• While the Movit products likely won't match the incredibly slim profile of the iPod touch, it's slated to offer larger screen options at 4.3" or 7" (useful for video playback), a built-in microphone, a video camera, and a microSD slot for expandable memory.

    ENGADGET: Switched On: Apps like to Movit, Movit

  • The best products won.

    FORBES: Fulfilling The President's Green Dreams Through Private Competition

  • These ideas represent just a sampling of the surprising and delighting products, campaigns, technological innovations and more that have won the hearts, minds and wallets of consumers, not to mention the attention of the editors at Contagious magazine.

    FORBES: Groupon, Jay-Z, Puma Know Well The Meaning of "Contagious"

  • The products and platform division won around 14 new contracts, even in tough economic conditions.

    FORBES: After Earnings Beat, Is Infy Ready For Turnaround?

  • The company won't say whether it intends to roll up the Nothing Real products into Final Cut Pro or to release them separately for Apple's MacIntosh platform.

    FORBES: Apple Goes Hollywood

  • The French won a trade exemption for cultural products in 1994, and now they are campaigning to have culture removed from free trade agreements altogether.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Unless deCode finds genes and also turns them into products, it won't make enough money to put it in the black.

    FORBES: Choppy IPO For deCode Genetics

  • Maybe it won't be tainted products or boycotts or tariffs that does in the Chinese export machine across the Pacific.

    FORBES: Bare Shelves?

  • While we certainly won't go into the pros and cons of each company's products here (mainly for fear of getting flamed), we must say that the iDon't site features little compelling content other than a few cheesy wallpaper downloads and some links to anti-iPod sites, and mostly comes across as sour grapes from the runner-up in an industry being dominated by a single player.

    ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

  • Stadiums sculpted out of meat products or complicated dishes that won't be savored during a gripping game might not give hosts the bang for their buck that they're hoping for.

    CNN: Kick off your Super Bowl party in style

  • The economics underlying derivative products are so novel and significant that four of their innovators have won Nobel prizes.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • By 2008, the city stopped restaurants from using all but trace amounts of transfats, and Mr. Bloomberg recently won some success in convincing global food companies to lower the amount of sodium in prepackaged products.

    WSJ: Judge Halts New York City Soda Ban

  • M-Farm, a service that gives farmers access to market prices for the cost of a text message and allows them to group together to buy and sell products, has won several supporters and awards.

    ECONOMIST: Kenya��s technology start-up scene is about to take off

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