• This means that Mr Geithner has had to come up with solutions that may sacrifice economic effect for political legitimacy.

    ECONOMIST: The treasury secretary is torn between politics and policy

  • The jihadist group is already using the political legitimacy Israel is conferring on it to reestablish its unity government with Fatah.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: An urgent memo to the next government

  • The Bush Administration should screen all such requests to ensure that it is not lending political legitimacy to groups that support terrorism.


  • The financial crisis of 1997-1998 poses a challenge to the political legitimacy of the regime similar in magnitude to the ideological crisis of 1989-1991.

    CNN: Vietnam and the Crisis

  • China's political leaders see guaranteed access to low-cost raw materials as vital to sustaining growth and therefore to political legitimacy and their own survival.

    WSJ: The Rio Tinto Lesson

  • The Popular Committee for Boycotting the Election said the new body "does not represent the majority of Kuwaiti people and has lost popular and political legitimacy".

    BBC: Middle East

  • The cynical interpretation is that it is a political manoeuvre to co-opt famous names from big business, as a source of political legitimacy and even funds.

    ECONOMIST: The new establishment

  • Today, if the bad bank pays above the fair-market value, it would raise the cost to taxpayers, imperil its political legitimacy, and deprive the market of badly needed transparency.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Worse yet, failure to adopt the Brainard approach may cause the democratic reform movements whose continued popular support will depend greatly on economic success to lose their all-important political legitimacy.


  • As the Bush Administration forges ahead on its daunting challenge to protect America from terrorism, groups that are soft to put it lightly on certain terrorist organizations or methods are trying to gain political legitimacy.


  • While the old terrorists were not shy about planting bombs or diverting aircraft, their desire for political legitimacy set some limit to their brutality: killing too many innocent people could put their natural supporters off.

    ECONOMIST: Coming soon to a city near you | The

  • The fact that Mr Sadr considered it wise not to resist suggests not only that the army is now strong enough to out-face private militias but also that the state has acquired far greater political legitimacy, in Shia minds at least.


  • To this end, Brennan stressed that for the Obama administration, the now-discredited Fatah model of conferring political legitimacy and funding on terrorists in a bid to transform them into good citizens must be implemented for every terror group in the world except al-Qaida.


  • Many are worried by the seeming polarisation between the Brotherhood, which professes a reformist agenda but has never been tested, and a government that is just beginning to produce some economic progress, but has, largely by its own folly, badly damaged its political legitimacy.

    ECONOMIST: Not yet a democracy

  • The Center and others have been critical of the FBI leadership for bad judgment by lending political legitimacy to groups that claim to oppose terrorism, but whose leaders speak out in support of US-designated terrorist groups abroad, and who work here at home to undermine anti-terrorism laws.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: CAIR says FBI joined its $400,000 fundraiser

  • Worried over their political legitimacy ahead of national polls, and facing a mounting sense of economic siege brought about by Western fiscal pressure, the Iranian regime now has to deal with what is perhaps the thorniest domestic issue of all: keeping its diverse, and restive, population under wraps.

    FORBES: Tehran Turns Up The Heat (On Azerbaijan)

  • This would entail a strategy not of containment, but of "roll-back, " aimed at denying the odious regime in Beijing the political legitimacy, the financial underwriting, and the military advantages of "partnership" with the United States and thus increasing the costs of PRC-repression tactics at home and adventurism abroad.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Message to Beijing's Communists: It's Time for them To Go

  • They give legitimacy to political opposition, which might otherwise be branded as disloyal.

    BBC: Reservists' rebellion highlights cracks

  • Now the opposition is not merely wrong, but lacks legitimacy and political standing.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Where America and Iraq converge

  • And these cases remain in that exalted position only as long as their political appeal and social legitimacy can be sustained.

    FORBES: Contingency Fees, Self-Regulation Make Lawyering Expensive For Us

  • And will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions.

    CNN: Transcript: Opening statement of Rep. Nadler

  • The current system forced parties to "sacrifice stability for short-term electoral gain", they added and AV elections would give "greater legitimacy" to political parties.

    BBC: AV referendum: Union stance 'depressing', says Johnson

  • What Greece is being forced to do is threatening the legitimacy of a democratically elected government and putting at risk the legitimacy of the political system in general.

    BBC: Greece: What's burning is consent

  • His reforms replaced a failing political ideology with a new economic legitimacy.

    ECONOMIST: China

  • But ultimately, if in fact Iran does not seek nuclear weapons, then it shouldn't be that hard for us to have a series of negotiations in which the international community feels that confidence, and in which Iran then is able to enjoy a whole host of economic and political benefits and gain much greater legitimacy in all of its other endeavors.


  • Thatcher's political views are never granted any sympathetic legitimacy, though the movie subtly allows there may have been some legitimacy.

    WSJ: Peggy Noonan: Jobs, Thatcher and the Force of Life

  • But for the rest, bringing the public into a high-quality, two-way sense of what is being done in its name could bear fruit of real political grounding for diplomatic initiatives, therein greater legitimacy.

    FORBES: WikiLeaks Welcomes Diplomacy to its Future

  • Harinder Kohli, a World Bank senior executive from India, says his homeland needs to "vanquish poverty, become much more outward-looking, and improve the credibility and legitimacy of institutions, " like political parties, government agencies, the courts, the press and business.

    CNN: Recasting the Mind

  • Mr Kostunica says the Hague court is a political affair, biased against Serbs, and of dubious legitimacy.

    ECONOMIST: Milosevic��s trial

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