• One proxy for borrowing costs, the iTraxx Europe Senior Financials index, is back above three percentage points, after falling to 1.81 percentage points in March from a record 3.53 percentage points in late November.

    WSJ: European Banks��Large and Small��Rely on ECB

  • On Monday, Dow Jones had registered its biggest fall in points and in percentage terms since December 1, 2008.

    FORBES: Connect

  • In September 2005 the year-over-year gap was 3.7 percentage points and then a whopping 4.4 percentage points in July 2008.

    FORBES: Analyst: Nation's Poor Saw Twice The CPI Rise Last Month

  • That share has fallen by one percentage point in Britain and risen by eight percentage points in America.

    ECONOMIST: Standards in schools

  • The Intuit Small Business Employment Index for the South West Central region is currently 7 percentage points higher than it was in January 2007, and declined only 2.5 percentage points to its low in November 2009.

    FORBES: Small Business Employment Hasn't Been Hit Hard Everywhere

  • But this year's numbers show an acceleration: The fraction of spending on search advertising jumped three percentage points in the first half of 2008, compared to just one percentage point in 2007, according to the IAB's numbers.

    FORBES: Life On Web's Edge

  • Until you hear that the IMF has revised up its forecast for Greek debt in 2012 by 23 percentage points in the past 12 months alone.

    BBC: One step back from the abyss

  • The employment to population ratio of men age 16 to 64 fell by 10.3 percentage points between 1979 and 1983 (compared to 5.1 percentage points in the U.S.).

    FORBES: This is a guest post by Stephen Bronars,

  • Ms Farrell estimates that formalising the informal sector could add 0.8 percentage points to Portugal's productivity growth, and 1.5 percentage points in Turkey and Brazil.

    ECONOMIST: The informal economy is neither small nor benign

  • This despite the fact that the offer was priced at a much more enticing yield, some 90 basis points (or 0.9 percentage points in non-market lingo) above a previous sale.

    FORBES: Eurozone: The Farce Continues

  • In another sign that the countryside is maturing, the share of the workforce employed in agriculture dipped by four percentage points in 1993-99, to 60%, and in absolute numbers declined for the first time since independence.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of India's economy

  • That has only been possible because the number of people in work has fallen by four percentage points in that time, the number of hours worked has fallen even more.

    BBC: The UK productivity puzzle (cont'd)

  • It appears fair to say that an increase in total government size of ten percentage points in tax revenue or expenditure as a share of GDP is on average associated with an annual lower growth rate of between one-half and one percentage point.

    FORBES: Study From Swedish Economists Allows Us To Quantify Cost Of Bush-Obama Spending Binge

  • In the 1992 general election, the Tories' share of the vote was only 1.6 percentage points lower than in their first victory in 1979, almost as big as in 1983 and 1987 and a full eight percentage points ahead of Labour.

    ECONOMIST: John Major

  • Kerry, who followed his victory in Iowa with a win by 13 percentage points in New Hampshire, kicked off a seven-day swing through the states Wednesday with a rally in St.

    CNN: Dean shakes up campaign staff

  • Facebook usage in the UK has fallen by more than seven percentage points in the last year, fuelling concerns that it may have hit saturation point.

    FORBES: Has Facebook Peaked Too Soon?

  • If those stimulus measures are not extended, the US will be cutting borrowing by around 3% of GDP in 2012 - compared with tightening of 1.7 percentage points in the UK. That sounds like a lot, if the recovery continues to stumble.

    BBC: The US debt deal and the recovery

  • There are tiny increases in Cardiff and Monmouthshire - the sort that just about register a 0.1% uplift in percentage points - but those are swept aside by the losses in those areas where when you start speaking Welsh, you know that most people around you probably do too.

    BBC: 2011: The Year of Sharp Decreases

  • In Milwaukee, pupils in voucher schools scored 11 percentage points more in mathematics than their hapless contemporaries in the city's public schools.

    ECONOMIST: America��s education choice

  • President Barack Obama ran stronger here than in other Deep South states, but still lost by 8 percentage points in 2012.

    FORBES: Augusta GA

  • On average, 20% of start-ups fail within their first year, according to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which also conducts an annual study on entrepreneurial activity in the U.S. Its newest report, due out next month, is expected to show that start-up volume in the U.S. increased by just a few percentage points in 2011, just as it did in 2010, 2009 and 2008, says E.

    WSJ: Rise in Start-Ups Draws Doubters

  • His New Democracy party controls just 151 seats in the 300-member parliament and trails by 4-5 percentage points in opinion polls.

    ECONOMIST: Riots in Greece: Anarchy in Athens | The

  • The decline in government spending across all levels reduced real GDP by 1.33 percentage points in the quarter.

    WHITEHOUSE: Advance Estimate of GDP for the Fourth Quarter of 2012

  • That's a rise in 5 percentage points from a CNN survey conducted in August following the mass shootings at a movie theater in suburban Denver that left 12 dead and shootings at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee, where six people were killed.

    CNN: Gun owners fear new legislation could tread on their rights

  • The first, which struck in the first half of 1980, cut real GDP by 2.2 percentage points in just six months.

    FORBES: Today's Lousy Economy May Be The Best Obama Can Do

  • What is reassuring for the company is that in the past three months, Nokia has managed to gain a couple of percentage points in market share at the expense of Samsung, as has HTC.

    FORBES: Nokia Remains Windows Phone Top Vendor But Faces Uncertain Outlook

  • The company noted that 6 of the 9 percentage points in revenue growth stemmed from organic growth and 4 were derived from currency gains, while a full percentage point was lost due to divestitures.

    FORBES: United Technologies Gains From A Weak Dollar, Organic Growth: Profit Up 19%

  • One study shows that, in poor countries, a ten-day reduction in the time it takes to start a business can lead to an increase of 0.4 percentage points in GDP growth.

    ECONOMIST: A World Bank report makes surprisingly cheerful reading

  • Colorado, Montana, Nebraska and Virginia had an increased unemployment rate of 0.2 percentage points in April, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, while Massachusetts' unemployment rate fell by 0.2 percentage points.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He also predicted that as a percentage of GDP, primary current expenditure (excluding interest payments and capital spending), which in 2008 reached its highest level since the second world war, would rise by a further three percentage points in 2009.

    ECONOMIST: Debt threat in Italy

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