• Mr. DOV ZAKHEIM (Former Pentagon Comptroller): Fundamentally changed the way the Pentagon operates.

    NPR: Iraq War Seen as Rumsfeld's Pentagon Legacy

  • Well, we're told by Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon spokesman, that Pentagon officials will be asking the GAO to upgrade some of their negative assessments.

    NPR: GAO Sees Lagging Progress in Iraq

  • Mr. LAMBERTH: But I remember it very vividly because I was in the carpool lanes there by the Pentagon when the plane hit the Pentagon.

    NPR: Judge Remembers Time on Top Secret Bench

  • The walk started at the Pentagon City shopping mall and went past a make-shift memorial, full of flowers and U.S. flags, near the Pentagon crash site.

    CNN: Thousands show support at Pentagon Unity Walk

  • When I got back to the Pentagon, I was working for the Pentagon at the time, the response was, oh, we didn't know they were there.

    NPR: After Turkish Airstrikes, Rice Visits Kirkuk

  • "It is going into the facade of the Pentagon and we don't intend on taking it out in hopes that it will be sealed forever, " a Pentagon spokesman said.

    CNN: Pentagon capsule sealed with final stone

  • But the Pentagon certification would allow more security-sensitive government agencies at the Pentagon to start using them, and would allow more widespread use of the devices across government agencies.

    WSJ: Pentagon Expects to Enlist Apple, Samsung Devices

  • John White, a Pentagon appointee in the Clinton and Carter administrations, said the e-mail suggests an "unprecedented" level of involvement by senior Pentagon officials in the awarding of contracts.

    CNN: Democrats want Cheney-Halliburton probe

  • Most of the Pentagon's 800, 000 civilian employees would be placed on unpaid leave for a total of 22 days, and training programmes would be dropped, the Pentagon has also said.

    BBC: Sequester: White House budget cuts talks planned

  • And CNN learned that the Pentagon has called a Tuesday meeting of all of its "TV generals, " retired generals who serve as analysts for television and newspapers and get regular Pentagon briefings.

    CNN: Battle of the generals continues with article defending Rumsfeld

  • Mr. Hagel did not say when the Pentagon believes North Korea will have an ICBM that can carry a nuclear warhead, but said the Pentagon would stay ahead of Pyongyang's military developments.

    WSJ: U.S. to Boost Missile Defenses in Response to North Korea

  • It is true that the Pentagon can cancel a contract, but as Defence Department officials admit, problems exist with the Pentagon's own oversight: they have little experience in supervising their new subcontractors.

    ECONOMIST: Private security firms in Iraq: Dangerous work | The

  • Mr Gates is particularly well positioned when it comes to rebuilding the bridges that Mr Rumsfeld so happily dynamited between the Pentagon's civilian and military staffs and between the Pentagon and other power centres.

    ECONOMIST: Defence

  • The Pentagon's response: "I have no comment on any alleged cross-border operation into Syria, " Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said at his morning "gaggle, " the daily gathering of defense reporters in this office.

    CNN: Behind the Scenes: Trying to get 'the building that speaks' off mute

  • Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said later Friday that the Pentagon did not explicitly say Obama should not visit the base but was concerned with whether his capacity there would be one of a presidential candidate, not a senator.

    CNN: McCain camp pounces on Obama troop visit cancellation

  • Obviously the President is deeply grateful for the continued service that Secretary Gates provides the Pentagon, our men and women in uniform, and the entire country, and was glad that he is staying on the helm at the Pentagon.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Maybe instead of holding political Potemkin town halls in swing states about the dangers that sequestration poses for the Pentagon, we should ask congressional leaders to take lessons from the Pentagon on how to work together to prevent it from happening.

    CNN: Who's to blame for defense spending cut threat?

  • But administration officials insist they are philosophically opposed to the idea of routine supplemental appropriations beyond the Pentagon's regular budget, and that, in the future, the Pentagon should be adequately funded so it does not have to rely on emergency appropriations.

    CNN: Sources says Pentagon to get $6.5 billion more for this year

  • According to the Pentagon, the rating did not reflect the combat-readiness of the divisions, but the fact that they were already deployed and therefore could not be counted in the "first-to-deploy" units the Pentagon might send to fight two major wars simultaneously.

    CNN: Bush refuses to back down on military readiness assertion

  • The Justice Department usually defers to the Pentagon on whether mergers of big military contractors raise competitive concerns, and the current position of Pentagon policymakers as expressed in a February 9 speech by acquisition chief Ashton Carter is that mergers of the biggest military suppliers are not welcome.

    FORBES: Wave Of Consolidation May Be Coming In Military Electronics

  • Air strikes this week on alleged Al Qaeda figures in Somalia may prove to be one of the last counterterrorism operations associated with a controversial Pentagon general who has overseen the deployment of secret U.S. Special Ops teams against suspected terror plotters, defense experts close to the Pentagon and intelligence community tell NEWSWEEK.Lt.


  • While U.S. officials at the State Department and the Pentagon said the attack was a violation of the armistice that ended the fighting between the North and South in a stalemate in 1953, Crowley and the Pentagon's spokesman said it did not appear that North Korea intends a renewal of war.

    CNN: China key to restraining North Korea, U.S. officials say

  • The Defense Information Systems Agency, or DISA, the agency that sanctions commercial technology for Pentagon use, is set to rule in the next two weeks that Samsung's Galaxy line of smartphones, preloaded with Samsung's Knox security software, conforms with the Pentagon's so-called Security Technology Implementation Guide, according to a Defense Department spokesman.

    WSJ: Pentagon Expects to Enlist Apple, Samsung Devices

  • Pentagon statistics indicate that there was a slight increase in the release of detainees from Guantanamo at the end of 2008, and the number of released detainees turning to or suspected of turning to the insurgency is almost double, from 7 percent a few years ago, Pentagon officials familiar with the information told CNN.


  • And as I mentioned earlier, the President is enormously -- has spent an enormous amount of time, as Secretary Gates has, on the tasks at hand in reshaping the way the Pentagon spends money, contracting a whole host of issues that go directly to the resources that come from our government and go through and to the Pentagon.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • In 1987, Gangel covered the Iran-Iraq war as part of the Pentagon pool in the Persian Gulf.

    CNN: About

  • He is more in the mold of the Pentagon's pragmatists: Gates and Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.

    NPR: Joint Chiefs Nominee Expects More Results in Iraq

  • The Pentagon compiles an annual report on China's military modernization because Congress requires it to do so.

    NPR: U.S. Notes Growing Chinese Military Strength

  • ' Dan Blumenthal, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, worked on last year's Pentagon report.

    NPR: U.S. Notes Growing Chinese Military Strength

  • But at the Pentagon, officials quietly worry about a bigger problem with North Korea.

    CNN: Analysis: Amid pending launch, N. Korea only shows half its hand

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