• But as party membership fell (in part because of Iraq), the reliance on rich individuals increased.

    ECONOMIST: The strange end of Tony Blair

  • The PRD party membership makes up almost exactly 20% of the 3.3 million population.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Victory for Chavez in Panama?

  • Sure enough, party membership increases when people feel there is a big choice to be made.

    ECONOMIST: Political activism

  • These include private entrepreneurs, a class once regarded as exploitative and banned from party membership.

    ECONOMIST: China's leadership struggle | The

  • Labour party membership has fallen from 405, 000 in 1997 to 361, 000, according to the most recent figures.

    BBC: Hague membership drive falters

  • They were told their care was exemplary, but their party membership presented a "safeguarding issue for the children".

    BBC: Rotherham foster couple want council apology

  • And I think with an enthusiastic, inspired Labour Party membership, which I believe I can do, we can achieve that.


  • Slumping party membership in the decades since is yoked to a decline in voting along class lines an unambiguously good thing.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Mr Feng's father got his party membership back, Mr Feng's sentence was reduced to three years and his brother was released.

    ECONOMIST: And it turned sour

  • Spokesman Stuart Gulleford said Mr Ryall's party membership had been "terminated" because "we do not allow BNP members to be in UKIP".

    BBC: Wickham candidate's BNP link leads to UKIP expulsion

  • "About 23, 000 people have been dropped from party membership, " says Gautam Deb.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Some suggest that spiralling campaign costs and the decline of party membership have forced fundraisers to take money from whatever source they can.

    ECONOMIST: How corrupt are Britain's politicians?

  • And she asked Mr Thomson to suspend his Labor Party membership.

    ECONOMIST: Australian politics

  • There is thus a greater potential for German far-right parties to succeed at the ballot box than recent election results and party membership figures might suggest.

    BBC: Q&A: German far right bucks European trend

  • They recognized that the party is the only game in town and that party membership has significant advantages, such as career advancement, social status, or personal connections.

    FORBES: Viable Oppositions for Democracy in China?

  • Since party membership still is linked to the availability of economic opportunities, a sizable proportion of this excluded group is bound to feel that the system has cheated them.

    WSJ: Minxin Pei: Communist China's Perilous Phase

  • Officials have ignored his application to regain his Communist Party membership, which was taken from him in 1998 for allegedly organising thousands of people to submit petitions to the government.

    ECONOMIST: Reformers struggle against the odds

  • Ozawa still controls the largest block of DPJ votes and continues to act as pre-eminent power broker, despite having had his party membership suspended as punishment for campaign finance law violations.

    FORBES: If It's Tuesday, It Must Be A New Japanese Prime

  • As well as making government more accountable, he wants to revive public trust and interest in politics, which as falling election turnouts and party membership arguably attest have waned in Britain and elsewhere.

    ECONOMIST: Constitutional reform

  • Reports in Japan say Ichiro Ozawa, who leads the biggest faction despite the suspension of his party membership over a political funding scandal, is unlikely to support the former foreign minister.

    BBC: Japan PM Naoto Kan announces resignation amid criticism

  • Zhukov's tale is, in many ways, typical of his times from the relative rags of the educated pre-revolutionary Russian peasantry to the riches of state service, party membership and an illustrious military career.

    WSJ: Book Review: Stalin's General

  • He proposes to unite the various parts of the Tory party under a single board, allow members to vote directly for the leader and candidates, and to build a mass party membership.

    ECONOMIST: The Tories

  • But John Strafford, who chairs the Campaign for Conservative Democracy group, said it was another "nail in the coffin for party membership and party democracy" and was "more interference from Conservative central office".

    BBC: GP wins Tory 'open primary' race

  • The danger for Republicans is that by embracing the hard right Tea Party membership, they might lose a more moderate, but still Republican-leaning demographic, those middle Americans who drink their coffee from Dunkin' Donuts.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The committee's review - which is looking at several aspects of presiding officer elections - is considering whether they would be formally required to suspend political party membership while they are in the job.

    BBC: Review of Holyrood presiding officer election rules

  • In a few years' time, this could mean that in urban China at least, the party's grassroots activities will be confined mainly to government departments and institutions, in which party membership remains a prerequisite for advancement.

    ECONOMIST: Economically, but not politically

  • We are going and taking the fight to our opponent in this contest, David Davis - we are showing that we're energetic, full of new ideas and we're out there to win as many votes for the Conservatives Party membership as possible.

    BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Politics Show | Jon Sopel interview

  • When I became party leader we decided to change that, we expanded the party membership and we went out and sought donations from business and individual entrepreneurs as well because we said let's, you know, balance where the Labour Party gets its funding from.

    BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Economy is key battleground

  • Back in the late 1950s, when Saddam consecrated his party membership by wielding a pistol in a botched assassination attempt against Iraq's then president, Abdul Karim Qasim, the Baath was favoured by Western powers as a foil to both the powerful Iraqi Communist Party and to the pro-Russian Nasserists.

    ECONOMIST: Saddam Hussein

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