• The broader health care reform also had a personal meaning for Tullman, particularly regarding the elimination of pre-existing conditions.

    FORBES: How Allscripts Helped Shape Health Care Reform

  • "By choosing to focus on something, you give it a personal meaning that makes it easier to remember, " he writes.

    BBC: Tips on how to survive the exam season

  • Those qualities lend them a special fascination today, when our written messages are instantly and infinitely reproducible, and hence far easier to preserve than the precious documents on display here, yet by the same token immeasurably poorer in personal meaning.

    WSJ: Lux in Arcana | Capitoline Museum | The Papacy's Private Papers | By Francis X. Rocca

  • Instead, Silver envisions a new generation of creative thinkers who cut and paste disparate materials to make something new that holds personal meaning for them -- like what artists and writers have been doing for centuries but on a broader scale.

    CNN: Jay Silver: How to control a computer with a banana

  • In short, these hungry start-ups have created a new kind of currency that they use to pay their talent a shared vision of building a company with the potential to change the world and to work on projects that have deep personal and professional meaning to the talent.

    FORBES: 7.8% Unemployment: In Hungry Start-up Era, Jobs Not Coming Back

  • If we take a look at one of the first waves of consumerization, the corporate use of personal devices (meaning smart phones and of course the iPad and other tablets), we can see that the benefits also come with responsibilities, that, if ignored, leave both end users and the IT department quite unhappy.

    FORBES: "I Want My iPad": Avoiding IT Consumerization Pitfalls

  • You would have also been clued in that he borrows all the money for these investments via non-recourse financing, meaning no personal liability, and only hypothecating the wells as collateral.

    FORBES: Aubrey's Gone Let's Sing A Song

  • After studying Google's revised policy in depth, the agency said it believed Google had failed to place any limit on the "scope of collection and the potential uses of the personal data", meaning it might be in breach of several of the bloc's data protection principles.

    BBC: CNIL president Isabelle Falque-Pierroti

  • But the meaning was in the personal.

    FORBES: Capitalism Has Made Steve Jobs Happy

  • But: If yours is a "personal service corporation"--meaning the corporation's main output is your own work effort, for instance as consultant or pet groomer--then all your profits are taxed at a flat 35% corporate rate and you'll usually do better with a passthrough.

    FORBES: Investment Guide: Self-Employment

  • Similarly, if a property is sold at foreclosure or in a short sale and the underlying mortgage is recourse (meaning the borrower has personal responsibility for any excess loan deficiency remaining after the sale), then to the extent the remaining deficiency is forgiven, the borrower will again recognize COD income.

    FORBES: Secrets Of The Fiscal Cliff Deal

  • Meaning is derived from our personal principles, our values, the stuff in life we want to be about.

    FORBES: Don't Be A Slave To Circumstance -- Set Goals

  • Until recently, personal jailbreaking was illegal as well -- meaning that all of the owners of those devices could be criminally liable.

    CNN: Unlocking your cell phone is no crime

  • Lawmakers have a free vote on the bill, meaning they can vote according to their personal convictions rather than the party line.

    CNN: UK lawmakers to vote on same-sex marriage bill

  • As individual managers we do not have the luxury of personal analysts, so we have to interpret the true meaning of results ourselves.

    FORBES: Don't Confuse a Scorecard with a Scoreboard

  • Precisely because body size has become a personal, social and political issue, the use and meaning of words to describe it is important.

    BBC: Obesity - what's in a word?

  • Whereas the European Commission has already ordered a sell-off of more than 600 branches - meaning around 4.6% of the personal banking market - Sir John Vickers now says that should be pushed up to 6%.

    BBC: Banking on the future

  • Turner says it was a meaning Newton with his sordid history and personal tale of redemption could take to heart.

    NPR: 'Amazing Grace'

  • The process is brilliantly constrained the exact opposite of a blind date, the bar scene, surfing personal ads or a fix-up from a well-meaning cousin.

    FORBES: How To Find The Woman Of Your Dreams In Six Weeks

  • This move was reinforced by heightening political tension between Japan and China, over sovereignty of several islands, meaning that Chinese officials became more likely to inspect personal imports from Japan.

    FORBES: Chinese Mothers Risk Arrest For Buying Safe Baby Formula

  • So personalization, to me, has taken on a whole new meaning, and I will never underestimate the power of being personal.

    FORBES: Personalization Goes Beyond the Name Game

  • He also suggested retroactive tax changes to the individual alternative minimum tax (AMT) that could put cash in the hands of folks who operate their businesses as "pass-throughs, " meaning that they report all business income and credits on their personal tax returns.

    FORBES: Obama's Tax Choices

  • An LLC's profits can be taxed as a corporate entity (a C corporation) or as a "pass-through" entity (an S corporation), meaning that the company avoids paying taxes on both corporate profits and the owners' personal income.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • An LLC's profits can be taxed as a corporate entity (a C corporation) or as a "pass through" entity (an S corporation), meaning that the company avoids paying tax on both corporate profits and the owners' personal income.

    FORBES: Set Up A Clothing Retailer: Legal Structure

  • The bland proclamations made in reports and e-mails are given clearer meaning through the way they're communicated in the "high fidelity" that only personal interaction will allow.

    CNN: CEO right: Yahoo workers must show up

  • That's because an LLC's profits can be taxed as a corporate entity (a C corporation) or as a "pass-through" entity (an S corporation), meaning that the company avoids paying taxes on both corporate profits and the owner's personal income.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The personal questionnaires ask simple questions like what are you doing right now, who are you with, what is the meaning of this experience to you, and does it make you happy.

    FORBES: New Project Wants to Know What Gets You Happy and Make it Happen

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