FORBES: Tips for Payroll Outsourcing

  • Yet Hollinghurst also prosecutes Bryant in this novel: by the time we encounter him in the nineteen-eighties, he is a minor literary schemer, relentless, intrusive, and duplicitous.

    NEWYORKER: Sons and Lovers

  • The U.S. Supreme Court ruling today that sided with Jeffrey Skilling is yet another indication that the Department of Justice needs to seriously rethink how it prosecutes white-collar crime.

    FORBES: Criminalizing Capitalism

  • He wondered why the U.S. Justice Department prosecutes statistical disparities between men and women or blacks and whites in employment and housing, but not in matters of life or death?

    FORBES: America's Male Only Child Policy?

  • It carries out raids, confiscates stock and prosecutes offenders.

    ECONOMIST: Intellectual property

  • However, when the government determines not to seek the death penalty against a defendant charged with complicity in the murder of hundreds, that potentially distorts every future capital case the government prosecutes.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Civilian courts are no place to try terrorists

  • Chris Arendt, a former guard at Guantanamo Bay, says the Obama administration must rethink and reform the way it detains and prosecutes future terror suspects -- and do more than just close Guantanamo.

    CNN: Open or closed, Guantanamo hurts U.S., ex-inmate says

  • The new Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which will take effect in 2013, provides more tools for the IRS, not only to pursue non-complying U.S. taxpayers, but also to more severely penalize those taxpayers it prosecutes.

    FORBES: FATCA: Giving More Tools to the IRS

  • The Crown Prosecution Service, which prosecutes cases in England and Wales, earlier this year declined to bring any criminal charges against officers, but said Friday it would review the case after the man's lawyer threatened to take the service to court.


  • In its own defence, the SFO has consistently argued that its budget is too small to give it a fighting chance of meeting the expectations of politicians and the public: those it investigates and prosecutes can usually afford the most expert and expensive lawyers and advisers.

    BBC: SFO: Can it survive Tchenguiz humiliation?

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