• The High Court has approved the payment to Mr Neary, with Mr Justice Kenneth Parker saying he was "satisfied this is a proper order to make".

    BBC: Hillingdon Council to pay Steven Neary ?35,000

  • The method requires a series of advanced laboratory procedures, microarray chips and a high-speed gene-sequencing machine to assemble the strands in the proper order, correct any errors and then read the final text.

    WSJ: Harvard Researchers Turn Book Into DNA Code

  • Sure, they pointed out the tricky setup (routers need to be powered on and off in the proper order), but all said that with the aid of telephone-based customer support, problems were solved .

    FORBES: (Updated) Review: netTALK Duo Underwhelms on Voice Quality

  • "It's hard to say, since China never plays its cards in the proper order, " said Chen Wuquan, a Guangzhou-based lawyer whose license was revoked by local authorities just as he was preparing to travel to meet with Chen Kegui this month.

    WSJ: Chinese Activist's Departure Brings New Questions

  • The show is a must-see for any architectural professional or student of architecture, but the studies, notes and axonometric diagrams that record his thoughts and design process may be a little hard going for a general public more accustomed to dramatic sequences of photographic images and drop-dead models of buildings in proper chronological order.

    WSJ: Notes from the Archive: James Frazer Stirling, Architect and Teacher, at the Yale Center for British Art | Postmodernism's Pivotal Figure | By Ada Louise Huxtable

  • They insist that innovations achieve the proper margin, order size or net price or be abandoned--regardless of shifting market demand and potential future growth.

    FORBES: Leadership

  • There does seem to be an option to request an invitation, but the button isn't properly linked, so we weren't able to make our way to the proper form in order to take a closer look.


  • With a proper Swiss respect for order, anti-globalization protesters asked for permission to demonstrate in Geneva against the World Economic Forum.

    FORBES: Isolated In Davos, But Tibet Is Never Far

  • His second-biggest was to make no proper provision for restoring order afterwards.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush is a fool for keeping Donald Rumsfeld in his job

  • But Health Minister Simon Burns said ministers did not believe it was necessary for the entire Bill to be recommitted to committee in order for proper scrutiny to take place.

    BBC: NHS logo

  • But they do want rules, order and proper behaviour.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on law and order

  • They just want it downgraded and put in its proper place in the pecking order.

    CNN: Don't give medals for drone attacks

  • And experience elsewhere teaches that the military and civilian authorities need to be closely aligned, in order to give proper authority to the new government.

    ECONOMIST: Post-war Iraq

  • Edgar Kaufmann Jr. gave Fallingwater to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy more than two decades before his death, in order to ensure proper maintenance and presentation to the public.

    WSJ: A Marriage of Nature and Art

  • The FAA says it will closely monitor modifications of the aircraft in the U.S. fleet in order to assure proper installation, and that it will stage teams of inspectors at the modification locations.

    FORBES: Boeing Gets Approval To Start Fixing Its Grounded 787 Fleet

  • Make sure that, in order to pay proper (and politically correct) respect to all different ethnic groups in America, you act as if science were on an equal footing with voodoo and history with ethnic fable.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In order to find the proper governor and leader for a war-torn country, search the victimized and therein might lie your answer.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • It is one thing to take these cases in order to achieve the proper balance between due process concerns and unprecedented national security issues.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gitmo's guerilla lawyers

  • It needs the names of individual customers in order to determine the proper amount of tax due, because some of the sales in question might have gone to tax-exempt entities.

    FORBES: Federal Judge Quashes N.C. Search For Amazon Customer Data

  • But they do need a certain level of knowledge and skill in order to have a proper appreciation of the technical and psychological issues facing the person they are mentoring.


  • And this can polarize society if the candidates, media and the government does not handle in a proper, civilized way, in order not to let the country to become a social conflict.

    NPR: In Election, Mexicans Faced a Dichotomy

  • Alton said the government was railroading the order through parliament without proper scrutiny and proposed a motion that would freeze the legislation until a special committee had heard exhaustive evidence from experts.

    CNN: Green light for embryo cloning

  • Too bad they didn't incorporate a standard driver set for these things, so when you plug in your device, you must already have a connection established in order to get the proper drivers.

    ENGADGET: Gear Eye: MSN TV 2

  • Accepting that there is an undisputed need for software development to globalize, a proper strategy must be implemented in order to engage teams across the globe, preserve knowledge, optimize productivity and gain expected innovation from the different locations.

    FORBES: A Holistic View of Global Software Development

  • In this article, Halperin returns to a favorite theme: The intelligence community is not to be trusted and must be subjected to new limitations and additional congressional oversight in order to achieve the proper balance between our interest in national security and our interest in civil liberties.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination -- First Edition

  • "As a result, the military judge delayed pre-trial motions until the near future, when either a closed circuit feed can be set up for the accused to watch the hearings from outside the court room or the accused complies with court order to appear with proper military grooming standards, " the news release said.

    CNN: Hearing postponed over Fort Hood shooting suspect's beard

  • She remembers his suffering from persistent indigestion ever since Arda, her mother, who is also his paternal aunt, brought him from a nomadic hamlet during his early teens as her charge in order to facilitate his receiving proper schooling in Mogadiscio.

    NPR: Somalia's Farah: Humanizing a Broken Place

  • Shadow energy secretary and Labour leadership contender Ed Miliband said "rather than pointing fingers", the best course of action was for a "proper investigation" to be held in order to "establish the responsibilities of BP, the other private companies involved and the American regulatory authorities".

    BBC: BP criticism not about nationality, says Obama

  • Luz showed me the touch-screen tabs for the recipe for each order and a photo showing the proper presentation.

    NEWYORKER: Big Med

  • "We know the Foreign Office is in touch and we feel sure that the consulate and the proper authorities will provide the necessary assistance in order to ensure their safe return, " she said.

    BBC: Britons acting as 'human shields'

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