• Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly drew up a plan that would have created a "frozen zone" in vital business districts, involving thousands of extra officers and checkpoints for inspecting vehicles.

    WSJ: Less fuss this time over NYC terror trial

  • Ms Lamont wondered whether there was a Plan B to accompany the proposal that an independent Scotland would form a sterling zone with the remainder of the UK. She wanted details of the fiscal package which would enable Scotland to be neither a borrower nor a lender.

    BBC: First minister's questions

  • In addition to the new peace plan, Bush will also discuss his proposal for creation of a free trade zone between the United States and the Middle East, Rice said.

    CNN: Bush 'not mad' at France over Iraq

  • After the state rejected the construction of another hard structure, park officials, working with environmentalists, came up with a Plan B: Move gas, water and sewer lines out of the risk zone.

    MSN: Stay or go? Communities are eyeing a retreat from sea

  • Nonetheless, Beijing has invested heavily on both sides of the border and has pledged to back a plan to revamp the Rason special economic zone, and to build a new one on an island near Sinuiju.

    WSJ: Trade Binds North Korea to China

  • His plan would restrict gambling to a downtown zone that's already the location for most of the major hotels.

    NPR: Are Casinos New Orleans' Future?

  • Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council (representing the 27 EU leaders) will present a plan next month that is likely to include regular summits of the 17 euro-zone leaders.

    ECONOMIST: With the euro under siege, is this the time for more Europe?

  • Days earlier in Paris, Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, the French president and German chancellor, had all but given Britain an ultimatum: accept their plan to rewrite the laws of the EU, or prompt the 17 members of the euro zone to seek a separate deal and risk British isolation.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Mr Martin said that even with reinforced patrols, the plan was insufficient "to monitor such a large zone in Africa, where we know there are an enormous number of people who want to come to Europe and Spain via the Canaries".

    BBC: Migrant centres on the islands are reaching full capacity

  • Speaking at the same press event, Mr. Van Rompuy said that the recent flare-up of the euro-zone crisis following botched bailout attempts in Cyprus highlighted the need for a European Union plan on how to wind down unviable banks, a crucial step in Europe's quest for a harmonized and shared system of dealing with ailing banks.

    WSJ: Europe Financial Woes Dominate Talks With U.S.

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