• Nations always prepare to fight their last war, and now Gates' Pentagon is thinking only about what the U.S. needs to defeat jihadists in sandy and rocky environments.

    FORBES: A new Japanese government could strain ties with America.

  • Kent Schaffer, who held on for six months before being fired earlier this year, said Mr. Stanford wanted the criminal trial to be moved to another city, in spite of being advised by Mr. Schaffer that the priority should be to prepare for trial, not to fight for a change of venue, among other "superfluous" issues.

    WSJ: Stanford's Defense Turns Into Legal Circus

  • The GOP had better prepare on how to fight.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This is a fatal miscalculation, the privacy lobby is extremely adept at demonizing programs and advancements in technology the unmanned systems industry (not just AUVSI) needs to prepare for the fight.

    FORBES: Can Industry Compete with SciFi Inspired Fear Campaigns?

  • In addition to this there are issues of African poverty, global warming, security issues in the Middle East, and the fight to prepare all nations for any future natural disasters.

    CNN: Predict the great leaders of 2009

  • Conservatives are putting pressure on leading Republicans to prepare for a confirmation fight, and while the math overwhelmingly favors the Democrats, the Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell said it was too soon to rule out a filibuster, a tactic he condemned during Bush administration court debates.

    CNN: John King: Pelosi goes mute, but not her critics

  • Even as they fight to win, Labour must prepare for what comes after defeat.

    ECONOMIST: Gordon Brown's next six months

  • In one spot, property claims representative Terry Medley talks about how people prepare for a "prize fight" before they talk to an insurance adjuster.

    FORBES: Ad Trends

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