• The book was heavy on polemics equating moral virtue and civic responsibility with military service.

    WSJ: -

  • Many of these polemics are not grounded well in business but are more like political tracts.

    FORBES: The Survivor Part 8 - What The Journalist Learned From Clayton Christensen

  • " After years of suffering polemics, Abou El Fadl told me, "al-Ghazali died of a broken heart.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How the Saudis control the voice of Islam in America

  • These are front organizations for global radical Islamism making apologies for their ideological brethren, and directing polemics against the West for victimizing Muslims and undermining Islam.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Bigotry, terror masked as faith

  • It was the condition of the Upper West Side of Manhattan under liberal rule, far more than what had happened to Eastern Europe under socialism, that made neo-con polemics look persuasive.

    NEWYORKER: The Caging of America

  • The more conspiratorial among Hamas's Palestinian rivals have long suspected that behind the scenes the Islamists enjoy a far cosier relationship with Mr Netanyahu than the polemics on both sides suggest.

    ECONOMIST: Israel and Palestine

  • Inevitably bulky, given its scope, his book is so bloated by asides, digressions, polemics and hobbies that it is positively obese, and this makes it a hard book to review justly.

    ECONOMIST: A master of evolution takes a last long look at Darwin

  • But any debate will be an exercise in pure polemics more aspects of the bill can and likely will change, compounded by the aforementioned weakness of economic assumptions and failure to appreciate incentives.

    FORBES: The Ever-Evolving ACA

  • China has one obvious reason for refraining from more heated polemics, or the kind of dangerous heightening of tension it provoked in 1996 when it lobbed unarmed ballistic missiles close to Taiwan's two biggest ports.

    ECONOMIST: China keeps its anger under control

  • Part of what makes Mr Jones so angry and, as with all the best polemics, a luminous anger backlights his prose is that this sneering and humiliation is inflicted by the well-off on those who have the least.

    ECONOMIST: Unfairly, by its snobbish fellow citizens

  • It's hard to exaggerate the movement on school reform over the past 20 years, to the point that the New Yorker, that bastion of Upper West Side propriety, contributed one of the most damning polemics against excessive teachers-union power.

    WSJ: Jenkins: The Inequality Obsession

  • There is, for instance, a simple, spooky sense in which the Internet is just a loud and unlimited library in which we now live as if one went to sleep every night in the college stacks, surrounded by pamphlets and polemics and possibilities.

    NEWYORKER: The Information

  • He was an occasionally observant if less than pious Catholic who became part of that circle of secular, mostly Jewish New York intellectuals whose style of thought and expression, if not their current politics, was rooted in the polemics of the kind of exotic Marxist radicalisms that never tempted him.

    NEWYORKER: Politics and Prose

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