• China has progressed about as far as it can within its existing political framework.

    FORBES: China's Anti-Reformers Take Over

  • The other is the familiar Washington press and political framework of the scandal.

    NPR: Week In News: A Rough Week For The White House

  • Economic reform has stalled because China has progressed about as far as it can within its existing political framework.

    FORBES: New Asia

  • Some libertarians are uncomfortable with that insight, preferring to derive rights and responsibilities from an essentially economic and pre-political framework.

    FORBES: Rand Paul's Filibuster: A Three Part Triumph

  • "I will establish a new political framework to fulfill peoples' dreams and hopes and ensure freedom and justice, " he declared.


  • These individuals do not fall within the confines of any political framework and will not be a part of this political solution.

    BBC: Rome talks unlikely to break Syria conflict deadlock

  • The political framework has been altered significantly, too, and the recent killing of mastermind Osama Bin Laden will probably be remembered as the biggest news story of 2011.

    FORBES: Recession More Worrisome Than 9/11 To Consumers

  • Nobel committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland told the audience that in the current economic crisis "the political framework in which the union is rooted is more important than ever".

    BBC: EU collects Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo

  • The polls see Libyans elect a 200-member Constitutional Assembly, which will draft a constitution setting out a political framework for the country after more than four decades of rule under Muammar Gaddafi.

    BBC: Libya's Belhadj quits military post for politics

  • Through the CBSI, the United States and its Caribbean partners developed a political framework focused on improving citizen safety by substantially reducing illicit trafficking, increasing public safety and security, and promoting social justice.

    WHITEHOUSE: Strengthen International Partnerships

  • And what I think everybody is concerned about is the enormous uncertainty in terms of the political framework, the tax framework, the debt framework within which all of you are going to be operating over the next several years.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at a Business Council Dinner

  • Moreover, the IFAP grant will enable eIFL.net to train librarians in the political and legal framework.

    UNESCO: IFAP funded project on libraries and copyright starts

  • Last month he unveiled a new, moderate programme, swearing on the Bible not to alter the country's political and economic framework.

    ECONOMIST: Peru's presidential election

  • In the case of Ecuador, a constitutional reform could have made sense in the framework of political reform aimed at increasing relations between constituencies and elected officials, changing the current system of party-rule (partidocracia) and ensuring that all sectors are properly represented within the system.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chavez's repression continues

  • They are reported to have agreed on a framework for a political settlement.

    ECONOMIST: Sudan loses its chains

  • What this analysis suggests by implication is that the first order of business for the legal practitioner advising a client on a SCF transaction is to ask what, if any, legal exposure might the client have by fitting the desired secular financial transaction to a sectarian, political, and legal institutional framework predicated upon Shariah?


  • The urban growth boundary -- established in 1979 as a way to reduce sprawl and encourage more compact growth -- is the framework around which other political decisions and compromises are made.

    CNN: Polluted rivers stain Portland's image

  • That's because, one way or another, they all go to the Achilles heel of the UK economy: "A failure to achieve stable planning, strategic vision and a political consensus on the right policy framework to support growth".

    BBC: Long-term thinking for the UK economy

  • When we speak and write of Islam, as we do for example of Christianity, we mean simultaneously a faith-tradition with its non-negotiable core doctrine and an institutional framework of socio-political order built by human enterprise in the name of that faith-tradition.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Mundell's supply-side framework never spurred the same kind of political interest on the monetary side as it did on the fiscal side, despite Kemp's and Wanniski's best efforts.

    FORBES: Commentary

  • The Charter is a political and legal document which serves as the strategic framework for African States, giving direction for youth empowerment and development at continental, regional and national levels.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • The Center for Security Policy has long opposed "framework agreements" because they frequently are imbued with political significance or legal status they should not enjoy particularly insofar as they prove to be less than faithful templates for the treaties that follow.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | ��Breathing Space�� For A Democratic Russia: Bush Should Offer Debt Relief/Forgiveness

  • Accordingly, in respect of urgent disaster relief and reconstruction, the sterile day-and-night tactically political maneuvering between political parties must be replaced by a new effective supra-party organization framework.

    FORBES: Beginning of "Post-Post-WWII" History?

  • Fitch cited the UK's diversified economy, robust institutions and political stability in its decision, adding that the country's independent monetary policy framework gives it added flexibility.

    MSN: Fitch affirms UK at AAA but warns on debt, economy

  • The Conference recommended that regional governments consider harmonising policies and the legal and regulatory framework for the development of public service broadcasting which should be independent of direct political control.

    UNESCO: Education

  • The law should be reviewed "to encourage political competition and the formation of coalitions and political parties, " the National Democratic Institute said, as well as to bolster the legal framework around the formation of parliament.


  • Over the years, you have made crucial political and intellectual contributions that helped in generating the historic Law of the Sea Convention and the landmark Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    UN: Secretary-General

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