• All want the House of Lords to be wholly or largely elected under a proportional voting system.

    ECONOMIST: More unites the Tories and Lib Dems than divides them

  • However, in Israel's highly fragmented proportional voting system, Mr Netanyahu is expected to seek a coalition government with other parties from the right, including Naftali Bennett's.

    BBC: Naftali Bennett

  • The Liberal Democrats have long campaigned for a more proportional voting system, with the single transferable vote their favoured option, but the Conservatives agreed to a referendum on AV as part of the coalition deal.

    BBC: AV referendum: Union stance 'depressing', says Johnson

  • Mr Clegg duly unveiled a plan on May 17th that calls for a chamber of 300 representatives (less than half the current size), with 80% elected for 15-year terms under a proportional voting system, and the remaining 20% appointed.

    ECONOMIST: More Liberal Democrat woe

  • That is because Argentina's proportional-voting system encourages party discipline as elections draw near.

    ECONOMIST: Hoping it��s not the exit

  • He also called for a full proportional representation voting system, which he said would mean his party would come second or third in the next general election.

    BBC: UKIP considers leadership hopefuls

  • He also hit out at the present proportional representation system for voting for assembly members which he described as leading to "perverse outcomes", with candidates defeated in a first-past-the-post system getting in under the regional list ballot.

    BBC: Hain defends Whitehall changes

  • Israel's system of proportional voting has given the settlers and zealots a chokehold over politics.

    ECONOMIST: The Arabs and Israel

  • So the government needs to pay attention to the countryside only if it plans to make the voting system more proportional.

    ECONOMIST: Charge of the country brigade

  • Messrs Zeman and Klaus, whose parties together won 60% of the vote and 137 of parliament's 200 seats, want to amend the constitution so as to change the voting system from proportional representation to first-past-the-post.

    ECONOMIST: Czech Republic: Odd couple | The

  • But, even if he wins he will almost certainly have to form another coalition, given the proportional nature of Israel's voting system, our correspondent says.

    BBC: Middle East

  • They're the party with most to lose, remember, and the proportional nature of the Assembly's voting system camouflaged the hit they took a year ago, losing only one of their six seats.

    BBC: How much anger on the doorstep?

  • Whatever the outcome of the referendum, Sunni representation in the next parliament will rise, due to improvements in the voting system to make representation more proportional and because more Sunni groups are expected to take part in December's general election than did so in January's.

    ECONOMIST: Ballots amid the bullets and bombs | The

  • Because, under Germany's system of proportional representation, the Greens got 47 parliamentary seats, but under France's majority-voting system its Greens, the main environmental party, got a mere half-dozen.

    ECONOMIST: France

  • Israel today is governed by a proportional electoral system that treats the entire country as a unitary voting district.


  • The government has already changed the voting system for European elections and will introduce some form of proportional representation for the polls for the Scottish and Welsh assemblies and the London mayor.

    BBC: Low turnout boosts Labour plans to change system

  • Firstly, the voting system for Westminster elections had to be changed to one based on proportional representation.

    BBC: Kennedy: 'Campaign against Tories'

  • The voting system is highly complex, with two-thirds of the 498 elected seats being decided by proportional representation and the rest by a first-past-the-post system.

    BBC: Egypt election officials announce 62% turnout

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