• Though he won amnesty for his political crimes, he was jailed for beating one black worker into a coma and attempting to murder another.

    ECONOMIST: Eugene Terre'Blanche

  • The band also calls out what it sees as political crimes.

    CNN: Ryan Rages Against the Machine

  • Meanwhile, the South African government will probably find a way to spare those who confess to political crimes committed during the apartheid era from prosecution.

    ECONOMIST: Rethinking reconciliation

  • In fact, over the years, for all the incidents of intimidation and violence, hardly any Miami Cubans have been convicted of such political crimes let alone of ones in Havana.


  • Khairat al-Shater, a Muslim Brotherhood strongman, could be barred under a provision that bans ex-convicts from running for political office, even if they received pardons and were jailed for political crimes.

    ECONOMIST: Rules tie Egypt��s politics in knots

  • Issues over which there is broad public consensus, such as the need to resolve political crimes, reform electoral laws and contain jihadist groups are subsumed within struggles over turf and spoils.

    ECONOMIST: Lebanon

  • According to defector reports, individuals suspected of political crimes are often taken from their homes by state security officials late at night and sent directly, without trial, to camps for political prisoners.

    FORBES: Systematic Tyranny: How the Kim Dynasty Holds the North Korean People In Bondage

  • This week it began to pass bills allowing for the creation of a new post of prime minister (to be filled by Mr Odinga), a law to work against tribalism, a panel to investigate the election, another to draft a new constitution, and a truth and justice commission to investigate political crimes, including a history of corruption ever since independence in 1963.

    ECONOMIST: Time to break with a corrupt past

  • And I think it's worth recalling that effectively over the last two or three years we've been saying that crimes of violence committed with a political motive are less serious than other crimes of violence and those who perpetrate them can be treated more leniently.

    BBC: Northern Ireland

  • Bersani's platform included judicial reforms that reverse legislation passed when Berlusconi held office, including expanding statutes of limitations on financial crimes and stripping political leaders of immunity.


  • The former U.S. colony has declined to pursue criminal charges related to the ensuing 14-year conflict, which left 250, 000 people dead and nearly the entire political class accused of war crimes.

    WSJ: Charles Taylor Sentenced to 50 Years

  • Mr Rahman has been accused by the governing Awami League of using his newspaper to encourage political demonstrations against a war crimes tribunal set up by the government to examine abuses allegedly committed by people who supported Pakistan during Bangladesh's independence war of 1971.

    BBC: Bangladesh opposition editor Mahmudur Rahman arrested

  • Partly because of the political implications, the war-crimes trials have run into trouble before they have even started.

    ECONOMIST: Justice, reconciliation��or score-settling?

  • In fact, the vast majority of killings and other crimes in Cambodia, political and otherwise, go unsolved - even when photographs of public lynchings are regularly published in newspapers.

    CNN: Seeking Justice

  • Despite the lurid rumours, Mr Anwar's true crimes are probably his perceived political ambition and his differences with his boss over how to handle the economy, which shrank by 6.8% in the second quarter of this year.

    ECONOMIST: Heir today, gone tomorrow | The

  • Israel must file valid war crimes complaints against Fatah terrorists and political leaders in the international and foreign judicial bodies.


  • It would be wrong for the court to turn a blind eye to the fact that the "struggle in Nigeria was for a good cause" and said it was important to "balance Okah's political intentions with the violent nature of his crimes".

    BBC: Nigerial oil militant Henry Okah

  • In the previous government power over the security services lay with the then prime minister, Vojislav Kostunica, who, like many Serbs, loathed the war-crimes tribunal which he believed was a political instrument designed to punish Serbs.

    ECONOMIST: Radovan Karadzic

  • Before Adenauer was brought in to lead West Germany, aside from Hitler passing from the scene, the Nazi regime he created was militarily defeated and Nazi leaders -- both political and military -- were brought before war crimes tribunals.


  • Gaffney's article warns that the problem arising from the activities of Saudi-backed organizations and individuals (notably, such pro-Islamist activists as Sami al-Arian and Abdurahman Alamoudi - both of whom have been arrested and charged with terrorism-related crimes) has been further compounded by a sophisticated political influence operation aimed at the Bush Administration.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Preventing reprisal killings, including all groups in the political process, and incorporating public servants who are not implicated in war crimes will be essential.

    CNN: Preparing for Bashar al-Assad's exit

  • What crimes would be subject to an amnesty: the illegal funding of political parties, for instance?

    ECONOMIST: Italy

  • Jamaat is an ally of the BNP, bitter political rivals of current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who has made prosecuting war crimes a key goal of her government.

    BBC: Three killed in Bangladesh clashes over war crimes trials

  • Undoubtedly, Venezuela will remain divided no matter the next president, but fair and transparent elections will help ensure the next administration has the political capital to tackle needed reforms -- from a stagnant economy to rising crimes rates, rampant transnational crime and the rebuilding of the nation's powerful state-owned oil company -- that will benefit all Venezuelans.

    CNN: After Chavez, a power vacuum

  • The West may denounce war crimes as loudly as it likes, but Russia's military and political leaders will insist that the use of force in the national interest is quite justified just as the West, they argue, has employed it in Iraq.

    ECONOMIST: Russia��s merciless war

  • Mr Service divides his attentions so judiciously between his reporting of Stalin's public life and crimes on the one hand, and his analyses of Stalin's political skills and personal foibles on the other, that he leaves himself no time to unshackle his own imagination and to bring his subject more instinctively to life.

    ECONOMIST: Attempting to put a human face on him

  • The judiciary, in particular, became a tool of the government, used for political purposes even as the crime rates spiraled, homicide rates reached unprecedented levels and most crimes went unsolved.

    CNN: Chavez empowered the poor, divided a nation

  • The BNP's tactic has been to support the need to bring perpetrators of war crimes to justice, with a warning that the trials should not be used against political opponents.

    BBC: Bangladesh's watershed war crimes moment

  • Ahead of his visit, 10 Algerian political parties called on Mr Hollande "to recognise, apologise for and compensate" for France's crimes.

    BBC: President Hollande accepts French injustice in Algeria

  • Politicians like Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal have since turned MySpace's safety issues into a political hotbutton, and MySpace has been pressured to dump 29, 000 users with a history of sex crimes.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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