• When Israel defeated the 1948 invasion, Arab diplomats protested Israel's retention of territories beyond the lines of the rejected 1947 Partition Plan.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Mideast Peace Under Arabs? Control

  • After the leadership of a business agrees that making better use of data will be a huge benefit, the CIO and interested heads of lines of business get together to make a plan.

    FORBES: Curing the Big Data Storage Fetish

  • He asked them to call the Iraqi Security Forces and the hot lines for the ministries of Defense and Interior and the Baghdad security plan hot lines to report anything suspicious.

    CNN: Al Qaeda planning Baghdad attacks, says U.S.

  • The meeting will examine the state of these natural sites, reinforce the commitment to their restoration and safeguarding by Congolese authorities, redefine support provided by the international community and adopt the main lines of a plan of action.


  • The refiner has begun taking over energy exploration and production assets held by its parent as part of a plan to establish itself as a global energy giant along the lines of Exxon Mobil Corp.

    WSJ: Sinopec Issues $3.5 Billion Bond, Asia's Biggest in a Decade

  • Various Baby Bells plan to increase the bandwidth of their copper lines: that, he argues, will give them capacity still barely one-tenth that of fibre-optic not enough to cope with the rapid growth in interactive and data services that he expects (see chart).

    ECONOMIST: Stand and deliver

  • Indeed, they are so obvious even the politicians are aware of what they are: turn Medicaid into block grants for states, reorganize Medicare as a subsidy for well-regulated private insurers along the lines of the Paul Ryan plan, raise the qualifying age for Medicare and Social Security and means-test the latter to return it to its roots as a cure for elderlass poverty instead of a checkbook-abusing free-for-all.

    FORBES: The Debt-Ceiling Panic Button Won't Be Pushed On Aug. 2

  • Revolving credit lines are part of a typical financing plan for most banks' corporate customers.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • After the state rejected the construction of another hard structure, park officials, working with environmentalists, came up with a Plan B: Move gas, water and sewer lines out of the risk zone.

    MSN: Stay or go? Communities are eyeing a retreat from sea

  • My initial position was that consultants with divergent lines of business were suspect and should be avoided by plan sponsors, given the lack of candid disclosure.

    FORBES: A Proposal For Managing Pension Consultants (September 1, 2000)

  • No consumer electronics company is belching out wares with a seven-year plan, and it pains us to see most mainstream automakers sticking to the lines of convention.

    ENGADGET: A Mini mindset: how an automaker's Connected platform could spark a seismic shift in infotainment expectations

  • Those five lines are part of the 64 approved for federal funding under the Bush plan.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Finally, the plan makes multi-factor authentication available to website owners for the cost of adding a few lines of software to their server code.

    FORBES: Google Reveals Details About Its Plan To Fix Password Security

  • Five years ago, the National Marine Fisheries Service instituted a fishery management plan to prevent overfishing of sharks in federal waters but the sharks aren't seeing the lines, apparently, and move in and out of federal waters and get caught in state waters where they aren't protected.

    CNN: Humans the biggest threat to marine species

  • One month after the merger announcement, Robison, Executive Vice President Clarke and a few other execs entered a "clean room, " where 10, 000 decisions about the new company, from what product lines to keep to which pension plan to use, would be made ahead of the merger's approval.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Neoconservatives, to come full circle, could renovate their thinking just as much as any other school of thought, by sketching out a principled plan for consolidation and withdrawal to strong, defensible lines.

    FORBES: The Final Debate: Romney Didn't Beat Himself. Is It Enough Against Obama?

  • Alongside this rapid reaction force, said a UN official, a broad political plan to bring stability to the region is set to be signed on the side-lines of the AU summit in Addis Ababa by the leaders of the DRC, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Angola, the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Tanzania and South Africa.

    BBC: UN 'plans to fight rebels in DRC'

  • The Arab plan - formerly the "Saudi Plan, " and before that, the Tom Friedman "stick it to Israel 'peace' plan" - calls for Israel to retreat to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines and expel hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's perilous statecraft

  • It will take a much more aggressive capital plan to win over value investors, and AAPL will likely need concrete news of new, potentially lucrative product lines to ignite the stock.

    FORBES: Bad Apple Sours Up The QQQ, BofA Gets A Boost

  • His running mate choice draws some clear lines with Romney's Democratic opponents over the size of the cuts in Ryan's plan and his prior votes on taxes, which they say favor the wealthiest Americans -- a point of contention in an election in which both sides consider themselves champions of the middle class.

    CNN: August 13, 2012 -- Updated 0242 GMT (1042 HKT)

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