• He fled to Pakistan in 1989 claiming political persecution and eventually arrived in the UK in 1993.

    BBC: Abu Qatada case: UK agrees assistance treaty with Jordan

  • The family fled political persecution in their junta-ruled homeland when Oo was in the fifth grade.


  • These cases of political persecution and intimidation have come against the backdrop of a deteriorating law-and-order situation.


  • But this was rejected as it was ruled Cuban asylum seekers had a credible fear of political persecution.

    BBC: Lawyers condemn Cuba captives ruling

  • He says he is the victim of political persecution by the judiciary, which he recently compared to the Taliban.

    BBC: Silvio Berlusconi 'avoiding justice', demonstrators say

  • He travels on the margins of society to evade political persecution, and the horrors of collectivism in China's past are often evoked.

    ECONOMIST: Chinese fiction

  • Still, something is stirring there, even as the political persecution of Mikhail Khordorkovsy goes on and journalists remain fair game for violence.

    FORBES: Investing's Milk Run in Russia

  • He says he is the victim of political persecution, and points out that investigators have yet to find secret bank accounts in his name.

    ECONOMIST: A fugitive plots his return

  • Muamba, who recently got married, came to the UK aged 11 from the Democratic Republic of Congo to join his father who had fled from political persecution.

    BBC: Fabrice Muamba to appear in Strictly Come Dancing

  • Mr Palacio said he was a victim of political persecution.

    BBC: Ecuador journalist Emilio Palacio granted asylum in the US

  • Its leaders are now posing as victims of political persecution.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela: Voters strike | The

  • Descendants of Spaniards who left the country for fear of political persecution or economic hardship between 1936 and 1955 will now be able to apply for nationality before 2011.

    BBC: Passport offer for Spanish exiles

  • Critics of left-wing President Correa pointed out that while his government claimed that Mr Assange was a victim of political persecution it attacked press freedom in his own country.

    BBC: Ecuador journalist Emilio Palacio granted asylum in the US

  • Court sources quoted by AFP say Mr Gusinsky opposed a Russian extradition order, arguing in a hearing in Spain's highest criminal court that he was the victim of political persecution.

    BBC: Russian media baron held in Spain

  • But to his grandson, Esteban Volkov, he was a father figure who brought the young boy rare moments of happiness and stability at a time of family turmoil and political persecution.

    BBC: Trotsky's grandson recalls ice pick killing

  • "Naively, I had assumed that the freedoms afforded in the United States, and the relative absence of political persecution, would allow for a Muslim intellectual rebirth, " he writes in the introduction to And God Knows the Soldiers.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How the Saudis control the voice of Islam in America

  • The American Statistical Association has protested at the political persecution faced by its Argentine colleagues, and is urging the United Nations to act, on the ground that the harassment is a violation of the right to freedom of expression.

    ECONOMIST: Argentina��s inflation problem

  • Hu Jia, the prominent rights activist based in Beijing, told the BBC the couple had travelled to the US in early December 2012 from Taiwan, having obtained help from US diplomats, including verification that they had faced political persecution in China.

    BBC: Chinese activist Lu Haitao in US

  • European leaders, as well as some American politicians, have repeatedly requested that Ukraine address the situation with Tymoshenko and her allies, who, as leaders of the opposition, threatened the unpopular autocratic administration of Yanukovych, and, the West believed, were victims of political persecution.

    FORBES: Ukraine's President Sets Political Prisoner Free to Please The West

  • As this video explains, there are billions of people around the world that are subject to state-sanctioned (or at least state-permitted) religious, ethnic, racial, political, sexual, and economic persecution.

    FORBES: Why Tax Havens Are A Force For Good

  • The categories may sometimes overlap, yet there is a real difference between an economic migrant seeking a better life and a political migrant hoping for refuge from war or persecution.

    ECONOMIST: Sometimes what does not happen is the real news

  • In contrast, the Goldstone Report downplays the importance of Hamas's systematic persecution of women, Christians and its political opponents.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Our irredeemable international system

  • There is probably no society in the history of mankind (with the possible exception of Cambodia and maybe ancient Sparta on small scales) that has been subject to more massive attempts at utopian experiments in social engineering: mass starvations, forced abortion and infanticide policies, ideological 180-degree mid-air gainers on the status of wealth creation, massive persecution of its most promising cultural and political revitalization movements, stop-start monetary policy.

    FORBES: The Great Relearning

  • The next day, the opposition rejected the idea of a government of national unity, but said that it remains committed to negotiations towards a transitional government, provided the violence and the persecution of MDC leaders and supporters stop, political prisoners are released, militia bases and torture camps are disbanded, and security forces remain neutral.

    ECONOMIST: Zimbabwe

  • During the 35-year dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner, he was a political fixer and then head of the Supreme Court, enforcing censorship and persecution of the regime's opponents.

    ECONOMIST: Paraguay

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