• The list includes Bob Ryan, a past-president of the 14, 000-strong American Meteorological Society, who works for the local ABC outlet.

    FORBES: The Anatomy Of D.C.'s Snowstorm Forecast Bust: When Good Science And Good People Go Wrong

  • He is Past-President of MaleSurvivor.org, the National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization and has been quoted widely in print, broadcast, and online media.

    FORBES: Caring For Survivors of Boyhood Sexual Abuse Is The Next Step In The Penn State Case

  • Indeed, South Korea is already susceptible to destabilizing tactics as it copes with a fractured national assembly that assures President Roh only a plurality of support, a series of corruption charges against past leaders including former-President Chun, a small group of increasingly radicalized students, and an unrelenting North Korean threat.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Must History Repeat Itself? Congress Should Not Invite North Korean Aggression

  • Candidly, Ed, watching the Vice President this weekend, I felt as if -- and I've said this before, but I think it was more -- even more apparent this past weekend -- the Vice President seems to have been engaged in a number of policy battles in the previous administration.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And now, according to Robinson - a past vice president at Chase Manhattan Bank who currently chairs the Center for Security Policy's William J.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Republican lawmakers used the pro-forma sessions - as Democrats have done in the past - to prevent the president from using his recess appointments power.

    BBC: Obama recess appointments found unconstitutional

  • Now, you said the President has talked about basic human rights and non-violence in past conversations with President Mubarak.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The process by which this has been funded over the past -- the course of the past many years the President has discussed and will change, and this will be the last time.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • But with a long string of crises and scandals on Wall Street over the past year, the president-elect said he wanted to waste no time filling the job.

    NPR: Obama Names SEC Pick

  • Alexander Rutskoi, a former vice-president, and Aman Tuleyev, a past candidate for president, have become provincial governors who now lobby Mr Yeltsin for favours.

    ECONOMIST: Boris Yeltsin��s unruly brood

  • Under the auspices of Mila Tours, Scott Schwar of Oak Park, Illinois--Mila's vice president of marketing and past chairman of the Ernest Hemingway Foundation--has taken Hemingway fans to Cuba, China, Africa, Spain and France.

    FORBES: Scriveners' Holiday

  • She won her past bids for senator and vice-president (elected separately from the president) by record margins.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines' election

  • The academic was also a Founding President of The Scottish Society for Psychical Research and a member and past president of the London-based Society for Psychical Research.

    BBC: Academic and writer Archie E Roy dies aged 88

  • Mr. Grandy, a former Member of Congress from Iowa and past president of the billion-dollar charity Goodwill Industries, was the host of the top-rated morning drive talk show in Washington, D.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Diplomacy of September

  • In the past the president's hands-off approach to health-care reform has raised pertinent questions about his leadership style, but, despite the narrow margin of victory, passing the bill marks solid progress and at last gives the Democrats something to cheer.

    ECONOMIST: Health-care reform in America

  • Blame for political meddling can hardly be placed at the ECB's door: but the unseemly bickering over the appointment of a new vice-president in the past few weeks shows that European politicians attach great importance to the presence of their nationals on the bank's governing council.

    ECONOMIST: Should the Fed move to Frankfurt? | The

  • "What I do see is the opponents of immigration reform who have no arguments about the morality and politics of (this immigration package) very cynically jumping on this horrible tragedy to derail this bill, " said David Leopold, an immigration attorney and past president of the Washington-based American Immigration Lawyers Association.


  • In the past 12 months Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf became president of Liberia, Michelle Bachelet president of Chile and Han Myung-sook South Korea's first female prime minister.


  • As I said in the past, the President is committed to -- as you saw this summer during our trials and tribulations with the debt ceiling negotiations -- the President is absolutely committed to significant deficit and debt reduction.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Understanding, too, that the President has also taken some extraordinary steps, Mark, in terms of pay as you go, the -- we spent a lot of time in the past year talking about health care -- a proposal that the President laid out a specific path for paying for.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Accordingly, the Center calls on the Bush Administration to issue a proclamation -- as President Bush and his predecessors have done for each of the past fifty years -- reflecting the American people's solidarity with those of the Captive Nations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will Bush 'Take A Dive' On Captive Nations Week?

  • South Korea uses a first-past-the-post system, and so the candidate with the most votes will become president.

    BBC: South Koreans vote in tightly-fought presidential poll

  • But it is also because for the past three years the president's re-election drive has led him to put off planned privatisations and other structural reforms, while removing any subordinates whose talent or achievement threatened him.

    ECONOMIST: The Andean autocrats dig in for the long haul | The

  • But Remnick, who has approved several provocative covers in the past -- including a recent illustration of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appearing to solicit gay sex in a bathroom -- says he isn't concerned Americans will misunderstand the illustration.

    CNN: New Yorker editor defends controversial Obama cover

  • Supporters note that he is Western-educated, has lived abroad (his mother is half-Welsh) and, unlike every past president, is a civilian.

    ECONOMIST: Change is bound to come, but when?

  • They argued on Meet the Press this past Sunday that the President must adopt a pro-growth plan based on raising taxes, cutting spending, reducing military spending and reigning in entitlements.

    FORBES: Can Jack Lew Save Obama's Legacy?

  • And I think the actions and the steps that this administration has taken over the course of the past two years -- first and foremost, the President is -- and the team are looking at ideas.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Like many vice presidential candidates in the past -- such as Republican Dan Quayle, under President Bush's father in 1988 and 1992, and Al Gore, President Clinton's running mate in 1992 and 1996 -- Cheney will be charged with drawing important distinctions with the opposition.

    CNN: Playing to the base

  • And I would note that enthusiasm among Latino voters has increased over the past several weeks, and I think that the President -- the President is serious about doing something about immigration reform.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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