• It is this new job of president of the council that is thought to interest Tony Blair, Britain's former prime minister (see article).

    ECONOMIST: The EU after the Irish vote

  • It was Mr Berlusconi's conflicts of interest and his tangled web of judicial proceedings that first led The Economist to judge him unfit to be prime minister (see article).

    ECONOMIST: The return of Silvio Berlusconi

  • In an attempt to win over angry Arab public opinion, Tony Blair, Britain's prime minister, wrote an article for last Sunday's edition of the pro-government Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, which is one of the region's most widely read.

    ECONOMIST: Those awkward hearts and minds

  • The article comes as the prime minister is preparing his first major cabinet reshuffle.

    BBC: David Cameron prepares economic growth plan

  • Tariq Aziz, Iraq's deputy prime minister, has written an article resurrecting Iraq's claim to Kuwait, and Iraqi members of parliament have said that their country should renege on all its commitments to the Security Council.

    ECONOMIST: Dealing with Iraq

  • In fact I would say this article in itself is probably a prime example of one of the short comings of so proudly proclaiming your extraversion.

    FORBES: 5 Not-So-Secret Powers of Extroverts

  • It is especially striking because the government has been noisily angry about a recent article in Time magazine portraying the prime minister as too old and sick to be trusted with nuclear weapons.

    ECONOMIST: India's economy

  • In a newspaper article on March 31st, the prime minister talked about close relations between the two countries, of acting shoulder-to-shoulder with America and he reminded American readers that Turkey had been alongside the United States in almost every military conflict from Korea to Afghanistan.

    ECONOMIST: Talking Turkey | The

  • When Alexei Kudrin, Russia's long-serving and highly respected finance minister, objected to the choice of Mr Medvedev as prime minister, he was promptly dismissed (see article).

    ECONOMIST: Russia��s presidency

  • In May, Toujan Faisal, the country's first female parliamentarian, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for an article on the internet that accused the prime minister of benefiting from an increase in rates of auto insurance.

    FORBES: Issues & Ideas

  • In an article in the Times, the Romanian prime minister strikes a more emollient tone, inviting Britons to come and enjoy a "strong pint" in Bucharest's Old Town or a "quiet holiday" in the sleepy Transylvanian villages beloved by Prince Charles.

    BBC: Composite of images from romania

  • In May, Toujan Faisal, the kingdom's first female member of parliament, was sentenced by the State Security Court to 18 months in prison, for an article on the Internet that accused the prime minister of profiting from a decree doubling car-insurance rates.

    ECONOMIST: Retreating from glasnost

  • White House Science Advisor John Holdren and Sir John Beddington, Science Advisor to British Prime Minister David Cameron, in a recent joint article "Celestial Storm Warnings" published in the New York Times, warned that a solar flare from the Sun could cause a great geomagnetic storm, with catastrophic consequences for the United States and the world.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Nuclear storm warnings?

  • In August 2011, in an article for the Hindustan Times, I urged the prime minister to resign.

    BBC: Manmohan Singh at 80

  • Rattled by Mr Obama's demands, Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, has now slowed the push for peace right down (see article).

    ECONOMIST: America abroad

  • Schiffer's article opened with an account of Peres's current moves to undermine Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's foreign policy.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Confronting Our Subversive Institutions

  • Meanwhile, Prime Minister David Cameron has dismissed criticism of the fall in GCSE results in an article in the Mail on Sunday.

    BBC: UK

  • But the foreign secretary insisted the article had been intended as a challenge to Conservative leader David Cameron rather than to the prime minister.

    BBC: MPs urge Brown to sack Miliband

  • The sparkling performer was Your Party (see article), which champions the kind of reforms associated with Junichiro Koizumi, swashbuckling LDP prime minister in 2001-06.

    ECONOMIST: Governing Japan

  • That is less likely if the health of Turkey's leftish prime minister, Bulent Ecevit, continues to decline, resulting in political paralysis in Turkey (see article).

    ECONOMIST: Cyprus

  • "Our letter was pragmatic in asking the prime minister to commit now for a referendum in the next Parliament, " he said in an article for ConservativeHome.

    BBC: EU referendum: Cross-party campaign launched

  • The article was about the reflections of civil servants at the time, of how they found working with the prime minister.

    BBC: Civil service chiefs deny Thatcher article 'sycophantic'

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