• In May 2010 received honorary doctorate of medicine from Karolinska Institute for his contributions to the university and his active promotion of research and development.

    FORBES: No. 13 Stefan Persson

  • "Health Promotion Agency research found drugs to be widely available here and that drug taking was seen by many as similar to having a drink when socialising and part of a typical night out, " he said.

    BBC: Cocaine use rife in young adults

  • Psychologists call this promotion motivation , and research shows that promotion-minded people are more energized by optimism and praise, more likely to embrace risk, seize opportunities, and excel at creativity and innovation.

    FORBES: Use Motivational Fit to Market Products and Ideas

  • The promotion of scientific research, in a way that connects technological, economic and social issues with environmental issues.

    UNESCO: South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Project (SEMEP)

  • If Geron is abandoning this project it is because it is simply not working, despite the millions of dollars and hot air that has been invested in the promotion of this research.

    BBC: Stem cell trial halted

  • Dr. Billal has pioneered establishment of a number of institutions including the ISESCO Center for Promotion of Scientific Research (ICPSR), Islamic Citation Centre (ISC), Islamic Body on Ethics of Science and Technology (IBEST), Islamic Network of Women Scientists (INWS) and launched a number of projects and strategies of prime importance for the promotion of science and technology in the Islamic World.

    UNESCO: Education

  • The drug company aggressively researches and promotes only the more expensive Drug A. The company does little or no research or promotion of Drug B as a treatment for macular degeneration.

    FORBES: Wrong Incentives in Medicare Waste Billions

  • Kitts-Nevis National MAB Committee has a key role and functions including, Advocacy and support of sustainable development, promotion and monitoring of scientific research, planning and management of Biosphere reserves, approval of Biosphere Reserve Proposals, capacity development of the local communities in resource management and environmental protection, the conservation of biological diversity.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Health Minister, Deputy Anne Pryke, said research suggested advertising and promotion of tobacco was related to young people taking up smoking.

    BBC: Jersey plan to ban cigarette displays in shops

  • The final chapter suggests ways of reinforcing the social sciences, including more funding, targeted research, better dissemination, and promotion of multilingualism and multidisciplinary approaches.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Recommendations included the promotion of cooperation with higher education institutions for research, data collection and training for policymakers, and the involvement of family members in educational activities so that schools can be a bridge between generations.


  • More than 2, 000 companies enjoy the benefits of CEA membership, including legislative advocacy, market research, technical training and education, industry promotion and the fostering of business and strategic relationships.

    ENGADGET: Nintendo won't be exhibiting at CES 2011 after all, will conduct meetings behind closed doors

  • More than 2, 000 companies enjoy the benefits of CEA membership, including legislative advocacy, market research, technical training and education, industry promotion, standards development and the fostering of business and strategic relationships.

    ENGADGET: Shocker: CEA's spending report finds Americans buying more technology

  • R.3: Safeguarding measures including research, revitalization, transmission, dissemination, promotion, development and protection of the traditional weaving reflect the commitments of the community and the State to pass down this know-how to new generations.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • The World Conference on Human Rights appreciates their contribution to increasing public awareness of human rights issues, to the conduct of education, training and research in this field, and to the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

    UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

  • The meeting will also allow for a presentation of best practices in the promotion of shared heritage (multinational candidature files, common research projects, etc) and discuss future joint activities in the area of training and capacity-building, to be developed in conjunction with the new Category II Regional Center on intangible cultural heritage, officially inaugurated in Sofia, Bulgaria, in February 2012.

    UNESCO: Venice Events

  • The research also suggests a "hidden issue" of promotion.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | More 'Mr Right' teachers wanted

  • Ms Harney recently took delivery of a new report on enterprise strategy by a committee chaired by Eoin O'Driscoll, managing director of Aderra, which argues not only for more emphasis on high-value-added sectors and scientific research but also for greater efforts in marketing and promotion, in which Ireland has been weak.

    ECONOMIST: The economy has some weaknesses��but several strengths too

  • All proceeds from the day will go to the George Best Foundation, which funds research into liver disease and alcoholism as well as support the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people.

    BBC: Golf event to honour legend Best

  • As the only UNESCO programme that fosters and promotes social science research, it is placed in a pivotal position in the overall promotion of UNESCO's goals.

    UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • The two ministries are the Ministry of Basic Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages and the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education and Scientific Research.


  • Support the basic sciences and engineering programme and science policy activities in the cluster countries particularly for post-conflict countries, including practical science education in cooperation with the Education sector, promotion of access and retention of women in science and technology education, and research and development of renewable and alternative energies.

    UNESCO: Criteria & Requirements

  • Of those questioned in the research, more than half under the age of 40 have said they want promotion within three years.

    CNN: How to be a better boss with CMI

  • Under its mandate, UNESCO supports scientific research, teacher training, the preservation of memorial sites and archives and the promotion of cultural interaction, so that everyone may grasp the stakes of this history.

    UNESCO: Message from the Director-General on the occasion of the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Conduct analytical and research activities and provide policy and legal advice to Members states in areas related to the promotion and monitoring of the right to education.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (right to education) (7/12/2011) ED 060 - (P4)

  • In particular, experts from Ministries of Education, universities, research institutes, UNESCO Chairs, and various organizations and professional NGOs, all engaged in the promotion of quality education and intercultural dialogue, will be brought together.


  • New research now indicates daily deals are indeed bringing in new customers and getting them to come back once the promotion is done.

    FORBES: Do Daily Deals Work For Business? Survey Says Yes

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